Monday, July 31, 2006

Open Thread

I'm working on something I'll post later today, but it's not ready, and I need to sleep now if I mean to sleep at all. Until then, please feel free to use this as an open thread.


Anonymous HMKGrey said...

I'm first and I claim my prize.


7/31/2006 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous daniel said...

Heres a couple rambling emails I sent somone on why I think the Scholars for 9/11 Truth are probly being setup by MSMers as leaders for if/when the shit hits the fan. This in the wake of a big skeptics conference on CSPAN and like 3 skeptics on Hannity+ Colmes in very little time:

This (CSPAN-televised)conference, along with a couple other quiet but particularly important developments should come to me as good news. I'm actually increasingly preoccupied with a newfound distrust of many of the people who I "should" be big fans of. 4 of the 5 panelists had strikes against their legitimacy as radicals (in all fairness most people would neither notice nor care about what I classify as 'strikes') One of my biggest problems was that Jim Fetzer was there within 1 week of chatting with Ollie North in what appeared to be uncharastically, of FOX, fairly candid discussion. A botched attempt at publically bashing 9/11 skeptics? Possible... but I have a hard time beleiving North has ever taken part in anything both so public and so "unscripted". Otherwise Fetzer's work and opinions are consistent and fairly laudable. The moderator/panelist who more or less headed the meeting was, unsurprisingly, Alex Jones (who recently appeared in A Scanner Darkly a movie largely about dissociative states mind-control and the inability to grasp reality). This was unsurprising only because Ruppert wasn't, though, viewed in a uberparanoid light, he would've been if he hadn't already been throughly discretited as an inconsistent blowhard and probably exposed as an active disinformationist who implicitely promotes the necessity or the deaths of 2/3rds of humanity over the next couple decades. Here its worth noting that 2 of the biggest names ever associated with the movement largely dissappeared amidst allegations of complicity. In the case of Ruppert it was well informed speculation and his subsequent vacating of the limelight was (barely) gradual. In the case of one Michael Chossudovsky he was provably shown to have funded his website/organization with money from Adnan Khashoggi. Ouch, it didn't take long for the relevant names to tie explicitely and unnaguably back to Iran-Contra. Here I'll take a moment to mention the panelist I had no problem with: Webster Tarply. The reason I mention him is that (in addition to having political ideas largely identical to my own in a generalized sense) he damn near quoted me on the list of events that exposed the repeated complicity of a small group (JFK, Bay of Pigs, anything particularly nefarious in Vietname, etc.) and even more amazing singled out as I do Iran-contra as the one where almost all the relevant names come out. Insofar as my ideas were inspired by Tarpley it was only indirectly. The hyper-paranoid explaination for his presence is that the best lies contain large amounts of truth. Hence the most convincing panels of liars will contain truth-tellers. But back the most problematic figure, Alex Jones. The man has charisma. When he said that he could have been another Rush Limbaugh if he'd been willing to lie, I didn't for a second doubt it. Listen to him for 1 hour and its clear he has at least as much vitriol and a better (or more accurately more sophisticated) ability to spin things. A big problem with his satement had nothing to do with his claim to limbaugh-like abilities it had to do with how he recounted the "offer". I don't want to spend 1 or more hours in a likely fruitless search for the relevant audio clip so this is not verbatim, it is however in every relevant respect what he said: "I could have been the next Rush Limbaugh, coulda made millions every year, they came to me and offered me that position, but I wouldnt do it. I wouldn't lie for money." This statement is problemtaic because the least conspiratorial interpretation of who "they" are is that they were high-level reps of one of the big, conservative news organizations. At best that assummption only superficially distances "them" from intelligence assets, and if they in fact were assets of any kind, it seems unlikely that they would offer him millions to both stop telling the truth and start lying, accept his outright refusal, leave him be, and that he would, after all of this, by chance become one of the 2 best known faces of the movement. (Side note: the dude loks easily 40 but is 28) He also during the most relevant time-frame (the months immediately proceeding 9/11) did a couple interviews (1 long one at least) with David Schippers, who was lead councel in the house attempt to impeach Clinton. In the interview Schippers suggests that the planes were occupied by the 19 suspects but that they were all mind controlled double agents. A valid argument can be made for precisely that case but we have to remember who's