Monday, August 22, 2005

On the Job, on the Square

In the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his gavel
To show that all's equal and that the courts are on the level - Bob Dylan

It seems to me much of the speculation concerning the Stockwell atrocity still plays a version of Blame the Victim: What did Jean Charles de Menezes know that made him a target? Who did he know? If he wasn't a terrorist, what else was he that would provoke plainclothed Special Forces to restrain him and pump seven bullets in the back of his head?

Sometimes - often - it's in that direction the truth lies. (Poor Nick Berg, for instance, didn't simply get unlucky.) But I don't think so this time. This wasn't a hit to take out a Brazilian contract engineer. If it were, I imagine it would have been done either much more quietly, or with the foresight to plant damning evidence in his flat.

The very bloody and public murder seems a demonstration, but of what, and to whom? If there were a motive - if it wasn't just a bizarre sequence of tragic events (and anyone who's lived long enough should concede that such things happen, too) - then it has nothing to do with the unfortunate de Menezes. It must reside elsewhere, in a place that may seem to us like madness.

This is a British story, and Britain is a land that hasn't forgotten how weird it is. Drive a modern highway in southern England for any distance and you'll pass standing stones, ancient mounds, chalk figures and crop circles. More so than in the so-called "New World," secularism seems like a thin and flaking coat of paint slopped on some very old and strange things. This extends to crime stories, as elements of the occult often arise on British police blotters, but they just as often fade away, without resolution.

I think of The Guardian headline from last June, Children trafficked into Britain for sacrifice rituals; a BBC story from January, 2005: Dead sheep found in "occult star" ("the sheep were found on Sampford Spiney on Dartmoor with their necks broken and their bodies in a pattern sometimes associated with the occult"); and from last July: Occult link to drowned councillor. ("Detectives investigating the death of a Cornish parish councillor have confirmed they are looking at possible links with the occult. They believe 56-year-old Peter Solheim, from Carnkie, was interested in black magic.")

In 1996, a young environmentalist named Nicholas Gargari plunged screaming to his death from a cliff in the East Sussex town of Lewes. The walls of his home were found papered with torn Bible pages, and scrawled upon them was the message "God help me I have been cursed." (Though reputedly not in Gargari's hand.) Detectives learned from his friends that, shortly before his death, he had received a "cow's heart pierced with nails and a fetish entwined with a lock of human hair." Suspicion fell upon Gargari's unlikely friendship with a Satanic fascist named Alex Smith, who "attended the inquest and sat grinning at the bereaved sister and mother, displaying his inverted cross tattoos,and protected by a burly looking body guard." Under cross examination regarding his Far Right ties, Smith became verbally abusive, and needed to be physically ejected from the courtroom. Gargari's death could not be ruled either a murder or a suicide, and the Coroner recorded an open verdict.

In the same town of Lewes, six years earlier, a local scandal of sorts broke when it was revealed that a Satanist named Rosemary Barratt worked as a secretary inside Lewes Police Intelligence Unit. Barratt "had long fostered a deep interest in severe sado-masochistic sex, having relations with literally dozens of magical masters," seeking painful degradation while possessed by a spirit named "Absolon." Local Wiccan sources alleged that two police officers were members of a dangerous Satanic group conducting rituals atop limestone cliffs. The Chief Constable for Sussex, Paul Whitehouse, "refused to state whether he personally knew of Satanists inside his force, though he "did point out that it was not an offence to be a member of this type of organisation."

But before we go too far down that road, we should take a step back and examine another legal occult organization, because it's hard to talk seriously about the British police force without talking about Freemasonry. Unfortunately, for many people, it's hard to talk seriously about Freemasonry at all.

In his Inside the Brotherhood, Martin Short details the story of Chief Inspector Brian Woollard, whose distinguished career included 14-years with Special Branch attached to the Bomb Squad, royal protection, and armed personal detective to Home Secretary Roy Jenkins. Woollard's career effectively ended when he was posted to London's Fraud Squad. As Short writes, "it was there that he first sensed the power which Freemasonry seems to have over law enforcement in London."

Assigned to commercial fraud, Woollard was assigned a sensitive inquiry which involved tape recorded conversations describing police officers do favours for fellow Freemasons. Handing Woollard the case, his supervisor, whom Short calls "Grimm," said "I don't know which lodge you're in." When Woollard replied he belonged to no lodge, Grimm appeared surprised, and told him to complete the task in a week.

The recordings showed evidence of blackmail, and Woollard sent the tapes off for forensic testing. Grimm was apoplectic that the names of "innocent policeman" might be produced in court, and subjected Woollard to the tightest scrutiny of his career. Soon there was so much distrust the two officers could no longer work together, and Woollard moved to another section of the Fraud Branch. (Months later, he heard the case he left in Grimm's hands was closed with a decision of "no further action.") He was handed a case of public sector corruption involving inflated payments to building contractors, and soon found his work obstructed by police officers in his own department who belonged to the same lodge as subjects of his investigation in the building works department.

Woollard persisted until he was moved right out of the Fraud Branch, and was replaced on the corruption case by a Freemason. He was ordered by a Masonic supervisor to have a psychiatric evaluation regarding his delusion at seeing Masons everywhere. He was demoted to uniform, even though he hadn't had one for 20 years, and assigned to a station where all five officers above him in the chain of command were Freemasons. When some newspapers picked up the story of his humiliation by the Masonic fraternity, Woollard found his case files disappearing from a locked administrative room overnight. One long-serving, sympathetic constable reported that "everyone knew the theft was part of a Masonic plot to discredit Woollard."

Masonic plot. There are two words to get you laughed right out of the respectable Left, Right or Middle. But as it often goes with things many people find hilarious, when you peel away the ridiculous crust, there's not a great deal to laugh about.

In The Arcana of Freemasonry, Albert Churchward writes that "Freemasonry in all its degrees, from the first to the thirty-third, is the old Eschatology of the Egyptians - or the doctrine of final things":

The casual brother does not trouble his head about these things; the majority look upon Freemasonry merely as a sort of Brotherhood for social intercourse and charity. Up to a certain point these views are correct.... But there is a higher view. Freemasonry means much more than this. In Freemasonry we have many mysteries, handed down to us from remote ages.... This knowledge can be obtained only in one way, and that is by mastering the old writings of the Egyptians and the glyphs of the Stellar Mythos people...because by that, and that alone, can the origin and meaning of all that is attached to the term "Brotherhood of Freemasonry" be found.

The corruption and compromises Brian Woollard discovered could be said to be those of the "casual brothers." Petty crimes, unconcerned with Set and Horus and the doctrine of final things. But speculative Freemasonry is the core of the Craft, and its infusion of all layers of British authority presents opportunities for a different order of criminal behaviour.

In its investigation of David Myatt and the occult-fascist axis, the magazine Searchlight quotes a bulletin from Combat 18 which attempts to disavoy the encroachment of Satanists upon British neo-Nazism. "The Fuhrer would turn over in his grave," it reads. "Satanists are dirty scum who use this bullshit as a front for child molestation." The bulletin also called for the boycott of another Satanic fascist and Myatt associate, Stephen Cox, "alleging that he peddles illegal child porn movies."

Searchlight continues:

Cox, a close political ally of Myatt, runs the fraternity of Balder, another Satanist group, formed in 1990. Like the Order of Nine Angles, the Fraternity of Balder is dedicated to Aryan living and offers physical and mental training alongside an extensive political and Satanist library. During the 1980s Myatt lived alongside Myatt in Church Sutton and worked as a teacher.

Balder, which emphasizes male-bonding rituals, is the public face of Cox's Satanism. A more secret and sinister organisation is the Fraternitas Loki.... According to its own propaganda: the new order succeeding Ragnarok will not arrive without intervention of the Dark Twin: the ambivalent, bisexual, resourceful, daring and handsome Loki."

Its literature reveals the underground nature of its activities. "Unlike other matters in Balder the Fraternitas Loki is quite covert as was the case with the original Black Order of the closing years of WW2 and the esoteric war of post 1945 - a subterranean reality and unknown to all but a few.

Cox's portal to his more respectable front, the Arktion Federation, can be found here. The home page contains the "Important Notice" that, "although our work is concerned solely with European spirituality and heritage," Arktion is neither political nor racist. "If you read or hear of anything by an individual or group contradicting these facts please do not worry: it is merely an infantile and malicious lie by sad and sick minds. We pray they may recover from their illness and see the light of truth and human fellowship."

A link to the Fraternity of Balder - called the "Jarls of Baelder" - and information pertainting to the Fraternitas Loki is on the top menu.

Most interesting is Cox's lengthy biography. Along with "teacher," "author" and "philosopher," is listed "Freemason." And quite an accomplished Freemason he is:

[O]n the Summer Solstice of 1991 he was initiated into British Freemasonry in his Mother Lodge within the Masonic Province of Berkshire in the United Grand Lodge of England. Since then he has worked his way through the various officerships of the lodge to rise to have the honour to become the Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1999-2000 (which is always a one year appointment in any lodge). In year 2000-2001 he served his Lodge as the Immediate Past Master. And then in 2001-2002, and again in 2002-2003 and for the 3rd., year 2003-2004 was appointed its Assistant Director of Ceremomies (a monthly duty), and its Preceptor of the Class of Instruction (a twice monthly duty).

He has written and delivered to the Class a number of unique lecture papers on the symbolism, mysteries, history and spiritual philosophy of different aspects of the three degrees of Craft Masonry with regards to the Emulation Ritual. He has also written a book of guidance for Stewards and newly raised Master Masons. He offers private tuition and meetings for officers of the Lodge to assist them in their progress and for newly made Masons and Stewards. Free tours of the Berskhire Masonic Centre and its lodge rooms and temple, with an introduction to Freemasonry, its history and symbolism are given by him to his students and friends from around Europe.

In October 2003 he was elected by the Lodge members to be Master Elect to serve as Worshipful Master of his lodge for a 2nd. time (for the year 2004-2005).

This suggests the hypothetical situation of a Masonic policeman being asked to investigate his own lodge's Satanic "Worshipful Master."

The Order of Nine Angles' A Gift for the Prince states that "human sacrifice is powerful magick":

The ritual death of an individual does two things: it releases energy (which can be directed, or stored - for example in a crystal) and it draws down dark forces or "entities." Such forces may then be used, by directing them toward a specific goal, or they may be allowed to disperse over the Earth in a natural way, such dispersal altering what is sometimes known as the "astral shell" around the Earth. This alteration, by the nature of sacrifice, is disruptive - that it, it tends toward Chaos. This is simply another way of saying that human sacrifice furthers the work of Satan.


There are three methods of conducting an involuntary sacrifice: 1. by magickal means (e.g. the Death Ritual); 2. by some person or persons directly killing the sacrifice(s); 3. by assassination.

I haven't forgotten Jean Charles de Menezes. Nor that a motive to his killing, if there is one, most probably resides in a place that would seem to us like madness.

