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Both Clinton and Sanders Are Qualified—but Only Sanders Calls for Political Revolution

That's why The Nation still thinks primary voters should turn out for Sanders.

the Editors

Election 2016

Memo to Bernie and Hillary: It’s Time for a Time Out

If the Democratic Party had an adult in the room, they would be telling both candidates they need to take a step back.

D.D. Guttenplan

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

The law doesn’t protect religious belief. It protects bigots who discriminate against LGBT people—and zealots who place their religion above the law.

Katherine Stewart
Environmental Issues

Good News on Climate Change… and Bad News

Global emissions may have peaked—but temperatures are rising at record speed, threatening a massive sea-level rise that could destroy major cities by 2100.

Mark Hertsgaard
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From the Magazine

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The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Her Corporate Cash. It’s Her Corporate Worldview.

Clinton is uniquely unsuited to the epic task of confronting the fossil-fuel companies that profit from climate change.
Naomi Klein

There aren’t a lot of certainties left in the US presidential race, but here’s one thing about which we can be absolutely sure: The Clinton camp really doesn’t like talking about fossil-fuel money. Last week, when a young Greenpeace campaigner challenged Hillary Clinton about taking money from fossil-fuel companies, the… Continue Reading >

Election 2016

Seeking an Upset, Sanders Campaign Searches for Votes in Pennsylvania’s Lost Communities

Much of the state has been battered by the trade deals Sanders vigorously opposes.

D.D. Guttenplan

Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

Students waited hours to vote and longtime voters were turned away by the state’s new photo ID law.

Ari Berman

Bernie Sanders Adds to His Momentum With a Big Wisconsin Win

The Vermont senator wins a battleground state by a 57-43 margin.

John Nichols
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Books & the Arts

Hopes of Coexistence in Syria

Does Samar Yazbek’s diary of the Syrian civil war merely represent the dreams of an exile?

Frederick Deknatel

The Cathedral at Ground Zero

Understanding the prosody of the World Trade Center Transportation Hub’s construction also requires an accounting of its extravagance.

Michael Sorkin

‘Everybody Wants Some!!’ Has Just Enough Gravity

If you’re determined to do it, you can wring a story, some themes, and even a moral out of Richard Linklater’s new movie.

Stuart Klawans

The Panama Papers

The Panama Papers—and People Power—Force Iceland’s Prime Minister to Resign

Citizens are enraged that his government enforced strict capital controls while he stashed his own money in the Caribbean.

James North

The Panama Papers Are Only the Beginning

Financial crimes and political conspiracies aren’t discrete events but the essence of neoliberalism.

Greg Grandin

The Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich

This massive leak will boost the global movement to recapture trillions of the hidden wealth of nations.

Chuck Collins
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Watch and Listen

Listen: Start Making Sense: What Kind of President Would Donald Trump Be?

Sasha Abramsky on Trump, Andrew Cockburn on the Election-Industrial Complex, Erin Aubrey Kaplan on Obama, and Noam Chomsky on baseball.

March 31, 2016

Listen: There Goes the Neighborhood: How the Gentrification Machine Really Works

Mayor de Blasio’s plan to rezone East New York is his way of controlling the gentrification machine—so what does the zoning plan actually look like?

March 30, 2016
March 18, 2016


Take Action

Demand That President Obama End Fracking on Public Lands

A continuation of the practice could have a disastrous effect on our climate.

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