making it. Also, far from insignificantly, Schippers shows up in my new book which is essentially devoted to discussion of exactly that type of programming, simply with different ends. Needless to say, Schippers was not put in a very good or trustworthy light during his breif mention. That does it for Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer and Webster Tarpley . Next is a Professor J(I forget the rest of the 1st name) Jones of BYU, who recently made a truly extraoridnary claim that quietly hit the skeptics community without anything like the splash it should have caused. He claimed(s) to have samples of the relevant steel and to have proven it in lab conditions to contain thermate, which is efffectively used only as a "shape charge" or explosive aimed at cutting or piercing hard substances in a controlled vector. He held up (in a plastic casing, what he claimed was a small piece of that steel and elaborated on his previous claims. This was bear in mind, all broadcast on national news at least twice already and will be at least once in the near future. That's about my only problem with Professor Jones: he is either lying on some level or has in his possession a substance that would be so important and so valuable that no one in their right mind would ever admit to possessing it before having it widely distributed to labs all over the planet and independantly analyzed so as to prove his theory and thereby indirectly forestall any assassination attempts. Also Brighma Young has produced at least 1 other member o Scholars for 9/11 truth and an openly Mormon University seems an unlikely breeding ground given Mormonism's ties to brainwashing, scientologists and any number of other heinous practices. That does it for the 2nd Jones on the panel. I guess that leaves the guy who shames all the others in his lack of credibility as a radical. Somebody Bowden, who apparently has all the skeptic-community gravitas of Jim Fetzer or Professor Jones. I will have to take the word of the organizers as I barely recognize his name (unlike Tarpley, who's name I constantly encountered without ever studying his work). Another thing that 9/11 skeptics pretty universally don't share with him is an ardent and public conviction that within the year they will be elected to the House of Representatives. I'll have to do some research to figure out if this in fact likely or if it is instead self-aggrandizing and self-defeating propaganda, in fact I'd go clear that up now and include it, for an indictment of a 1hour broadcast, this is already running long. Incidentally he claims unnamed Congressional allies who have agreed to cosponsor what would likely be a damning investigation) So there's his likely soon-to-be congressmanhood, then there's his rank in the military of Lt. Col. (this is a very common rank for people who do very high-level but nonetheless very hands on dirtywork, the best example being Michael Aquino). Ok, thats fine, there are former military skeptics who I don't categorically distrust. In Bowden's case his rank and employment had the added benefit of giving him 1st hand experience with the kind of routine interception that should've occurred on 9/11. He said flat out that he had intercepted planes (didn't say how many times), that he "knew the drill and that he knew how long those interceptions should've taken (didn't bother to say what that figure was). This actually hints at one of the bigger underlying weaknesses of the research side of the skeptics movement. It should be fairly easy for anyone to attain documentary evidence of at least a years history of interceptions and reliably source the statement that pre-9/11 interceptions averaged no more than 15 minutes (that figure could be easily twice as high without compromising the point at all). He effectively claims to embody that documentary evidence but fails to be at all specific about any aspect of it . One of the scarier things was his speaking demeanor. It was precisely that of an uninspired career politition like Kerry, but not as good. What became clear is that in his "tirade" was included only one relevant message: when to cheer an clap. Has Kerry ever told his audience any more? He releid heavily of hand movements, pauses and a voice that reeked of a bad imitation of great public speakers, to indicate when loud bursts of applause were desired (Hitler was explicitely taught the body language and cadence then considered most effective and convincing, the similarities in the body language of the 2 men are significant). Applause came about every 20 seconds (in contrast Tarply 1-2 minutes in, explicitely asked people to stop applauding him until after televised coverage was over because of the rarity and value of a publicized forum for discussion). Bowden's single most ominous remark was that after the '06 election, he was "taking this movement mainstream", regardless of his motives that proposition is both frightening and exhilerating, though it does imply that "the mainstream" could survive widespread acceptance of the movement without damningly and repeatedly implicating itself (a ludicrous assertion).