What we see in British Freemasonry is an occult organization with a political inclination towards the Right and even Far Right, with deep roots in both the Satanic and the law and order fraternities. One has the motive, the other has the means.

Perhaps sometimes, the occult elite's horrification of their dumb, useless eaters doesn't require the elegance of programmed assassins and useful idiots. Perhaps sometimes, it's as simple as walking up to a man and shooting him seven times in the head. Because random acts of violence are now public policy. And what energies are released by that? Which dark entities are drawn down?

Sometimes, all it takes is a handshake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stockwell - not Stockton

12:30 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Ouch. Thanks, I'll correct that.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No commentary about the satanic roots of freemasonry can be quite complete without including Albert Pike's 'Morals and Dogma,' which attributes masonry to the worship of 'Lucifer, the light giver.'

It sould also be noted that Pike's rank in Freemasonry was higher than that of the President, and President Andrew Johnson's deference to Pike and his role in preventing his prosecution as a war criminal after the Civil War may have contributed towards the sentiment that got him impeached.

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mentioned Balder, Loki and Ragnarok in this post. I recognize the Viking origin of these names, and as a Scandinavian-American it chills me that this group in England have appropriated Scandinavian entities/nomenclature to further their satanic influence. The Viking people moved on to embrace Christianity and secularism and evolved into one of the most peaceful and rational of cultures. Yes, they are proud of their Viking past for its dynamism, fearlessness, and emphasis on the individual (rather than the hierarchy of society expressed elsewhere in Europe). It is Viking law that produced such openness as the concept of juries of peers, the right to face your accuser in a trial, and the belief that no one is above the law. The oldest continuous democracy in the world, Iceland, is over a 1000 years old. My point is that these cultures are built on openness and on the individual, rather than secrecy and hierarchy. The misappropriation of their old gods and myths to serve a satanic purpose is offensive.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Today I listened to Fintan Dunne's take on the killing. He has an excellent analytical mind and does not care what others say. He maintains that the police were not surveilling the apt building of de Menezes, the papers recently "leaked" were leaked deliberately, to explain why there were no pictures of de Menezes leaving the building; Dunne thinks the address of the apt was obtained from de Menezes's id at the time of his execution and the police had to begin to work backward to construct a story.

Could the role of Whitby and "Anthony Larkin" (who works for the police?) to give them breathing space to concoct a story?

(The "official" story was that they had a obtained the address from a rucksack at the scene of the 21/7 "failed" bombings.) There was (according to what I understand from Dunne's analysis, although I could be wrong about this) NO team of three men on the bus. There WAS a man already stationed inside the train (plainclothes) who, after de Menezes entered the train and sat down, went to the door and shouted for a group across the platform to come...this group executed de Menezes.

HAD de Menezes been a Muslim, from anywhere, the police could have made up any story about him and none would be the wiser...

As it was, he was Brazilian, and the police were in deep trouble.

All of this supports your theory and of course the theory of others that this was a demonstation killing, or a killing for some occult purpose.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Dream's End said...

slighly more appropriate to the below article, but that article is like, so three days ago.

Anyway, I went to the temple of set site and found this that I thought I'd toss into the discussion:

"Our Bond between the Living and Dead (sometimes referred to esoterically as the Bond of the Nine Angles)...."

I don't think ToS make any claim to be part of that group, but it was interesting to run across it. Maybe it's just a well known term outside of Myatt's group and I just hadn't heard it before.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous James Redford said...

Jeff, you said in the above "What we see in British Freemasonry is an occult organization with a political inclination towards the Right and even Far Right, with deep roots in both the Satanic and the police fraternities."

In the original meaning of the political terms "left" and "right" the above statement would be true, but the meanings of "left," "right," "liberal," and "conservative" have changed from their original political meanings.

The modern meanings of the political terms "left," "right," "liberal," and "conservative" are all the same ideology: statism and collectivism. "Far left" and "far right" have the same meaning nowadays: totalitarianism; authoritarianism.

Really, there is only up or down: up to liberty or down to slavery. In the original sense of the political terms "left" and "right," left meant liberty and right meant government control.

The terms "left" and "right" in the political sense go back to 1789 France. When the French Estates-General met on May 6, 1789, the Third Estate commoners, who wanted less taxes and government control (i.e., "laissez-faire"), were seated on the left side of King Louis XVI, and the Second Estate nobles and First Estate clergy, who were the conservatives and wanted to maintain the government's power, sat on his right. (Prior to the May 1789 convention of the French Estates-General [the first meeting of which was on May 5, 1789], the last time the Estates-General had met was in 1614.)

Also, "liberal" originally meant what we would call today (at least in the U.S. and Canada) "libertarian," i.e., laissez-faire free market, less taxes, less regulation, and gun ownership by the common people. Thus, in the original sense of the words, someone who wanted no taxes, legalization of all drugs, a free market, and armament of the common people would be a left-wing liberal.

Of course, this bastardization of the original meanings of "liberal" and "leftist" to nowadays mean statism--same as the orignal meanings of "conservative" and "rightist"--was quite intentional on the part of the ruling elite. Present the public with two false "choices" which are really the same, i.e., more power to the government. So either ideology the public chooses, the ruling elite wins.

3:07 PM  
Blogger Maggie Picard said...

My brother, running for a minor office in a small Southern county, was immediately advised that he needed to join the Freemasons if he wanted a career in politics.

The following site explains the 911 bombings as a ritual human sacrifice, and details Freemasonic factors involved in the design and placement of Washington, D.C., though it totally ignores bin Laden's role as CIA asset:

Hoagland's comments on the latest space missions are now available on this host site as "Captain's Blog."

As for prescience, compare these pictures:

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have emailed Michael Rivero several times asking why he removed the Anthony Larkin link, which asked if the witness was the same Anthony Larkin as the chief forensics expert for London police. Rivero said that they were different ages, but has yet to respond to my repeated requests for a link to confirm that.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

FYI, here is another account of myserious animal deaths from Dartmoor, published July 15, 1977 in The Daily Mail under a "Flying Saucer" headline:

Men in face masks, using metal detectors and a geiger counter, yesterday scoured a remote Dartmoor valley in a bid to solve a macabre mystery. Their search centred on marshy grassland where 15 wild ponies were found dead, their bodies mangled and torn.

All appeared to have died at about the same time, and many of the bones have been inexplicably shattered. To add to the riddle, their bodies decomposed to virtual skeletons within only 48 hours.

Animal experts confess they are baffled by the deaths at Cherry Brook Valley near Postbridge.

Yesterday's search was carried out by members of the Devon Unidentified Flying Objects centre at Torquay who are trying to prove a link with outer space.

They believe that flying saucers may have flown low over the area and created a vortex which hurled the ponies to their death.Mr. John Wyse, head of the four man team, said:

"If a spacecraft has been in the vicinity, there may still be detectable evidence. We wanted to see if there was any sign that the ponies had been shot but we have found nothing. This incident bears an uncanny resemblance to similar events reported in America."

The Mail report concluded with a statement from an official representing The Dartmoor Livestock Protection Society and the Animal Defence Society:

"Whatever happened was violent. We are keeping an open mind. I am fascinated by the UFO theory. There is no reason to reject that possibility since there is no other rational explanation."

3:33 PM  
Blogger Maggie Picard said...

'ELoh again! Playing with language gave me some interesting insights. If Masonic secrets concern the builder's lore of curves and angles, and angELs are really angles, then naturally, for the simplest kind of construction you'd need four geometric deities (arch-angles) - one at each corner - to support the (arched) cathedral roof. Not surprisingly, these creatures holding up your creation would be called ELs - MichaEL, RaphaEL, GabriEL and... I forget... AriEL? (Let's not forget the ELohim.)

Masons who fail to design their buildings by correct mathematical principles may see the celestial figures held magically aloft on those domed cathedral ceilings all come crashing down to Earth - probably to exclamations of, "Oh, bloody 'ELL!"

Not much of this seems to be reflected in the official etymology, however, though ANGLO-Saxon Monosyllables are described as "blunt and TO THE POINT":

Angle - member of a Teutonic tribe, O.E., from L. Angli "the Angles," lit. "people of Angul" (O.N. Öngull), a region in what is now Holstein, said to be so-called for its hook-like shape.... Their name, rather than the Saxons or Jutes, may have become the common one for the whole group of Gmc. tribes because their dialect was the first committed to writing....

angle (n.) - "intersecting lines," c.1384, from L. angulum (nom. angulus) "corner," a dim. form from PIE base *ang-/*ank- "to bend" (cf. Gk. ankylos "bent, crooked," L. ang(u)ere "to compress in a bend, fold, strangle," O.C.S. aglu "corner," Lith. anka "loop," Skt. ankah "hook, bent," O.E. ancleo "ankle," O.H.G. ango "hook").

angel - 14c. fusion of O.E. engel (with hard -g-) and O.Fr. angele, both from L. angelus, from Gk. angelos "messenger," possibly related to angaros "mounted courier," both from an unknown Oriental source, perhaps related to Skt. ajira- "swift." Used in Scriptural translations for Heb. mal'akh (yehowah) "messenger (of Jehovah)," from base l-'-k "to send." The medieval gold coin (a new issue of the noble, first struck 1465 by Edward VI) was so called for the image of archangel Michael slaying the dragon, which was stamped on it. It was the coin given to patients who had been "touched" for the King's Evil.

Elohim - a name of God in the Bible, 1605, from Heb., pl. (of majesty?) of Eloh "God," a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an augmentation of El "God," also of unknown origin. Generally taken as singular, the use of this word instead of Yahveh is taken by biblical scholars as an important clue to authorship in the O.T.

Allah - 1702, Muslim name of the Supreme Being, from Arabic Allahu, contr. of al-Ilahu, from al "the" + Ilah "God," rel. to Heb. Elohim.

ell - O.E. eln "unit of measure of 45 inches," originally "length of the arm," from PIE *el- "elbow, forearm" (cf. Gk. olene "elbow," L. ulna, Arm. uln "shoulder," Skt. anih "part of the leg above the knee," Lith. alkune "elbow"). The exact distance varied, depending on whose arm was used as the base and whether it was measured from the shoulder to the fingertip or the wrist: the Scot. ell was 37.2 inches, the Flem. 27 inches. L. ulna also was a unit of linear measure.... Sense of "building extension" is Amer.Eng. 1773, for resemblance to the shape of the alphabet letter.

all - O.E. eall "all, every, entire," from P.Gmc. *alnaz (cf. O.Fris., O.H.G. al, O.N. allr, Goth. alls), with no certain connection outside Gmc.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least the British admitted killing an innocent man.
I will guarantee you that if the De Menezes episode had occurred in the United States, the U.S. government would have forever maintained that this Brazilian was a terrorist convert to Islam. No matter how much pain these lies would have caused the man's family, he would be forever branded as a terrorist. The U.S. media would have gladly exonerated the murderers, and in fact would have branded them our new heroes for saving us from the terrorists.
Does anyone doubt this?

