www.robertbauval.co.uk is the official website of author Robert Bauval

Please pause for a moment to consider an appeal:

The author beside the Sphinx on tour March 2010.   Photo © Richard Fusniak

Join with me for an unforgetable journey in Egypt in March 2014. Click on the Tours tab at the top of the page and check out the details.

My Website has been specially constructed to cater for the growing debates and discussions that are now part of the 'Alternative History' scene. I also want my Website to be a high quality product that will keep the debates and discussions involving my work and findings

Since the publication of THE ORION MYSTERY in February 1994 (see books page) much water has flowed under the bridge. In 1996 Graham Hancock and I then pursued the quest together with the publication of KEEPER OF GENESIS which took us deep into the haunting metaphysical questions of the origins of human intellect and in hot pursuit of what we have come to term 'the quest for the science of immortality'. In 1999 I wrote SECRET CHAMBER which explored the deeper layers of the Giza quest and made the linkage between the ancient 'magical knowledge' and the Hermetic Tradition that carried it across the ages and into the mainstream of our modern western intellectual and esoteric tradition. Several books have been, or are to be published:

  • 2004: TALISMAN: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith (with Graham Hancock).
  • 2006: THE EGYPT CODE
  • 2010: THE MASTER GAME (with Graham Hancock)
  • 2011: BLACK GENESIS: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt (with Thomas Brophy)
  • 2012: BREAKING THE MIRROR OF HEAVEN (with Ahmed Osman)
  • 2013: IMHOTEP THE AFRICAN: Architect of the Cosmos (with Thomas Brophy)
  • 2014: THE VATICAN HERESY: Bernini and the building of the Hermetic Temple of the Sun (with Chiara Hohenzollern)
  • 2014: EGYPT UNVEILED: The Quest for Maat (with Ahmed Osman)

These books have been the subject of much press reviews and articles, and prompted major television documentaries which have generated heated debates at the highest of levels. They have flushed out academics from their ivory towers to confront the challenges that were put before them. At long last the debate was pulled upwards to warrant the attention of the international media and, more importantly, forced into the public arena, and the global scientific and academic network of the 'establishment'.

Please feel free to take a 'romp' around my Website, and I hope you find many things of interest.

On with the quest...

Robert Bauval