Anyway, if this was largely unconvincing, and your opinion is that the broadcast was a good thing aimed at doing what it claimed to do, I don't have much else that'll be convincing, So rather than a factually oriented close to this rant I will give brief speculation at whatever it is that I'm clearly either wrong or right about. Of all scenarios the one most likely in my view is that some or perhaps all the panelists were intentionally seeding truth with lies and misdirection. Insofar as it can be made a mainstream idea without destroying the existing mainstream it serves the elite make it so. A chronological look at relevant polls shows that the 9/11 lie was too flagrant to survive people shock, sadness and patriotic fervor. If then, the 9/11 lie isn't holding up even nearly as long as the JFK lie, it will be known and therefor how its interpreted and who is blamed is of critical importance (life and death importance). It once seemed too far out that the most prominent voices of "reason" were in large part actually disinformation agents. Chossudovsky proves that it is at least occasionally the case. A critical look at the situation proves the presence of saboteurs in the movement as a whole. Thus my only questions are: What portion? Who? and is the movement so hopelessly compromised that it should be abandoned by honest, good-hearted people (which begs the final question) If good honest people don't see the widely publicized movement as a good use of their time, what then?

NExt Email:
just keep seeing sign after possible sign that the 9/11 thing may be escalating seriously (which pretty much CANT end well). Jim Fetzer being somewhat fairly interviewed by Ollie North? There are 2 other 9/11 skeptic bashings on recent Hannity and Colmes, and Colmes is as subtly dismissive as usual, and Hannity is what you expect: A beligerant ass who shouts down his opponents and openly insults them. Interesting that the interview with Fetzer was the North one(theres the Lt. Col. rank I was mentioning). Maybe Hannity didn't have North's clearance re: the purpose of the segment, which seems more likely aimed at giving Fetzer credibility (on both sides) within days of the biggest best-covered 9/11 conference. I had no complaints about Webster Tarply until I read his site. On air, he had mention of EVERY major aspect relevant to international crypto-fascism EXCEPT Central Banks. Fine I thought, any number of reasons. Well one of his 4 books (his 1st, from '92) is basically an incredibly meticulous telling of the info from the money masters movie.

If this all does come down I think we may be seeing a preliminary move by bankers to create a near-universally credible cadre of well-credentialled characters to place very limited blame and generally control the movement from the top through compromised or complicit "leaders". The group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, showed up maybe 5 months ago as easily the biggest collection of PhD/Masters holders (all but a few of the 300 odd are one or both) the remaining few members are relative luminaries of extremely radical writing. The only non-member onstage at the CSPAN bit was moderator Alex Jones who unlike the others appeals largely to right wing radicals, in a way much better taylored to that audience than the scholars' (lots more "God Bless America", and anger). Speaking of anger, every panelist but Tarpley yelled and accentuated angry gestures. The Bowman guy was the worst but Jim Fetzer actually got red-faced. I've heard maybe 2 dozen hours of him in informal interviews at a site where he's long been a semi-host semi-guest. He was generally bemused as he related evidence (seems common in those whove been doing this so long they can only laugh and get excited rather than still be shocked or angry, throwing up their hands at their profession and the world it exposes). Well now hes red faced pounding the table and yelling of murdered Americans. Maybe he just took a page out of Alex Jones' book.
I may just be disconcerted about too much of a legitimately good thing, but the speed they move at, the heretofore unequalled skeptics universal prestige and the dude with undeniable physical evidence (long the 9/11 holy grail) who told the world as much after analyzing it in his school's lab, reckless both to himself and to the goals of the movement. In addition to the FOX/CSPAN stuff this group has all kind of local TV and big time radio spots (including Fetzer on Colmes' show), all in the last 4 months, most in the last couple weeks... Too many of these outlets/people are corrupt or or muzzled by corruption for this to make sense.
Finally consider an unrelated evolutionary argument for some of this wierdness: The Hapsburg chin, the hemopheliac Romanovs... ...the cryptopsychopathic Rothschilds? They were horribly inbred which is what accentuated the appearence of royal defects/traits. What if there was a (now large and extended) family with strong predisposition towards megalomania, manipulative abilitie and lack of conscience. While this wouldn't be the rule, it could be genetically likely enough that each generation would have a large minority with the proclivity and ability to continually conspire against all freedom from their control. The remainder could be left to find their own way in life but given no unusual information. They could also be controlled, manipulated or blackmailed. Far to many people at all points on the spectrum use only one of the following explainations: (mind) controlledness, compromisedness/fear, convincedness, complicity and good old greed. What makes most sense to me is a small cadre (a few hundred globally?) that uses those methods to directly and indirectly influence a network of thousands most of whom do not suspect their involvement in a particularly large conspiracy.

(sorry bout the length).

7/31/2006 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous nanotech tiefighter said...

Mumbai mourns its '7/11' victims

Could it be? Could it truly be a 20+ year old joke?

The very existence of the Simpsons seems to bear this out. See Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

Furthermore. Was anyone aware of where MTV's Real World was set and aired in the late summer and fall of 2001? WTC towers intact and in full effect whilst the disaster wore on and the WOT got its start?

Yup. Its called Real World "Back to New York". A rounded off season #10 to complement the number 9/11/01.

7/31/2006 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel's latest gallery of horrors:

Have a nice day.