4:37 PM  
Blogger Nicholas said...


Again I hope to draw your attention to my new blog, which references your work in the first entry:

There should be new pieces about twice a week.

Thanks to all.


5:08 PM  
Anonymous antiaristo said...

If you are interested in pursuing this you MUST learn all about the Stalker Inquiry and aftermath.
This was the inquiry into shoot-to-kill in Northern Ireland.
This will get you started

As there has never been an investigation into the Stalker Affair we cannot know for certain what happened. What we do know is at the time of the Stalker inquiry the Greater Manchester Police had become split by rivalries within the detective force. Chief Constable Anderton had promoted Peter Topping to Detective Chief Superintendent in charge of CID operations. Topping was later to become famous for his extensive and highly-publicised search for bodies on Saddleworth Moor in the Myra Hindley case in the late 1980s.

In the Taylor court case, Stalker described Topping as a good administrator but an inexperienced detective promoted over the heads of several far more experienced officers. Quickly, Topping and his allies had made little secret of their disdain for many of the long-serving members of the CID who they portrayed either as corrupt or old-fashioned. Topping’s allies saw John Stalker as the key proponent of the old-timers. Topping began placing his own men into key positions in the CID.

Stalker said good officers were being moved out of specialist HQ departments to be replaced by Freemasons: "I tackled DCS Topping about it. Topping was very proud to admit he was a Freemason. He said that he thought Freemasons were people he could trust and he would favour them in certain departments - but said ability came first and Freemasonry second."

6:50 PM  
Anonymous antiaristo said...

6:53 PM  
Blogger Pete said...

At the time of the French Revolution, the intellectuals and bureaucrats who had risen from the 3rd Estate were protesting the fact that the 1st and 2nd Estates enjoyed special tax-breaks, as well as a trend toward monopolization of public office, an important locus of appropriation in a peasant society. So they wanted fairer representation, they wanted the nobles and clergy to pay their fair share of taxes, and they wanted the opportunity to enjoy public salary.

Liberal indeed meant Libertarian, because classical liberalism rests on the bifurcation of exploitation into economic and extra-economic spheres. The law and its political substratum created subjects who were equally obligated to fulfill contracts so as to efface the de facto class hierarchy that underpinned economic appropriation.

These days John Birch monkey children like to equivocate between far left and right, forgetting the very historical conditions that put us in our current predicament. After Stalin, the far left never returned to the same level of brutality that was demonstrated over and over by the fascists of the world and their mainstream enablers. Now today these same fascists rise to prominence again, seeking to permanently splinter the state. What these Goddamned cabin boys don't seem to understand is that the corporations, the mercenaries, the paramilitaries, the satanic cults, and the rump judiciary will continue their policies of genocide and exploitation, all the while paying lip service to the dimwitted Birchers who have thrown their lot in with these cynical Dominionist scum.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous starroute said...

I can't help wondering if you're getting off the track here Jeff. I have a very strong sense that even if being a Freemason plays a role in getting ahead within the British police forces, that in itself is of no more significance than the fact that being a Christian prayer breakfast type plays a role in getting ahead in the US military.

It isn't Christianity that's the problem with the US armed forces -- and it's just as unlikely to be Freemasonry that's the problem with the British police.

What's going on is a finger-and-the-moon sort of thing. If we obsess too much over particular organizations and whatever sins may lie in their pasts, we will miss the level of real activity -- which is the web of connections among individuals that these organizations both facilitate and partially conceal.

Organizations aren't alive. They don't have thoughts or feelings or souls or (despite what certain brands of conspiracy theory may suggest) multi-generational agendas. Only people have those things.

People -- and the connections between people -- are the real heart of the matter. The most that organizations can do is facilitate those connections. Even spooky, centuries-old organizations have no reality except as a sort of virtual image of a set of connections among people.

So please, keep your eye on what is -- not what was -- and particularly on *who* is and their connections and motivations in the present moment. That's where the truth lies.

(Parenthetically, the truth isn't actually out there. That's another one of the lies we've been fed. The truth is *right here* -- has been here all along -- but we have to be willing to see it.)

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read, do the math, and the truth shall set you free.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Ho Ho Ho said...

It looks like we all have been looking in the wrong direction for the malefactors:
U.S. Says Terrorists May Pose As Vagrants

Asking for increased vigilance in the wake of the London bombings, the government is warning that terrorists may pose as vagrants to conduct surveillance of buildings and mass transit stations to plot future attacks.

Too bad that most terrorists (i.e. where most terrorism occurs, in Iraq) pose as or are actually police or military personnel.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous The Omega Man said...

The cold-blooded murder of Jean Charles de Menezes has everything to do with showcasing an example of a police state execution. Not withstanding, it is the epitome of state terrorism and its goal is to keep a further traumatized public "in line". Think of it as practice that leads to citizen disappearances, resisted-arrest homicides and death squads. The buried evidence in his case does merit a deeper scrutiny and it was anything but an "accident".

In the case of Freemasonry and the police, what you have is legions of orders and they number in the hundreds if not the thousands. That the police are infested with Freemasons is undoubtedly reflected in the "Fraternal Orders of Police". Their logo's and symbols alone betray their true association and purpose. The color blue also factors in, as it is a primary color of Freemasonry as does the concept of the hive. Many compartments, individuals and units working cohesively to serve an entity. When they needed auxiliary force, the Freemasons directly organized terrorist cells like the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Legion.

Like rings of a concentric circle they each play a role in particular hierarchies that protect an ultimately Luciferian core. Myriad are their names and their commonalities are expressed in rituals, oaths, secrets under pain of death, and service in the absolute to their brotherhoods. Use of compartmentalization and the hope of an elevated status, keep their foot soldiers ignorant and hungry. The rewards, protections and perks bind them deeper to the fold. How do they safeguard their dark realities from the potentially troublesome lower ranks? The same way the military does, by using "need to know basis” and insular rank protocols.

These groups are but tributaries which feed into a central stream which in turn flows into a river, etc., etc. Every component serves a deliberate, guarded and flourishing system of greater and greater corruption. Always dangling before their rank & file the carrot of material gain, protection, and the promise of joining the "elite". Are their well-meaning fools that fill their bottom ranks? Of course, but the higher ups know that lodges, cults and orders are nothing more than culling stations to recruit the truly amoral, conscious-less sociopath. One dedicated before all else to insatiable power & greed, yet eager to execute the order's will without question or hesitation. Bound to ideals but committed to depravity, malevolence, control, intrigue and decadence. You know, the Lynne Englunds and Oliver Norths of the world.

These are the rooks, bishops and knights that protect the Kings from the wrath of pawns.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks James Redford for your (upthread) observations on the terms Left and Right which we allow to inform us about our received veracular reality.

Fintan Dunne's take on the Stockwell Murder PsyOp has been referred to above. yes this is the same Fintan Dunne that nominated RI as one of the CIA fakers.

Your comment came in very handy in a debate running there. His site is well worth a visit right now... to pick up on the fuss and its aftermath. and its forum.

This thread of comments has been an amazing read.

Thanks Jeff

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Jim said...

I think Omega Man has summed up the workings and motives of these various secret societies very well. They kind of police themselves in the sense that they push the corrupt "naturally" up through the ranks.
I believe that Ian Blair in his first interview after the killing said something about bringing "Order out of Chaos" and thus signaling it as a NWO/Cult operation (perhaps sacrifice) to the cogniscenti to keep the ranks inline and "on the square".

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Jim said...

Further thought - are there any similarities between the method of the killing and masonic initiation threats. Does seven bullets or wounds mean anything. A number of shots apparently missed. How could this be so given the distances involved and the target was not moving?

11:32 PM  
Blogger stonefruit said...

Equally brutal and in-your-face psy-op conditioning and paramilitary crowd control training was the August 21, 2005 attack on a legal, permitted, insured rave in Utah.

Check it out here with stills from the video and links to the video.

Really unsettling.

12:10 AM  
Anonymous starroute said...

Jim -

You cite Ian Blair's use of a phrase about bringing order out of chaos as an indicator of some sort of NWO/cult intentions. Is there any background available on that particular connection?

I ask because there's something I've been trying to figure out for a long, long time.

I was 16 when John Kennedy was assassinated. A few weeks late, on December 19, 1963, I wrote in my diary, "An article I was reading in the New Yorker the other day treated the events of last month as a conflict between Chaos and Reason, which is what they called my old friend, Order. It seems that Chaos has been successfully repulsed."

At the time, I didn't make much of that. I'd been speculating myself -- in a sort of adolescent, 1960s-ish kind of way -- about the tension between order and chaos in the world, so it seemed natural to me that the New Yorker writer would be concerned with the same question.

As the 60's wore on, of course, I increasingly concluded that chaos had *not* been successfully repulsed but was a rising tide everywhere.

In the early 70's, with Nixon's silent majority declaring itself firmly on the side of Law and Order, the dualism began to seem like an essential fact of political life.

In the last few years, it has occurred to me that the indecent haste of the Warren Commission to make everything all normal again -- and the willingness of even well-meaning people to go along with the sham -- came out of some deep, visceral unwillingness to confront the ontological reality of chaos.

(Though these days, as I grow older and more skeptical, I find myself thinking that both order and chaos are deeply flawed propositions -- the one naturally tending towards fascism, the other towards a sort of Crowleyite nihilism -- and that there have to be more fruitful ways to view the tensions of our era. Complexity theory, with its notion that it is possible to perch indefinitely right at the edge of chaos, may be one such.)

Through all this, I've never found out who wrote that original New Yorker article. (There are other New Yorker materials from the period online, but not that.) And it seems stranger and stranger to me that a magazine normally devoted to a blend of earnest liberalism and fashionable frivolity should have taken such a strange and uncharacteristic header into the philosophical depths.

So if there is an established connection between "New World Order" and "Order Out of Chaos," I would really like to know it. It might possibly shed some light on what what really going on back in December 1963.

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

snippet of a lecture delivered in 1918 by Rudolf Steiner from The Challenge of the Times. Sorry for the length but it's not online anywhere:

" Now the facts that must be taken into consideration in connection with these things is that, in regard to certain fundamental laws of world evolution, nothing is actually known in a comprehensive way such that this knowledge is brought into external application anywhere except within certain secret societies of the English-speaking peoples. This is something that it is important to observe. Secret societies among other peoples are fundamentally only a matter of empty phrases. Secret soceties among the English-speaking peoples, on the contrary, are sources from which truths are acquired in certain ways by means of which things can be guided politically. I may speak of them some time, but it would take us too far afield today. Thus we may say that those forces flowing from these secret societies into the politics of the West move actually in accordance with history. They reckon with the laws of historic evolution. It is not necessary that in external matters everything shall be correct even to the dotting of the last "i". What matters is whether the person proceeds in accordance with historic evolution in an objective sense, or whether he proceedes as a dilettante following his arbetrary notions.

