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Tijd: 18.00-20.00 uurUtopieën – blauwdrukken voor ideale samenlevingen – kennen veel verschijningsvormen. Van Plato’s Politeia tot en met communistische regimes en de Islamitische Staat. Steeds leidt... [Event]
De ‘sharing economy’ is booming. Online platformen voor het delen van goederen en diensten schieten als paddenstoelen uit de grond en het lijkt erop dat ‘eigen bezit’ aan status verliest.Al eeuwen... [Event]
Vanwege de grote belangstelling voor de wandelingen op 4 en 11 oktober, organiseert het IISG op 25 oktober een extra rondwandeling 'Utopisch Amsterdam in de Gouden Eeuw'.Vrijburg, Mokum,‘Dè Plaats'.... [Event]
‘In-between Dream & Deed’ is the theme for the annual Dutch Month of History, October 2015. The Month of History’s website explains the theme further: ‘In-between Dream & Deed is  about... [News]
William Morris' utopian novel News from Nowhere or An Epoch of Rest starts with six friends at the Socialist League having a 'brisk discussion about what would happen on the day of the Revolution'.... [Item of the Day]
The French Utopian thinker Etienne Cabet (1788-1856) wrote his Credo Communiste in 1841. On June 20, 1851, the artist Glatigny dedicated a copy of the Credo, beautifully illuminated and set by hand... [Item of the Day]
A letter by the French Utopian thinker Etienne Cabet (1788-1856) of 7 April 1846 reveals that Cabet was a man of action as well as words. He writes to the physician Rostant: "Le porteur de ce billet... [Item of the Day]
On July 6, 1535 the head of Thomas More fell, who, as the author of Utopia, would acquire eternal praise. More composed Utopia in Latin in 1515, the first edition appeared in Louvain in 1516. No... [Item of the Day]