7/31/2006 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel: Nice stream of consciousness post. You covered a lot of thoughtful ground. I think your basic conclusion, that these guys on the 911 scholars panel are unloading a lot of accurate information as a damage-control operation in service of protecting the higher level conspirators is right on the money. George Dubya's Skull and Bones' name "Temporary" has to have some meaning here, I think.

There's also the possibility of some major wired-in discrediting of these guys or their evidence at some later point in order to try and take the wind out of the sails of the 911 truth movement.

There's also the masonic theatre in your face aspect of saying to the public, "fuck you...this is what we did... so what...what are you gonna do about it?" I think this last one is discounted at our peril.

I am sure the eminent blogger psychologists who pontificate on the non-existence of Freudian slips in the extemporaneous speaking by Israeli leaders and billionaires will rush to their desks to pooh pooh the obvious involvement of Israel and the Mossad in this thing, hand in glove with the Bush/Cheney/Britain CIA/MI6 axis, but they will spout their crap from now until doomsday.

This week's Henry Makow column is pretty much on target, as is, oh yeah, read it and weep, David Icke's and his "weekly newsletter" that he made accessible to non-subscribers. So, hey, shills, thanks for directing us to that site, because the information is pretty tough to refute.

Alex Jones is only half right. He's a race-baiter and a bigot when it comes to Mexicans. He thinks global warming is due to "bovine flatulence."

I think Stephen Jones from BYU is putting out good info on the thermite/thermate thing. He got censured by his department for it.

Tarpley has been a long term exposer of the Bushes/bones/NWO crew, but I have never seen him write about international bankers, though I have not read the book you referenced. But is book on 911 is titled "911 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA". Yes, but... One might argue these guys are trying to follow the KISS doctrine of Keep It Simple Stupid, in order that their message not get too confused and befuddle the masses who need to hear it and understand it.

That is the most chartible and optimistic conclusion at which I can arrive.

Most Americans have been so mesmerized they haven't even been able to deal with the basic lies which contravene the facts of the buildings' construction, the laws of inertia, gravity and other basic physics, not to mention details of NORAD, the stand down, and the simulation games going on that day.

For people to understand just this material would be a vast leap forward from where we are now. But it certainly encompasses an incomplete vision.

Little by little the air clears.

God willing, we will breathe again.

7/31/2006 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KABUL, Afghanistan — NATO troops today assumed command of military operations in volatile southern Afghanistan from the US-led coalition, marking the first time the alliance has conducted land-combat operations.

Look for them soon in Lebanon, where they will be the proxy army for the Israel/US military axis.

The chess pieces are lining up. Who's playing the board??

7/31/2006 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on the CSPAN 911 conference:

I found BOTH Tarpley and Fetzer's presentations to be succinct, on target, compelling evidence presented in an intelligent and thoughtful manner.

I did not see any red faced bloviating, not even from Alex Jones in the first hour, and ps, it is an hour and 3/4 long.

The Lt. Col. Bowman made himself less credible by using the platform as a political campaign speech for Congress, but that's in a hoary American tradition.

I think Fetzer and Tarpley's presentations alone were enough to, if not convince, at least raise MAJOR doubts in the minds of even the most naive American citizens.

Bravo, keep it up.

7/31/2006 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"The left sided gatekeepers are the biggest problem...Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, The Nation magazine...these are the biggest obstacles to the truth. They keep spouting the racist lies of the conspirators."

Well said, Web.

Oh, and by the way, it was at this point that Alex Jones quickly moved in to shut him up and change the subject. There's your answer, boys and girls, as to who's for real, and who is ultimately full of shit.

Okay, IrisCutsfish, AJ and's time to bring on your neocon party line crosstalk, thinly disguised as it may be.

7/31/2006 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TARPLEY's incisive comments begin at just exactly one hour into the broadcast, and watch how many times Alex Jones walks over his words and tries to shut him up when Tarpley says the Chomsky, Goodman, Air America and the Nation are the biggest barriers to the truth by "obsessively parroting the racist war-mongering of the conspirators."

By 'racist war-mongering' Tarpley is referring to Samuel Huntington's fantasy thesis of the Clash of Civilizations the fuels the NeoCon war agenda...Gee, funny how a Harvard professor who is the darling of the NeoCons just happens to write about the same clash that Albert Pike wrote about nearly 140 years ago. Funny, that.

Just a coincidence, I guess.

7/31/2006 07:20:00 AM  
Blogger Sounder said...

Events will change to the extent that the expressions of our minds change.