The politics of Central Europe, for example, were predominantly amateur politics, utterly without relation to any historical law. The politics that were not amateurish, that followed the facts - or, if I may use the crass expression, professional politics - were those of the English-speaking peoples, the British Empire and its annex, America. This is the great difference, and this is the significant point that must be clearly seen. Its importance lies in the fact that what was known in those circle is actually flowing into the world of reality. It also flows into the instincts behind those persons who occupy positions as political representatives, even if they act only out of political instincts. Behind these are the forces to which I am now referring.

... This is the essential point, and it is possible to act successfully within the interrelationships of world history only when one really takes up into his knowledge what is going on in this manner in the world. Otherwise, the other person, who is acting knowingly in accordance with world history, or causing such action, always has the power, while the one who knows nothing of it is powerless. It is in this way that power may master powerlessness. This is an external occurence. But the victory of power over powerlessness in these things depends, in the last analysis, upon the difference between knowing and not knowing. It is this that must be clearly grasped."


2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are willing to think of the occult in connection with De Menezes's death, why not a personal motive?

Someone among his acquaintance wanted him dead and used spiritual means to confuse and manipulate the police/army, who were conveniently on the block looking for dangerous brown men.

A lot of magic is directed, and has always been directed, at getting somone arrested , beaten or killed by the police . Whether it works or not is a separate matter but De Meneze's death does fit the pattern in urban legends.

4:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anonymous 4.37pm.

You said " At least the British admitted killing an innocent man."

I think you will find that the British police admitted nothing.

If the reports had not been leaked we would still believe Mr De Menezes had a bulky jacket on (with wires sticking out of it) and that he jumped the barrier.

It is a false comfort to think the UK has more integrity than the US.

Where do you think the the US learned the lessons of empire. The major difference between the two countries is that Britain establishment is usually far more sophisticated at lying than the US administration.

This time however they have badly shown their hand.

They wanted Mr De Menezes on the tube before they executed him. Perhaps to feed the public some revenge.

I do not buy the ritual killing stuff. I suspect they thought he was someone else and of middle eastern descent. The fact he was middle eastern looking is key. When he turned out to be Brazilian the fit-up collapsed.

The 7/7 bombers were in my view set up, consequently there were no bad guys to find. Hence it was necessary to find a suitable patsy for a very public execution.

Once the public bloodlust was sated with the sacrificial lamb the immediate post atrocity heat on the police could die down and every one could go back to 'business as usual'.

The British are the masters of deception. This one however got away from them.

5:54 AM  
Blogger Zero Haven said...

We keep dancing around the same subjects, separate yet spiraling together.

Maggie Picard pointed out the sacred angles today, as I blurted out the Metatron in the last posting.

THIS IS the sacred geometry. The angles of lore, dating as far back as humanity had religion. Pairs of 3's and the cursed 13 and .. do the math, indeed.

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was quite a dust-up about Freemasonry during the US Civil War era. There were many reported incidents of captives sharing the masonic handshake with captor officers, followed by their subsequent "escape" during the night. Rumors abounded of favoritism within the ranks for known masons as well, though these always have to be taken with a grain of salt. There were calls for investigation of Freemasonry after the war, but I don't think much came of it.

I seem to recall that many of the movers and shakers of the 1776 rebellion were masons too.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous starroute said...

To Anonymous 10:08 -

There was an extended period of anti-Masonic suspicion during the early history of the US. There was a panic over the Bavarian Illuminati in 1798 which led to the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts. There was another panic a few decades later, over a murder with supposed Masonic motivations, that led to a reaction against secret societies in general. Most of the occult element drained out of American Masonry at that point. Skull and Bones was founded as part of a counter-reaction by those who were determined to keep their secret societies genuinely secret.

To zero haven -

I read something many years ago about Baghdad being laid out on principles of sacred geometry (much like Washington DC.) I haven't been able to find it again, but I wonder about it from time to time and what relationship it may have to the location of the Green Zone.

10:56 AM  
Blogger GT said...

Hi there.

To Anonymous @ 10:08 - not only was there 'benevolent treatment' of fellow brethren captured in the Civil War, but also in the Revolutionary War - which even extended to the return of captured 'colors' when the captured colors belonged to a Foot regiment which had its own Lodge.

And yes - several (most) of the Founders were Freemasons. The entire Enlightenment was driven primarily by the efforts of those who 'seek what was lost' - be it a reformulation of the Principles of Mathematics, or the rediscovery of technology (such as Heron's Aeliopile).

to The Omega Man:

As a Freemason, I find it laughable that someone who is clearly NOT a Freemason could claim to be better versed than any 'blue lodge' Mason about the 'inner workings' (by which the Craft is compartmentalised, keeping the lower Orders compliant but ignorant of a grand evil scheme... but one that is not so well hidden that OmegaMan cannot uncover it).

Freemasonry has always operated behind the scenes, and never sought the limelight until it became Americanised. Pike's Morals and Dogma are not a genuine Masonic document in the genuine European tradition; that said, his speculations are interesting to anyone who understands what ALLEGORY is.

If you are looking for a nefarious set of blackguards with an intergenerational set of motives and objectives, you needn't look at Freemasonry for more than five seconds: in the great sweep of history, Freemasonry has been consistently fighting AGAINST the 'bad guys'.

Trust me... I am a new convert to Flying Spaghetti Monsterism (although I haven't yet purchased my Pirate suit).

And of course - the quintessential Americanism - a plug for my Daily Market Rant...

"Go to GT's Market Rant... it's Noodle-licious".

I like this site - and I have nothing against anti-Masons (they are a sight less objectionable than ANY politician, stockbroker, middle manager or any of the other 600 types of parasitic bullshit artist that infests humanity currently).



12:02 PM  
Blogger GT said...

Oh - and I should point out...

the shooting of Mr Menezes was definitely a deliberate act. Somebody clearly thought that he had seen something he wasn't meant to see (probably some 'wet work' being undertaken by DET).

The firearms used were the giveaway - regular police don't have access to HK-G39Cs with target-illuminators and custom buttstocks.

So the quesiton should be - what are the 'storm troopers' infamous for extrajudicial work in Northern Ireland, doing in LONDON?

Cheers again (and visit me blog, seriously, or else the FSM is going to rain down a hail of sulphurous meatballs).


12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Statue of Liberty a masonic edifice:

proven here in concrete detail,

linked into from

12:19 PM  
Anonymous James Redford said...

To Pete:

Fascism is merely a subset of socialism, much as Communism is a subset of socialism. Both fascism and Communism are collectivist ideologies which put all power into the hands of the government.

Let's not forget that the fascists, such as the Nazis, were self-identified socialists (e.g., the National Socialist German Workers Party, in the case of the Nazi Party).

Fascism is de facto socialism, because while although members in society retain putative legal ownership over their own property, the government dictates how that property is to be used. So it is the government which has de facto ownership over the citizens' property in a fascist society, with the citizens holding positive-law title to property in name only.

Communism has been the most murderous creed to ever exist in the history of mankind, but fascism is simply Communism Lite. Indeed better than the full-calorie Stalinist U.S.S.R., Mao Tse-Tung China, and Pol Pot Cambodia versions, but bad precisely because it is just a variation of it.

The fascists and the Communists are both Hegelians. To Hegel, the state is the march of God in the world. And the Marxists, the Fabian socialists, the fascists, and the neoconservatives are all Hegelians.

The state is absolutely rational inasmuch as it is the actuality of the substantial will which it possesses in the particular self-consciousness once that consciousness has been raised to consciousness of its universality. This substantial unity is an absolute unmoved end in itself, in which freedom comes into its supreme right. On the other hand this final end has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state.


The state in and by itself is the ethical whole, the actualisation of freedom; and it is an absolute end of reason that freedom should be actual. The state is mind on earth and consciously realising itself there. In nature, on the other hand, mind actualises itself only as its own other, as mind asleep. Only when it is present in consciousness, when it knows itself as a really existent object, is it the state. In considering freedom, the starting-point must be not individuality, the single self-consciousness, but only the essence of self-consciousness; for whether man knows it or not, this essence is externally realised as a self-subsistent power in which single individuals are only moments. The march of God in the world, that is what the state is. The basis of the state is the power of reason actualising itself as will. In considering the Idea of the state, we must not have our eyes on particular states or on particular institutions. Instead we must consider the Idea, this actual God, by itself. On some principle or other, any state may be shown to be bad, this or that defect may be found in it; and yet, at any rate if one of the mature states of our epoch is in question, it has in it the moments essential to the existence of the state. But since it is easier to find defects than to understand the affirmative, we may readily fall into the mistake of looking at isolated aspects of the state and so forgetting its inward organic life. The state is no ideal work of art; it stands on earth and so in the sphere of caprice, chance, and error, and bad behaviour may disfigure it in many respects. But the ugliest of men, or a criminal, or an invalid, or a cripple, is still always a living man. The affirmative, life, subsists despite his defects, and it is this affirmative factor which is our theme here.

(Philosophy of Right by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, "Third Part: Ethical Life," "iii. The State," § 258.)

1:21 PM  
Anonymous antiaristo said...

in the great sweep of history, Freemasonry has been consistently fighting AGAINST the 'bad guys'.

There's a guy called Cheney who's currently running the US into the ground and has all sorts of plans for more wars.
He's the top Freemason in the government, you know.

As a Freemason, I find it laughable that someone who is clearly NOT a Freemason could claim to be better versed than any 'blue lodge' Mason about the 'inner workings' (by which the Craft is compartmentalised, keeping the lower Orders compliant but ignorant of a grand evil scheme... but one that is not so well hidden that OmegaMan cannot uncover it).

Why so? You see the advantage that Omega Man has over yourself and your brothers is that he is free of blood-oaths. He does not have to delude himself in order to live with himself.
When you are beholden to an organisation that will cut your throat for revealing secrets, perhaps the best strategy is to avoid secrets?

5:58 PM  
Anonymous The Omega Man said...

To GT who said…
“To The Omega Man:

As a Freemason, I find it laughable that someone who is clearly NOT a Freemason could claim to be better versed than any 'blue lodge' Mason about the 'inner workings' (by which the Craft is compartmentalised, keeping the lower Orders compliant but ignorant of a grand evil scheme... but one that is not so well hidden that OmegaMan cannot uncover it).”

Perhaps I struck a nerve, to become the target of your rant, as you so wryly put it. So let’s put things in a perspective of objectivity, as you absolutely neither know me, nor are in any way cognizant of any of my personal knowledge on the matters of Freemasonry, to make such senseless claims. Anymore than if I claimed to know why you joined them in the first place, although the psychological reasoning is fairly transparent to most. Pick one or all: Status elevation, money, sex, power-trip, control, ego, connections.

Secondly I was not trying to write an in depth dissertation on the detailed inner workings of “the craft” which I believe you and your brethren should count yourself amongst the fortunate. That it was resurrected from the precipice of obscurity by an utter satanic, and virulently racist scumbag named Albert Pike, is beyond contention. That your order, to this very day, is still a racist and sexist enclave of occult conspirators and the aspirant elite is still beyond reproach.

When you state “Freemasonry has been consistently fighting AGAINST the 'bad guys’” it is completely, as you say ‘laughable’ to ANY researcher or investigator. Just ask the ritually butchered prostitutes of Whitechapel, or the time your mentors dumped tea in Boston harbor dressing as Native Americans, to set them up as the ones responsible. Or, perhaps you should mention their righteous heroics to victims of the Knights of the Golden Circle, the Ku Klux Klan or the Black Legion? I challenge you to name anytime or anywhere this mystical “Justice League” fought against any crime or criminal. However, reams of documented cases of exist where embedded masons have obstructed and derailed legal courses of justice, concealed heinous crimes for their brothers, provided comfort and aid to enemies of humanity. The idea is that we are the enslaved vulgar masses, but you who was once one of us, is now one of the Free and Accepted to reap the esoteric and material rewards of the in-crowd. A gang is a gang no matter of it's uniforms or profane blood oaths and everyone's in it for the payoff.

Secrets and the true machinations of ANY group – police departments, government, intelligence agencies, the military, street gangs, the Mafia, scientific R&D;, etc. are secured through compartmentalization. That’s how the Atomic bomb was built, bio-warfare agents like A.I.D.S and Marsburg disease (Ebola) were manifested and vectored. There are probably a number of well-intentioned people who simply work at jobs everyday where crimes are committed hourly without their implicit knowledge. There are administrative people at the CIA who know nothing of how their higher-ups manage the U.S. narcotics trade. How many regular American soldiers consciously knew about abuses at Abu Ghraib or Gitmo and yet belong to the Armed Forces?

How much have the higher degrees of the Scottish and York Rites shared with you is the question.

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a renegade freemason and ex-cop, I endorse most of what you have revealed. Masonry is far more sinister than most -- even among its membership -- realise. But I must point out that the photograph of the "handshake" you posted is not in fact the identifying handshake of a freemason, but one of the "Five Points of Fellowship".

3:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a renegade freemason and ex-cop, I endorse most of what you have revealed. Masonry is far more sinister than most -- even among its membership -- realise. But I must point out that the photograph of the "handshake" you posted is not in fact the identifying handshake of a freemason, but one of the "Five Points of Fellowship".

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple of links to some freemason ritual and lucifer worship info

The proper handshakes can be found here:

To the person who stated:

"Communism has been the most murderous creed to ever exist in the history of mankind"

You're wrong. Communisim is an economic system and theory.

There is a distinction that needs to be made between what Communisim is and the evil that has been done in the name of Communisim.

The same type of distinction is always given to things like Christianity and which has seen just as much killing/murdering done in it's name as has been done in the name of Communisim.

It's not like a economic system or a moral system can commit murder simply by existing.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous archie in the uk said...

"It seems to me that much of the speculation concerning the Stockwell atrocity plays a version of blame the victim"

I don't know whose speculation you are listening to. Certainly not the uk mainstream press.

The killing "appears to be an illegal shooting", and the official misinformation "adds to the impression that the police have something to hide" (Sunday Herald, Aug 21)

The authorities kill, the authorities lie - these are topics of 'current interest' right now in the uk. And most people here are so anti-Bush that they don't even want to know how corrupt he is. But they'd still be shocked to know how easy it is to establish 911 complicity (911 commission finds law of gravity didn't apply etc etc)
The right information in the right place, right now in the uk, could make a difference. I'm cautiously pessimistic...

3:19 PM  
Blogger samwich said...

My two cents worth:

Elohiem is a title which means "Head of the Council of the Gods".
Jehova and it's translations are a given name with a very significant meaning.
Richard Prestwich, USA

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Jim said...

The "Order out of Chaos" quote is really about creating chaos and then imposing "order" ie fascism. I can't remember it's provenance which is why I referred to it as NWO/cult. But I have come across it many times. My feeling is that it is Illuminati and/or Masonic but I can't direct you to a reference. If I find one I shall post it.
Ian Blair's reference to Order out of Chaos was reported on one of the blogs and did give it a source. It might have been Xymphore or The Truth Seeker (which re-posts from elsewhere but always quote their source)

1:25 AM  
Blogger Fungus Fitzjuggler said...

It is liberal to allow freedom of association and therefore for Masonry to exist. But the bonds to fellow members are too strong ever to allow any public servant or member of a non-governmental monopoly, to be employee and member. What steps can be taken to ensure that the conflict of interest is avoided? Who is to police it? The failure to take these steps demonstrates something about these bonds.
I heard it suggested that the contract electrician was a worker on the tube (Subway to you Yankees) and that there was an electric surge along the power rail that was further suggested may have detonated the bombs secreted under the carriages.
He should have joined a lodge.....

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6:46 AM  
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11:15 PM  
Blogger Maje said...

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8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:53 PM  
Blogger metromon said...

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5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:52 AM  
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2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:35 PM  
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3:54 PM  
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10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
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Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita Paling Ampuh
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Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Atau Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Di Sekitar Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah Gonore

10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin Pada Pria dengan mengunakan obat kutil kelamin herbal sehingga tanpa Operasi sembuh total karena saya sangat takut apabila mendengar kata operasi apakah ada pengobatan kutil kelamin yang dapat dicegah dari rumah untuk menyingkirkannya? Apa ada perawatan yang baik untuk kutil kelamin manjur apakah ada solusi alami dalam perawatan yang untuk ibu sedang hamil

3:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tersedia untuk memperlakukan kutil dengan sendiri? Mungkin ini semua pertanyaan yang mungkin Anda pertanyakan pada diri Anda sendiri jika saat ini Anda memilki kutil Berikut dibawah ini pembahasan dari cara mengobati kutil kelamin tanpa operasi dengan menggunakan obat kutil kelamin tradisional paling manjur aman untuk ibu sedang hamil

3:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bagi ibu yang sedang hamil ataupun untuk ibu yang sedang menyusui segera kontak kami untuk mendapatkan obat kutil kelamin terbaik de nature serta paling manjur cara mengobati kanker payudara dengan menggunakan obat kanker payudara paling manjur terbuat dari daun keladi tikus sarang semut serta dari daun sirsak insyaalah tanpa operasi kanker payudara dapat sembuh dengan cepat | obat wasir wasir | obat kutil kelamin segera kontak kami untuk mendapatkan pengobatan yang terbaik dari klinik herbal de nature untuk ibu sedang hamil

3:22 AM  
Blogger Maryadi - said...

Obat wasir alami Ambeclear adalah cara mengobati wasir dengan cara alami., Dengan pengobatan alami atau herbal penyakit wasir atau ambeien, dapat diatasi wasir atau ambeien, adalah penyakit yang terjadi di sekitar anus. hal ini karena di sebabkan oleh beberapa sebab antara lain : (buang air ) besar tidak teratur, kurang akan olah raga, diet rendah serat terlalu lama duduk, perubahan hormon, karena keturunan, hubungan sex yang tidak dapat sehat agar pola makan, dari sembarangan, kurang olah raga, sering mengangkat beban berat.

5:09 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Cara Mengobati Kutil Di Kelamin Wanita
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin Wanita Paling Ampuh
obat kutil kelamin wanita diapotik
obat kutil kelamin wanita diapotik
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin Di Memek
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Cara Menghilangkan Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengatasi Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengatasi Kutil Kelamin

6:50 PM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Sipilis
Cara Mengobati Sipilis
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Wasir Ampuh
Obat Wasir Herbal
Obat Sipilis Tradisional
Obat Sipilis Pada Pria
Obat Kanker Payudara
Obat Sipilis Raja Singa
Obat Wasir Luar
Obat Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Obat Sipilis
Ciri Penyakit Sipilis
Tanda - Tanda Penyakit Sipilis
Obat Kutil Kelamin Pria
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Jual Obat Wasir atau Ambeien Pada Pria Dan Wanita
Obat Ambeien
Obat Kencing Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Sipilis
Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Alami
Obat Kutil Kelamin Herbal
Pengobatan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Gonore
Obat Raja Singa Ampuh

6:54 PM  
Blogger obatwasir alami said...

Bagi anda penderita Wasir atau ambeien mulai dari Stadium 1, Stadium 2, Stadium 3 bahkan Stadium 4 yang ingin mengobati penyakit tersebut dengan cara alami atau dengan pengobatan alternatif yaitu dengan obat herbal Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa adalah pilihan yang tepat karena obat herbal ini telah terbukti ampuh mengatasi penyakit wasir atau ambeien mulai dari stadium awal hingga stadium lanjut selain itu
obat ini murni dari tanaman herbal sehingga tidak menimbulkan efek samping apapun bagi pengggunanya dan bahkan obat herbal kami ini aman dikonsumsi oleh wanita yang sedang hamil maupun ibu menyusui. obat kami telah terbukti khasiatnya telah banyak pasien kami yang sembuh baik yang wasir dalam hingga wasir luar baik yang baru gejala wasir atau ambeien maupun yang telah stadium lanjut bahkan yang pernah operasi wasir pun beralih ke obat ambeienherbal kami ini.kami ini. kami ini.

4:13 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat kutil kelamin untuk pria
Obat kutil kelamin untuk wanita
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin
Cara mengobati kutil kelamin
Cara menyembuhkan kutil kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat kutil kelamin untuk pria
Obat kutil kelamin untuk wanita
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin
Cara mengobati kutil kelamin
Cara menyembuhkan kutil kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Obat kutil kelamin untuk pria
Obat kutil kelamin untuk wanita
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin
Cara mengobati kutil kelamin
Cara menyembuhkan kutil kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin Untuk Pria
Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengatasi Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria

8:51 PM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Penyebab Sipilis
Cara Mengobati Sipilis
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Wasir Ampuh
Obat Wasir Herbal
Obat Sipilis Tradisional
Obat Sipilis Pada Pria
Obat Kanker Payudara
Obat Sipilis Raja Singa
Obat Wasir Luar
Obat Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Obat Sipilis
Ciri Penyakit Sipilis
Tanda - Tanda Penyakit Sipilis
Obat Kutil Kelamin Pria
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Jual Obat Wasir atau Ambeien Pada Pria Dan Wanita
Obat Ambeien
Obat Kencing Nanah
Gejala Penyakit Sipilis
Penyakit Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Alami
Obat Kutil Kelamin Herbal
Pengobatan Kutil Kelamin
Cara Mengobati Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kencing Nanah
Obat Gonore
Obat Raja Singa Ampuh

8:52 PM  
Blogger obatwasir alami said...