An essay called Creativity Unleashed is posted on my blog site. The section on the “unknown unknown” was written long before Mr. Rumsfeld brought it up.

7/31/2006 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

Events will change to the extent that the expressions of our minds change.

Just who is "our?"

Have you taken a good, hard look at your fellow Americans, lately?

They're freakin Jello Puddin, for Christ's Sake. How the hell do you intend to build any kind of foundation upon that gelatinous mess?

I'm pissed that I'm going to be grinded up with these Sacks of Shit.

7/31/2006 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous xsicx said...

Daniel do some more work brother. Some of the things your are taklking about have ben taken to task, speculated on and talked about.

And If I was Professor Jones, and I had a SMALL amount of WTC Steel. The last fucking thing I am gonna do is send it to some Lab where it will probably get mysteriously "Lost".

7/31/2006 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MK84 - Dumb Bombs designed for maximum effect

The MK-84 is a free-fall, nonguided GP 2,000-pound bomb. The MK 80 series Low Drag General Purpose (LDGP) bombs are used in the majority of bombing operations where maximum blast and explosive effects are desired.

7/31/2006 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger ericswan said...

If it got out it wasn't important or it wasn't understood in the first place. The 911 truth movement is a day late and a dollar short. Get over it. The manipulation is all in your mind. Most of us are not fat and ugly. Most of us already know that we are being led around by the rings on our fingers; rings on our toes and last but not least, the rings in our noses.

The only way to the truth is to harden the past in the present. If you missed it before it happened or when it happened, you might just as well move along. The next opportunity will be a dot connected to the last missed opportunity. Be aware. Dimensions of time are not insurmountable. Time lines can only be changed from present forward. The past will bury their dead.

7/31/2006 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

Let's prepare to wage the ultimate battle with the only weapon at our disposal.......Jello Pudding far as the eye can see......and Bill Cosby as the Field General.

Hi, I'm a substance-less Jello Pudding Pop. I'm Gelatinous and melt real easy when you apply heat and/or friction. And The Lord said "upon Jello Pudding Pops, I will build my New Church."

7/31/2006 11:21:00 AM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

Hey Anonymous!

How’s it hanging? (Close and tight, as this “eminent blogger psychologist” must construe?) Daniel was right on in his ramblings, and it’s fairly axiomatic: the degree to which the media mollify and passify the outraged bovine flatulence of the slowly awakening human herd is directly proportional to the appearance of objectivity. Somewhat more simply stated, ain’t no way in hell that Ollie North is gonna come clean about Iran/Contra, any more than the 9/11 initiative will be allowed to broadcast its truths without becoming corrupted and co-opted along the way. It’s easier to muddy the waters than to dam up the stream. The taint of “moonbatted conspiracy wackos” is still stronger than the cognitive dissonance thus far unleashed.

Let’s slide a little Wilson in now, since Anon is feeling his superior oats again: I posit that there are no accidents in The Script. All your sinister Jewish freudianisms are public knowledge, as well as your dancing Mossad van-drivers and your 146-member Mossad art student ensemble—how’d they get to be that way? The same way the holy book of Pike was “found” in its authentically dusty leather bindings, just sort of, well, accidentally? Okay. They can run the world, but they can’t keep their manifesto secret? Let’s look now at the results of all this spontaneous truthiness: prowl the blogs and put a meat thermometer in your basic flank steak of Jew hate. Scorching, baby. Coincidental? Sure it is. N.Finkelstein, the perpetual thorn in slimy Dershowitz’s side, has caught the ardent Nazi in another lie, this one with extra-special relevance, as it exposes the origin of the current rationale for Israeli aggression, Lidice-style: “He (Dershowitz) said that, with the help of lawyers, Israel must make it clear to the world that blame for the killing of civilians in the war on terrorism falls on the people who use those civilians as human shields and operate from civilian areas, not on those who act in self-defense.” Sound familiar, boys and girls? It’s from November, 2005. What’s more, the slimy toad slithered off to Israel to offer this helpful PR in the wake of a disastrous event that we never got to hear about: it seems that a group of Israeli Air Force pilots signed a letter declaring their refusal to participate in the lovely targeted assassinations, with all their colorful civilian carnage. Stifle, stifle; suppress that knowledge, ‘cuz the world needs to know, beyond the shadow of self-righteous doubt, that all Jews are evil and there's no need to spread that blame any further. Check out the rest of this page; it’s gets even funkier:;=85