Wasir atau ambeien adalah penyakit yang terjadi pada bagian anus, jenis wasir atau ambeien sendiri ada dua yaitu wasir atau ambeien dalam dan wasir atau ambeien luar. Dalam penangananya sendiri wasir atau ambeien dapat disembuhkan dengan dua jalan yaitu pengobatan medis dan pengobatan non medis atau pengobatan alternatif. Pengobatan alternatif disini salah satu pilihanya adalah dengan menggunakan tanaman herbal atau dengan ramuan tradisional. Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa adalah hasil pengolahan tanaman herbal daun ungu, kunyit putih, dan mahkota dewa yang telah terbukti ampuh mengatasi wasir atau ambeien baik wasir stadium satu, stadium dua, stadium tiga maupun stadium akhir atau stadium empat. Wasir berdarah, wasir yang telah kronis, semua dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan obat ini selain ampuh obat ini juga aman dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping apapun bagi penggunanya sehingga obat ambeclear ini aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita wasir yang sedang hamil maupun menyusui.

2:41 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?

3:01 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita

3:01 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin

3:03 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar

3:04 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita (sudah di komen)
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin

3:05 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina Dan Definisi Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya

3:06 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin

3:07 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin

3:08 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek
Obat Penyakit kutil Kelamin Wanita
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Ibu Hamil
Cara Menghilangkan kutil Di Kelamin Pria
Di Sekitar Penis Tumbuh Kutil ? Obatnya Apa ?
Berbahayakah Kutil Kelamin
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata
Obat Kutil di Batang Zakar
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan Wanita | Penyakit Kelamin Wanita
Obat Penghilang Kutil Kelamin
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Vagina
obat jengger ayam untuk wanita
Kutil Di Alat Kelamin Serta Cara Menghilangkanya
obat kutil kelamin tradisional
Obat Kutil Pada Memek | Cara Menyembuhkan Kutil Pada Kemaluan Wanita
Penyembuhan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina | Penyakit Kelamin Kutil
Penyebab Kutil Kelamin dan Cara Penyembuhanya
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Di Bibir Memek
Cara Menghilangkan Kutil Di Kemaluan | Vagina, Anus, Atau Penis Tumbuh Kutil
Obat Menghilangkan Kutil Di Bibir Vagina
Tumbuh Kutil di Penis Dan Anus | Obat Herbal Penyakit Kelamin
Kenapa Ada Kutil Di bibir Vagina ? Cara mengobatinya Bagaimana?
Tanda-Tanda Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Wanita
Kutil Kelamin Condyloma Acuminata Pada Bibir Memek

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salah satu Penyakit Menular Seksual (PMS) adalah Penyakit Kutil Kelamin. Banyak orang yang belum tahu apa itu penyakit kutil kelamin dan cara mengatasinya. Berikut pertanyaan yang sering diajukan untuk mengenal lebih jauh Penyakit Kutil Kelamin.

Paket Produk de Nature Obat Kutil kelamin herbal, Solusi terbaik untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kelamin yang sedang anda derita, aman dan tanpa efek samping

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jengger ayam biasa di sebut kutil kelamin atau Kondiloma Akuminata itu sendiri merupakan penyakit yang cukup berbahaya dan mengganggu. Disamping itu, mengidap penyakit seperti ini merupakan hal yang cukup memalukan apabila sampai diketahui oleh orang lain atau bahkan sampai diketahui oleh publik. menyebabkan beban psiskologis bagi penderita, Kurang Percaya diri dll. Oleh karena itu, kami sarankan agar segera diobati supaya lekas sembuh.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sobat sudah mencoba berobat kemana-mana? Mencoba berbagai macam produk untuk pengobatan kutil kelamin seperti dibuang paksa (di cungkil), Operasi, Laser dan Pembekuan akan tetapi tapi hasilnya nihil bahkan kutil tumbuh lagi. De Nature Indonesia memiliki sebuah produk alami yang super ampuh untuk mengobati penyakit seperti ini. Dalam waktu 5 sampai dengan 10 hari saja bisa dipastikan kutil pada kelamin anda akan RONTOK dan BERSIH.

10:09 AM  
Blogger cara mengobati wasir dalam said...

Wasir atau ambeien adalah penyakit yang terjadi pada bagian anus, jenis wasir atau ambeien sendiri ada dua yaitu wasir atau ambeien dalam dan wasir atau ambeien luar. Dalam penangananya sendiri wasir atau ambeien dapat disembuhkan dengan dua jalan yaitu pengobatan medis dan pengobatan non medis atau pengobatan alternatif. Pengobatan alternatif disini salah satu pilihanya adalah dengan menggunakan tanaman herbal atau dengan ramuan tradisional. Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa adalah hasil pengolahan tanaman herbal daun ungu, kunyit putih, dan mahkota dewa yang telah terbukti ampuh mengatasi wasir atau ambeien baik wasir stadium satu, stadium dua, stadium tiga maupun stadium akhir atau stadium empat. Wasir berdarah, wasir yang telah kronis, semua dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan obat ini selain ampuh obat ini juga aman dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping apapun bagi penggunanya sehingga obat ambeclear ini aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita wasir yang sedang hamil maupun menyusui.

11:10 PM  
Blogger denature klinik said...

Banyak diantara kita yang mungkin sudah tahu bahwa penyakit ini memalukan dan bisa membuat penderitanya menjadi frustasi Penderita kadang merasa enggan melakukan pemeriksaan karena Mereka dapat muncul secara sendiri-sendiri atau berkelompok. mantep kutil dapat muncul pada rektum dan daerah sekitarnya. Obat Kutil kelamin herbal De Nature mungkin menjadi jawaban Anda. Untuk pengobatan penyakit kutil kelamin Kami menggunakan obat kutil kutil De Nature, Obat herbal yang telah dipercaya oleh puluhan bahkan ratusan orang yang telah membuktikan ke ampuhannya ke untuk Mengobati Penyakit Kutil Kelamin

2:49 AM  
Blogger denature klinik said...

Jika berbicara mengenai pengertianya maka penyakit jengger ayam ini diketahui adalah penyakit menular seksual yang penyebabnya berkaitan dengan Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Penyakit ini juga dapat menampilkan diri dalam berbagai bentuk, namun secara umum kutil yang bertumbuh pada bagian genital penderita berbentuk benjolan daging yang berwarna, dan terjadi pada sekitar alat vital. Siapa saja bisa menderita penyakit ini baik yang pria maupun wanita

2:52 PM  
Blogger obat penyakit sipilis said...

Penyakit Wasir sangat menyakitkan bagi para penderitanya, namun wasir pada umumnya dapat sembuh apabila kita rutin melakukan pengobatan dan pencegahan. Wasir yang terlambat ditangani atau diobati pastinya akan membuat wasir menjadi lebih membengkak, iritsi dan infeksi dan akan semakin parah.

1:34 AM  
Blogger obatwasirambeien ambeclear said...

Solusi yang tepat untuk mengobati penyakit wasir tanpa harus operasi, menggunakan obat wasir  Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan wasir silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

2:16 PM  
Blogger obatwasirambeien ambeclear said...

Solusi yang tepat untuk mengobati penyakit wasir tanpa harus operasi, menggunakan obat wasir  Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan wasir silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Obat Kanker said...

Terdapat beberapa macam teknik pengobatan berbagai jenis penyakit kanker termasukyang menyerang para wanita. Teknik pengoabatan tersebut adalah teknik pengobatan medis dan teknik pengobatan alternative.Sayangnya teknik pengobatan medis sering sekali digunakan oleh sebagian besar penderita kanker. Namun hasil dari pengobatan ini tak seperti yang diharapkan. Sebaliknya, efek samping dari teknik pengobatan medis ini justru menambah parah kondisi kesehatan tubuh si penderita. Radioterapi, kemoterapi, dan pembedahan ternyata tak seefektif apa yang anda harapkan. Namun semua akan membaik jika anda mengkombinasikan teknik pengobatan medis ini dengan teknik pengobatan alternative.

9:18 PM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Tidak adanya tindakan pengobatan maka akan tumbuh seperti bonkol yang besar sekali, dapat tumbuh seperti kembang kol dan tidak menyebar. Karena kemiripan bentuknya, kutil kelamin pun sering disebut dengan jengger ayam. Meskipun kutil kelamin hanya tumbuh di alat kelamin tetapi lebih mengganggu dibandingkan kutil di bagian tubuh lainnya.

3:58 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Mengapa Ambelcear De Nature Indonesia sebagai obat wasir ?
Ambeclear De Nature Indonesia dirancang secara khusus  untuk sembuhkan wasir ringan maupun parah secara alami.uji klinis telah menunjukkan bahwa produk ini aman dan tidak memiliki efek samping.  Ambeclear De Nature Indonesia, Herbal Kami terbuat dari daun ungu pilihan yang sudah banyak membantu mengobati pasien wasir atau ambeien.

6:07 AM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Pembesaran pembuluh darah dapat berbentuk tonjolan yang keluar dari
anus. Biasanya jika sudah mulai ada tonjolan artinya wasir sudah
memasuki tahap selanjutnya. Apabila tonjolan masih dapat dimasukan
secara spontan ke dalam anus, maka artinya wasir belum terlalu parah
namun sudah harus mendapatkan penanganan

11:06 PM  
Blogger obat herbal said...

penanganankutildibibirvagina bahayakutildivagina gejalakutilkelamindanpenanganannya pengobatandenatureindonesiakutilkelamin

9:52 AM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Nmn satu hal yang jg harus di sdri dari pngbtn penyakit ini adalah pd umumnya pymbhn hanya  menghilangkan kutilnya saja, sedangkan vrs yang mnjdi penyebab  tentu . Karena itu juga  akhirnya penyakit ini sering berulang atau kambuh kembali

12:39 AM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Kutil pada kemaluan atau alat vital ditularkan terutama melalui hubungan seksual. Dalam kasus yang jarang, penularan dapat terjadi secara tidak langsung setelah menggunakan handuk yang terkontaminasi. Bayi juga dapat terinfeksi selama proses kelahiran.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Tina Mulya said...

Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.

5:34 AM  
Blogger Klinik De Nature said...

Bila anda sedang mencari Pengobatan alami untuk mengobati kutil Kelamin dengan menggunakan obat kutil Kelamin Alami Alami Tanpa Operasi kutil yang ada di alat kemaluan rontok Solusi yang tepat untuk mengobati penyakit wasir tanpa harus operasi, menggunakan obat wasir  Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan wasir silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

11:33 AM  
Blogger Klinik De Nature said...

Bagaimana Cara mengobati kutil di kemaluan Tanpa Operasi dengan menggunakan obat kutil kelamin tradisional aman bagi wanita serta ibu yang sedang hamil untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

11:34 AM  
Blogger Klinik De Nature said...

Bila anda sedang mencari Pengobatan alami untuk mengobati kutil Kelamin dengan menggunakan obat kutil Kelamin Alami Alami Tanpa Operasi kutil yang ada di alat kemaluan rontok Solusi yang tepat untuk mengobati penyakit wasir tanpa harus operasi, menggunakan obat wasir  Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan wasir silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

11:11 PM  
Blogger Klinik De Nature said...

Bagaimana Cara mengobati kutil di kemaluan Tanpa Operasi dengan menggunakan obat kutil kelamin tradisional aman bagi wanita serta ibu yang sedang hamil untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

11:11 PM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Mengetahui ciri-khas dari kutil kelamin ini: Ada papula kemerahan dan bintik-bintik kecil,secara bertahap akan  menjadi semakin besar dan banyak, biasanya tidak terasa apa-apa,permukaannya tidak rata, lembab dan lembut,papiler,mikosis atau seperti kembang kol serta berkelompok konfluen,merah atau merah muda. Seringkali akar pedikel,rentan terhadap erosi,eksudat(campur cairan),

2:51 AM  
Blogger herbal gonore said...

"mengobati wasir

1:24 PM  
Blogger denature klinik said...

Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Nay Denature said...

"mengobati wasir

1:32 AM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghilangkan kutil yang tumbuh di vagina adalah dengan obat herbal denture indonesia.Obat yang mamapu menghilangkan kutil sampai akar akarnya.Obat herbal denature penghilang kutil kelamin aman untuk organ kewanitaan karna obat herbal denature terbuat dari bahan herbal pilihan.

3:09 PM  
Anonymous obat wasir said...

Suwun booss... Artikele apik tenan he..!!
nderek langkung badhe sebar kabar kangge ngobati wasir, kula gadah obat ingkang ampuh lan aman kangge njenengan sedoyo monggo dipun tumbas nopo dipun tulung sebaraken njih. matur suwun.

cara mengobati ambeien
cara mengobati ambeien luar
cara mengobati ambeien alami
cara mengobati ambeien eksternal
cara mengobati ambeien yang sudah keluar
cara mengobati ambeien yang sudah parah
cara mengobati ambeien secara cepat
cara mengobati ambeien alami
cara mengobati ambeien internal
cara mengobati ambeien usai melahirkan
cara mengobati ambeien akut
cara mengobati ambeien alami
cara mengobati ambeien pada ibu hamil
cara mengobati ambeien dengan cepat
cara mengobati ambeien berdarah
cara mengobati ambeien atau wasir
cara mengatasi ambeien atau wasir
cara menghilangkan ambeien atau wasir
cara mengobati ambeien scr alami
cara alami mengobati ambeien tanpa operasi
cara alami mengobati ambeien atau wasir
cara ampuh mengobati ambeien secara
cara alami mengobati sakit ambeien
cara menghilangkan ambeien alami
cara mengobati ambeien dengan alami

3:11 AM  
Anonymous cara mengobati ambeien said...

kesuwun booss... Artikele apik bangetlah hehehe..!!
Ngapurane lah, aku numpang dodolan kie, sing pada dueni ambeien apa wasir monggo dipun tuku obate inyong. Obat Herbal khusus nggo ngobati ambeien apa wasir sing wis terkenal ampuh, monggo...monggo...
Maturnuwunlah wis ulih melu koment.

cara mengobati ambeien pada anak
cara mengobati penyakit ambeien atau
cara mengobati ambeien yang alami
cara mengobati ambeien paling ampuh
cara mengobati ambeien bagi ibu menyusui
cara mengobati ambeien bagi orang hamil
cara mengobati ambeien bagi ibu hamil
cara mengatasi ambeien bengkak
cara menghilangkan benjolan ambeien
cara mengobati benjolan ambeyen
cara menghilangkan benjolan ambeien di
cara menyembuhkan bengkak ambeien
Bagaiman cara mengobati ambeien
cara mengobati benjolan ambeien
cara menyembuhkan ambeien berdarah
cara mengatasi ambeien bagi ibu hamil
cara mengobati ambeyen bagi ibu menyusui
cara mengobati ambeyen bengkak
cara menghilangkan benjolan ambeien
cara menyembuhkan ambeien dengan cepat
cara mengatasi ambeien dengan cepat
cara mengobati ambeien secara cepat
cara menyembuhkan ambeien dgn cepat
cara menyembuhkan ambeien cepat
cara mengobati ambeien yang cepat

3:13 AM  
Blogger obat herbal said...

obat penis keluar nanah obat kelamin keluar nanah obat kencing nanah obat herbal denature obat herbal kemaluan keluar nanah obat nanah keluar dari kemaluan

11:05 AM  
Blogger obat herbal De nature said...

Bahaya penyakit kencing nanah pada pria maupun wanita tidak boleh dipandang sebelah mata. Bakteri penyebab gonore mudah menular pada pria dewasa juga pada wanita hamil dan anak-anak. Manusia adalah inang dari bakteri penyakit gonococcus atau Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri gonore tidak mudah menjangkiti hewan. Sebuah percobaan

7:19 AM  
Blogger obat herbal De nature said...

Bahaya penyakit kencing nanah pada pria maupun wanita tidak boleh dipandang sebelah mata. Bakteri penyebab gonore mudah menular pada pria dewasa juga pada wanita hamil dan anak-anak. Manusia adalah inang dari bakteri penyakit gonococcus atau Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri gonore tidak mudah menjangkiti hewan. Sebuah percobaan

7:58 AM  
Blogger obat kutil kelamin herbal said...

Bagi para penderita ambeien yang sudah merasa frustasi dengan penyakit ambeien yang dideritanya karena tidak juga sembuh meski telah di obati oleh berbagai macam obat sekarang bisa bernafas lega karena obat ambeien ampuh untuk mengatasi dan menyembuhkan gangguan penyakit ambeien telah tersedia. Obat ini benar mujarab karena memiliki kandungan herbal alami pilihan yang telah terbukti serta teruji keampuhannya dalam mengatasi penyakit ambeien. Cara menyembuhkan ambeien luar menggunakan bahan bahan alami terbaik Aman Tanpa Efek samping terdiri dari daun ungu, mahkota dewa serta kunyit putih. Cara mengobati dan menyembuhkan wasir yang paling tepat adalah menggunakan AmbeClear De Nature mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi obat Ambeien terbaik Ambeclear dari De Nature Selain itu obat tradisional wasir atau ambeien ini juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI sehingga bisa dipastikan terjamin mutu dan juga kualitasnya. Anda menderita wasir atau ambeien yang sudah bertahun sudah menyiksa anda Sembuhkan sekarang juga dengan obat wasir ambeien Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa, Obat wasir ambeien herbal yang ampuh dan telah lulus Uji BPOM, serta MUI dan Dinas Kesehatan. call 0852 808 77 999 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

9:50 PM  
Blogger obat kutil kelamin herbal said...

cara mengobati wasir secara alami tanpa harus menggunakan operasi segera kontak kami 0852 808 77 999 mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi obat Ambeien terbaik Ambeclear dari De Nature paling manjur aman untuk ibu hamil

9:51 PM  
Blogger obat kutil kelamin herbal said...

Bagi para penderita ambeien yang sudah merasa frustasi dengan penyakit ambeien yang dideritanya karena tidak juga sembuh meski telah di obati oleh berbagai macam obat sekarang bisa bernafas lega karena obat ambeien ampuh untuk mengatasi dan menyembuhkan gangguan penyakit ambeien telah tersedia. Obat ini benar mujarab karena memiliki kandungan herbal alami pilihan yang telah terbukti serta teruji keampuhannya dalam mengatasi penyakit ambeien. Cara menyembuhkan ambeien luar menggunakan bahan bahan alami terbaik Aman Tanpa Efek samping terdiri dari daun ungu, mahkota dewa serta kunyit putih. Cara mengobati dan menyembuhkan wasir yang paling tepat adalah menggunakan AmbeClear De Nature mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi obat Ambeien terbaik Ambeclear dari De Nature Selain itu obat tradisional wasir atau ambeien ini juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI sehingga bisa dipastikan terjamin mutu dan juga kualitasnya. Anda menderita wasir atau ambeien yang sudah bertahun sudah menyiksa anda Sembuhkan sekarang juga dengan obat wasir ambeien Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa, Obat wasir ambeien herbal yang ampuh dan telah lulus Uji BPOM, serta MUI dan Dinas Kesehatan. call 0852 808 77 999 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

9:52 PM  
Blogger denature klinik said...

Bagi para penderita ambeien yang sudah merasa frustasi dengan penyakit ambeien yang dideritanya karena tidak juga sembuh meski telah di obati oleh berbagai macam obat sekarang bisa bernafas lega karena obat ambeien ampuh untuk mengatasi dan menyembuhkan gangguan penyakit ambeien telah tersedia. Obat ini benar mujarab karena memiliki kandungan herbal alami pilihan yang telah terbukti serta teruji keampuhannya dalam mengatasi penyakit ambeien. Cara menyembuhkan ambeien luar menggunakan bahan bahan alami terbaik Aman Tanpa Efek samping terdiri dari daun ungu, mahkota dewa serta kunyit putih. Cara mengobati dan menyembuhkan wasir yang paling tepat adalah menggunakan AmbeClear De Nature mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi obat Ambeien terbaik Ambeclear dari De Nature Selain itu obat tradisional wasir atau ambeien ini juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI sehingga bisa dipastikan terjamin mutu dan juga kualitasnya. Anda menderita wasir atau ambeien yang sudah bertahun sudah menyiksa anda Sembuhkan sekarang juga dengan obat wasir ambeien Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa, Obat wasir ambeien herbal yang ampuh dan telah lulus Uji BPOM, serta MUI dan Dinas Kesehatan. call 0852 808 77 999 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

9:18 AM  
Blogger denature klinik said...

Bagi para penderita ambeien yang sudah merasa frustasi dengan penyakit ambeien yang dideritanya karena tidak juga sembuh meski telah di obati oleh berbagai macam obat sekarang bisa bernafas lega karena obat ambeien ampuh untuk mengatasi dan menyembuhkan gangguan penyakit ambeien telah tersedia. Obat ini benar mujarab karena memiliki kandungan herbal alami pilihan yang telah terbukti serta teruji keampuhannya dalam mengatasi penyakit ambeien. Cara menyembuhkan ambeien luar menggunakan bahan bahan alami terbaik Aman Tanpa Efek samping terdiri dari daun ungu, mahkota dewa serta kunyit putih. Cara mengobati dan menyembuhkan wasir yang paling tepat adalah menggunakan AmbeClear De Nature mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi obat Ambeien terbaik Ambeclear dari De Nature Selain itu obat tradisional wasir atau ambeien ini juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI sehingga bisa dipastikan terjamin mutu dan juga kualitasnya. Anda menderita wasir atau ambeien yang sudah bertahun sudah menyiksa anda Sembuhkan sekarang juga dengan obat wasir ambeien Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa, Obat wasir ambeien herbal yang ampuh dan telah lulus Uji BPOM, serta MUI dan Dinas Kesehatan. call 0852 808 77 999 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

9:18 AM  
Blogger denature klinik said...