So, how’s the message so far: All Jews are evil; the Protocols are redeemed (why else would Rense run them?); 9/11 was a Jewish Triangle Production (Mossad/Netanyahu/Silverstein); the world dances in the valley of Armageddon with Dershowitz-rendered approbation…and the boiling point is reached…and all we’ve got to do is follow our noses (and the reliably supplied clues) to round up the Jews and get back to American Values. Surely, once the Rothschilds are extirpated our good Christian businessmen will reintroduce their laudable ethics, the police will more avidly comb the lice from the body politic, and all’s well that ends well, right? If it’s obvious it must be true, right? Hold on to your Pike, it’s bound to be a bumpy ride, despite all your self-assurance (or does staring at the Illuminati all-seeing Eye-of-Horus just naturally impart that kind of clear vision and certain knowledge?) It seems to me that there’s still no fool like the fool that knows full well he’s no fool…

7/31/2006 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

Just say no, and support those who say no, and do not support those who say yes.

7/31/2006 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous One,all I can say is fuck this place called the US of A,that A stands for assholes,if you don't know by now. I'm sorry if I sound a little upset,but after mentioning to many people about the C-span show this weekend,I'am getting comments like who cares,and let it go.This shit hole,sold out place will get what it has coming to it.Shrub you said it well,I to am pissed that we will be ground up with these sacks of shit. The tipping point has to be near,the soul suckers have removed almost any sign of resistance from the brain dead Merican's. The Red Heifer Days are coming,keep your eyes open,later.

7/31/2006 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel, thanks for your insight. Do you or anyone else have any opinion on Kevin Barrett at the UW Madison? I think the local reaction to him is negative or dismissive. But he is fully intrenched in an "Chomsky, Goodman, Nation city". Barrett seems very passionate, but a little all over the map when he speaks. His segment on Hannity was viewed positivly by those who agree with him and negatively by those who disagree with him. And how about the say-nothing op-ed piece by Stanley Fish about Barrett in the New York Times? Locally in Madison I think a lot of people want to associate Barrett with anti-semitism and crazy "illuminati" talk. Not very good characteristics for winning people over - unless you want to win them over and then sell anti-semitism and the "illuminati" to them.

7/31/2006 12:12:00 PM  
Blogger P-Tar said...

Dan: it's "thermite", not "thermate". Thermite is a powder made up of powdered aluminum and iron oxide (rust) (mixed approximately 50-50 by weight) and ignited with high-temperature metals (such as magnesium). It does not explode in a high-order detonation, and thus cannot be used as a "shaped charge", which uses high explosives shaped into nested cones inside of a cylindrical body to produce a blast-wave focused at a single point, such as in HEAT (high explosive anti-tank) rounds. If Prof. Jones said that Thermite was used to produce a shaped charge, he knows nothing of demolitions, and his testimony in the field can be discounted. If he's a Professor of Chemistry, he should be fired.

Thermite, rather, burns at an incredible heat due to the dual exothermic reactions of the iron oxide losing its oxygen and the aluminum burning and re-capturing the oxygen: the resulting temperatures reach 3000 degrees centigrade, which is half the temperature of the sun's surface (Sol's core, where hydrogen is fusion-burned into helium, is of course much hotter).

While this would be more than enough to melt through structural steel (thermite is used to fuse the iron tracks in railroads) I submit that the time required to do so would not bring down the towers in the concerted fashion observed. C4 or other brisance-capable high-order explosives (such as HMX, TNT, RDX or their derivatives) are far more effective at such demolitions and would produce the observed result if placed correctly.

Also: it doesn't matter if we take the heads of all the major international bankers if we leave in place the system they exploited. They can keep their heads if they give up their money-machine to Government control, where it belongs. I think they'd rather lose their heads than lose control... "Bow down before the one your serve... Head like a Hole!"

7/31/2006 12:38:00 PM  
Blogger blogbart said...

I too have found myself puzzled as to why the "Left gatekeepers" such as Amy Goodman, Chomsky, etc, have been silent on the issue of official complicity in 9/11. However, I perceive this as attempts to keep themselves in the "mainstream" and preserve their access to the "system". If you've seen the Stephen Colbert WH correspondent dinner roast, you can see this dynamic in action ie, when the media and celeb hordes writhe uncomfortably in their seats, unwilling to respond naturally to Colbert's wit, afraid to displease the power center. Chomsky is an old man, do you think he wants to go out as a 9/11 "conspiracy theorist"? Pity the man for his vanity.