Bagi para penderita ambeien yang sudah merasa frustasi dengan penyakit ambeien yang dideritanya karena tidak juga sembuh meski telah di obati oleh berbagai macam obat sekarang bisa bernafas lega karena obat ambeien ampuh untuk mengatasi dan menyembuhkan gangguan penyakit ambeien telah tersedia. Obat ini benar mujarab karena memiliki kandungan herbal alami pilihan yang telah terbukti serta teruji keampuhannya dalam mengatasi penyakit ambeien. Cara menyembuhkan ambeien luar menggunakan bahan bahan alami terbaik Aman Tanpa Efek samping terdiri dari daun ungu, mahkota dewa serta kunyit putih. Cara mengobati dan menyembuhkan wasir yang paling tepat adalah menggunakan AmbeClear De Nature mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi obat Ambeien terbaik Ambeclear dari De Nature Selain itu obat tradisional wasir atau ambeien ini juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI sehingga bisa dipastikan terjamin mutu dan juga kualitasnya. Anda menderita wasir atau ambeien yang sudah bertahun sudah menyiksa anda Sembuhkan sekarang juga dengan obat wasir ambeien Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa, Obat wasir ambeien herbal yang ampuh dan telah lulus Uji BPOM, serta MUI dan Dinas Kesehatan. call 0852 808 77 999 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

9:19 AM  
Blogger herbal medicine said...

obat kemaluan keluar nanah obat sipilis obat kencing nanah obat sipilis ampuh pengobatan herbal denature kencing perih dan keluar cairan nanah dari ujung penis

5:25 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti

5:43 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041

5:44 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Dikatakan bahwa seorang pria memiliki kesempatan 20 % menghubungi Gonore jika ia memiliki hubungan seksual dengan seorang wanita yang telah menghubungi Gonorrhea . Seorang wanita memiliki 50 % kemungkinan menghubungi Gonore jika dia hubungan seksual dengan seorang pria yang telah menghubungi Gonorrhea . Seorang ibu yang telah menghubungi Gonore dapat menyampaikan penyakit ke bayinya darinya

11:01 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041

12:38 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti

12:14 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041

12:18 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti

11:31 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041

11:35 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Mujarab said...

Wasir atau ambeien adalah penyakit yang terjadi pada bagian anus, jenis wasir atau ambeien sendiri ada dua yaitu wasir atau ambeien dalam dan wasir atau ambeien luar. Dalam penangananya sendiri wasir atau ambeien dapat disembuhkan dengan dua jalan yaitu pengobatan medis dan pengobatan non medis atau pengobatan alternatif. Pengobatan alternatif disini salah satu pilihanya adalah dengan menggunakan tanaman herbal atau dengan ramuan tradisional. Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa adalah hasil pengolahan tanaman herbal daun ungu, kunyit putih, dan mahkota dewa yang telah terbukti ampuh mengatasi wasir atau ambeien baik wasir stadium satu, stadium dua, stadium tiga maupun stadium akhir atau stadium.

6:23 AM  
Blogger Evi Fatmawati said...

jenis penyakit kelamin yang sering ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Penyakit itu disebabkan oleh sejenis kuman kecil berbentuk kopi yang disebut gonococcus. Dalam keadaan tertentu, penyakit itu mungkin juga berjangkit dari tangan kotor, pakaian kotor, tempat duduk, kamar kecil, bahkan air mandi. Maka walaupun biasanya penyakit ini timbul sekitar

12:41 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti

6:28 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send this information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041

6:30 AM  
Blogger Evi Fatmawati said...

Organ vital atau organ reproduksi manusia merupakan bagian tubuh yang sangat penting untuk menopang kehidupan. Dengan organ ini manusia dapat melanjutkan keturunannya,

4:46 AM  
Blogger Evi Fatmawati said...

Organ vital atau organ reproduksi manusia merupakan bagian tubuh yang sangat penting untuk menopang kehidupan. Dengan organ ini manusia dapat melanjutkan keturunannya,

5:00 AM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Obat wasir ambeien tanpa operasi Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa De Nature Indonesia, terbuat dari bahan alami yang aman dan ampuh mengobati wasir dalam, wasir luar dan wasir berdarah dalam waktu singkat.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Ambeclear dan salep Salwa terbuat dari bahan-bahan herbal seperti daun ungu, mahkota dewa, kunyit putih, binahong, dan propolis sehingga aman untuk pengobatan wasir baik sebagai obat wasir ambeien pada pria, wanita, anak-anak/balita, ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui tanpa menyebabkan efek samping apapun.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041 juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI No. Reg. IKOT DINKES 442 /00 060 /V-2

8:34 PM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Obat sipilis di apotik adalah antibiotik. Fungsi dari obat ini adalah untuk menahan pertumbuhan bakteri penyebab sipilis. Namun sayangnya adalah obat ini tidak seampuh yang dikira.

4:00 AM  
Blogger Untung Ada OS said...

Justru, dengan mengkonsumsi antibiotik sebagai alternatif pengobatan yang murah akan membawa masalah baru untuk anda. Mengapa demikian! Karena, antibiotik hanya menahan sementara dan akan sangat mudah kambuh lagi karena bakteri penyebab tidak hilang atau dimusnahkan. Selain itu, ketika kambuh lagi pengobatan akan cukup sulit dan memakan waktu. Hal tersebut dikarenakan bakteri sudah resistant atau kebal terhadap obat.

4:00 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041 juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI No. Reg. IKOT DINKES 442 /00 060 /V-2

10:30 PM  
Blogger ok said...

obat kencing nanah De Nature

Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri  Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23

12:29 AM  
Blogger ekstrakalam said...

Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab

5:39 PM  
Blogger ekstrakalam said...

selangkangan anda terasa gatal silahkan hubungi 085 647 928 789 insya Allah manjur

2:31 AM  
Blogger Ekstrak Buah said...

Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!

5:05 PM  
Blogger obat wasir ambeclear said...

cara mengobati wasir secara alami tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan cepat cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa serta aman untuk ibu yang

6:21 PM  
Blogger obat wasir ambeclear said...

obat wasir alami de nature ambeclear ampuh sembuhkan wasir tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil

6:22 PM  
Blogger obat wasir ambeclear said...

cara mengobati wasir secara alami tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan cepat cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa serta aman untuk ibu yang

6:12 AM  
Blogger obat wasir ambeclear said...

obat wasir alami de nature ambeclear ampuh sembuhkan wasir tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil

6:12 AM  
Blogger arief herbal said...

pengobatan ambeien alami dengan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil de nature ambeclear ampuh sembuhkan wasir tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat

3:36 PM  
Blogger arief herbal said...

cara menyembuhkan wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan obat wasir dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa harus operasi bisa di kerjakan sendiri cepat aman alami

3:37 PM  
Blogger Ekstrak Buah said...

Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab

5:57 PM  
Blogger Obat Sipilis said...

Mencari Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi, alasan malu kedokter dan biayanya pasti lebih mahal kalau harus kedokter biaya operasi kutil kelamin berapa belum konsultasi  spesialis sangat mahal.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Obat Sipilis said...

Paket lengkap Obat Kutil Kemaluan Yang Ampuh dan Manjur, dengan kombinasi herbal antivirus gang jie Obat Kutil Kelamin Herbal dengan ramuan alami pilihan khusus untuk membasmi virus kutil kelamin dan merontokan benjolan kutil kelamin dengan aman dan bersih.

8:10 AM  
Blogger Obat Sipilis said...

Ini Solusinya Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa harus dengan Operasi dan bisa sembuh total, Kekhawatiran anda akan diakhiri dengan pengobatan kami,

8:11 AM  
Blogger obat ambeien ambeclear said...

pengobatan herbal ambeien secara alami tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan cepat cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa serta aman untuk ibu yang sedang hamil sekalipun tanpa efeks samping

4:46 PM  
Blogger obat ambeien ambeclear said...

Obat herbal wasir yang paling manjur ambeclear dari de Nature ampuh mengobati wasir secara alami tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan cepat cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa serta aman untuk ibu yang aman untuk ibu yang

4:47 PM  
Blogger obat ambeien ambeclear said...

pengobatan herbal ambeien secara alami tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan cepat cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa serta aman untuk ibu yang sedang hamil sekalipun tanpa efeks samping

5:23 PM  
Blogger obat ambeien ambeclear said...

Obat herbal wasir yang paling manjur ambeclear dari de Nature ampuh mengobati wasir secara alami tanpa harus operasi cukup dengan cepat cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat dari daun ungu serta mahkotadewa serta aman untuk ibu yang aman untuk ibu yang

5:24 PM  
Blogger Mugi Barokahh said...

sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....

12:02 AM  
Blogger obat kondiloma akuminata said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjur serta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

10:02 PM  
Blogger obat kondiloma akuminata said...

Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

10:04 PM  
Blogger obat kondiloma akuminata said...

cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

10:31 PM  
Blogger obat kondiloma akuminata said...

Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil

10:32 PM  
Blogger Mugi Barokahh said...

sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....

6:22 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Sangat perlu sekali untuk anda ketahui, penyakit kencing nanah ialah penyakit menular sexsual yang mengakibatkan kencing mengeluarkan nanah. Penyakit ini juga sangat berbahaya sekali, karena dapat menular dengan cepat melalui kontak langsung berhubungan sexsual dengan penderita, bahkan penularannya pun sangat kronis.

3:07 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Bisa juga melalui uretus ibu kepada anaknya, bila kencing nanah ini mengenai mata , maka akan mengakibatkan terjadinya kebutaan. Tentunya sangat berbahaya sekali penyakit kencing nanah ini bagi penderitanya.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Untuk penyebabnya ialah bakteri neisseria gonorrhoeae yang dapat terjadi karena seseorang melakukan hubungan sexsual dengan penderita kencing nanah, melakukan hubungan sexsual di usia dini, saat berhubungan sexsual tidak memakai pengaman, dan seringnya melakukan hubungan sexsual dengan bergunta ganti pasangan Jika anda didiagnosis mengenai

3:08 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi

11:30 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041 juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI No. Reg. IKOT DINKES 442 /00 060 /V-2

11:32 AM  
Blogger Mugi Barokahh said...

MERDEKA!!!!!!! obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....

6:30 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,

10:23 AM  
Blogger Ekstrak Buah said...


5:09 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Okk Maen said...

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi

2:17 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041 juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI No. Reg. IKOT DINKES 442 /00 060 /V-2

2:19 AM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I am going to send information to him. Pretty sure he will have a great read. Many thanks for sharing! obat wasir atau ambeien herbal ambeclearl dari DeNature yang terbuat dari 100% bahan alami terbukti manjur mengobati wasir tanpa operasi

4:24 PM  
Blogger Obat Wasir Alami said...

serta relatif tanpa efek samping yang berarti Ambeclear dibuat dari ekstrak daun ungu dan ekstrak buah mahkota dewa serta ekstrak kunyit putih yang diracik secara modern dan sudah bersetifikat halal LP POM MUI juga terdaftar di BP POM No. POM TR 133 374 041 juga terdaftar resmi DINKES RI No. Reg. IKOT DINKES 442 /00 060 /V-2

4:25 PM  

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