As for potential disinfo in the messages and persons of the conference panel members (which video of, I've not yet seen), it is always a possibility. All I can say, is that I am heartened the message "it was an inside job" is getting out. Once this gets hooked in the mouths of American fishes, they can be fought into the boat, or a goodly proportion of them anyways.

Recall, that not too long ago, Charlie Sheen was on the airwaves telling us his doubt of the "official story", but now is not. That is ok, because there are more and more events to come, such as the conference in LA. Momentum builds not only in persons, but in mass movement.

In the end, wider awareness and acceptance of the falsity of the "official story" will prevail.

7/31/2006 01:05:00 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

I agree.It seems logical and blatantly apparent to me that *something* brought down the towers and bldg 7, that was not only caused by jet fuel. Why normal educated people can't see the similarity between a controlled demolition and what happened on 911 consistently amazes me.
Remember when Ward Churchill gave a paper called 'Some People Push Back', just after 911?
It was met with an extraordinary amount of disdain. Today it seems well applied.

Forgive the change of topic, but what is your take on the possibility that something might be in the works for 2012?
A number of theories are out there, one being a pole shift. This could explain allot of the 'winner takes all' attitude in Neo-Con circles, weather perplexities and underground fortresses. Not to mention the total disregard for the national budget and human existence, whether in the Middle East or in New Orleans.
Something seems to be up.

7/31/2006 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous trachys said...

I too found Tarpley superb, cogent and articulate. Every time Jones cut him off I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle the glib bastard.

Tarpley briefly outlines a hypothesis wherein Bush ("Angel is next, now do as we say") is told to inform Putin that Armageddon awaits, unless he gives up central Asia.

Then there is the question from that student from U Vic, who implies that the 'Bush administration' has been set up to fall, so that something even more wretched might take its place. (To which the participants replied "keep on keepin on! The constitution, amen!")

Not just a piece of paper?

7/31/2006 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the end, wider awareness and acceptance of the falsity of the "official story" will prevail.

And even if it does, nothing will change. The majority of people think the Official Version of the JFK Assassination was false, yet nothing's done about it.

It doesn't matter anymore, and I'm tired of giving it any more of my energy. Exposing 911 is a dead-end street.

As I have said before, and I will say it again, take it as a given that it was orchestrated by nefarious forces who also have significant, if not overwhelming influence on our daily lives, and move on to creating a new paradigm to neutralize these forces.

Start creating realities for them to react to rather than reacting to their pipe fill of realities.

The challenge is how to create our own realities with Jello Pudding Pops.

7/31/2006 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

By the way, the post above is attributed to me, but for some reason EZ Board labeled me as Anonymous.

7/31/2006 02:32:00 PM  
Anonymous starroute said...

Left gatekeepers are certainly a puzzle. There are any number of plausible explanations for their so-far-and-no-farther approach, but none of those seem to get past the one overwhelming objection that there are no equivalent right gatekeepers. On the right, the extremists and the "moderates" seem to exist in happy symbiosis. Not so on the left.

One possible explanation of this is that it harks back to the days of McCarthyism and the John Birch Society, when there was an invisible line that those on the left could not cross without being immediately and totally discredited. I've argued as much myself in the past, but now I'm feeling less convinced that it really explains much. Fifty year old patterns of political reaction don't normally keep hanging on that way just out of habit.

I'm starting to think instead that what the left gatekeepers are trying to ward off is the imperative to stare into the abyss. For example, I *remember* when Kennedy was shot -- and how the overwhelming reaction of the next few days was one of extreme disorientation. I recall writing in my diary, "This world is not as I though it was."

Even more than protecting any particular conspirators, the Warren Commission was designed to put Humpty Dumpty back again -- to convince people that everything really was normal, give or take the occasional lone nut. (Emphasis on "lone." Emphasis on "nut.") That the world was not run by people for whom murder was an everyday business method and high-level assassination a risky but powerful weapon to be deployed as the occasion demanded. That social cause and effect were still what we had always taken them to be, and that living your life and doing your job and voting on Election Day really could influence world events and insure a better life for you and your children.

(And, yes, people really did believe in such things back in 1963. Quaint, isn't it?)

The Kennedy assassination itself very quickly got as muddied as a spring that's been trampled through by a herd of water buffalo, but the intimations of the abyss kept leaking out around the edges. I became convinced some while ago that the special quality of the late 60's resulted not from the drugs themselves but from the forbidden perceptions that the drugs briefly gave people a license to utter.

The essence of that forbidden truth, as simply as I can put it, is that the world as we know it is based on a lie. But also that (and here I'm going to get into trouble with Anony again) the actual world is better than the false world we are taught to believe in.

The false world is one in which scarcity, competition, hatred, and war are inevitable. In which some have to suffer so that other may thrive. In which ruthless methods are the only effective methods and refusing to employ them is a form of suicide. And on, and on, and on.

Propping up that big a lie takes an awful lot of hard work. It takes elaborate behind-the-scenes manipulations. It takes arranging events to tell a particular story -- and spinning frantically to cover your ass when real events leak out despite your best efforts.

Dramatic occurrences like the JFK assassination or 9/11 may not even be particularly significant in themselves as much as because they are the points are which you can catch a glimpse of the men in black skintights rearranging the scenery.

So who are the left gatekeepers? By and large, they're the ones who have bought into the lie but see their job as papering over the suffering and the death by being as nice as possible whenever they're allowed the chance. Beyond that, they're often the ones who would rather sell their soul to Davy Jones than gaze into the Abyss.

The funny thing about the Abyss is that some people seem to be able to live with it indefinitely, while others can only take so much before their nerve breaks and they have to scamper back to hide in Mommy's lap. Chomsky has certainly taught me more than anybody I can think of about how the world works and the gangster methods of supposedly respectable national leaderships, and it's really sad that he would wimp out now.

Perhaps the ones who ultimately have to avert their eyes and turn away are those who perceive the Abyss as evil -- instead of recognizing their own perceptions of evil as a sort of veil or, if you will, gatekeeper that guards the ultimate secrets from those who are not worthy to receive them.

Funny thing about the word "gatekeeper." We toss it around so loosely in a political context -- but its deepest resonances are profoundly occult and mytholocial. That's something we ignore at our peril.

7/31/2006 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Jones is actually talking about Thermate, which is thermite enhanced with sulphur which causes it to ignite at lower temperatures and burn even hotter than thermite.
From wikipedia: "Thermate-TH3 is a mixture of thermite and pyrotechnic additives which have been found to be superior to standard thermite for incendiary purposes. Its composition by weight is generally thermite 68.7%, barium nitrate 29.0%, sulphur 2.0% and binder 0.3%. Addition of barium nitrate to thermite increases its thermal effect, creates flame in burning and significantly reduces the ignition temperature. Although the primary purpose of Thermate-TH3 is as an incendiary, it will also weld metal surfaces together."
I too wonder how this could be used in a controlled demolition, however there are apparently devices which can use Thermate to quickly cut steel beams. There is also at least one video that I have seen that shows molten metal and ash flowing from one of the towers just seconds prior to the collapse that is consistent with thermite / thermate.

7/31/2006 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Luposapien said...

Forgive the cynicism, but I think it should go without saying that the current Bush is little more than a useful idiot. Aside from the fact that he seems barely able to string a coherent sentence together on a good day, there’s a sure tip-off that he’s got at least one hand thrust Henson-like up his rear end. He’s the President. The ones pulling the strings would never put themselves in a position that is even nominally accountable to the public. It’s not that the emperor has no clothes, it’s that the clothes have no emperor. So, sure, there’s a very real chance that BushCo is being set up to take a fall for something even more nefarious, regarding the whole 9/11 mini-series. Who knows, maybe we’ll actually be treated to another installment of ‘Good-Cop’ before they really put the screws to us. Any way you cut it, though, it’s all just smoke and mirrors.

7/31/2006 03:33:00 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

"gatekeeper that guards the ultimate secrets from those who are not worthy to receive them."

Who would be worthy to receive them Starroute?
And what is the reality of the abyss you so frequently refer to?

I always enjoy reading your takes.

7/31/2006 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

And what is the reality of the abyss you so frequently refer to?

The Mirror, of course.

7/31/2006 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

Any way you cut it, though, it’s all just smoke and mirrors........

.....and Jello Pudding Pops......don't forget the Jello Pudding Pops.

By the way, I agree with every thing you said. Great points.

7/31/2006 03:52:00 PM  
Blogger moddey screbbagh said...

thanks, starroute. been thinking along the same lines recently about gatekeepers on the left, and the apparent lack of any on the right (even when the right seems to have such a more team, "stick to the talking points" approach). attempts to paint coulter as crossing a line from the right's perspective are surprisingly few and far between. only thing i can think of is pat buchanan's speech at the republican convention awhile back that seemed out of step and people chastizing him a bit for that. but other than that, it seems like anything goes with them...
was watching mark danner on cspan books this weekend talking about a book of his "the secret way to war" or some such title, about the downing street memo and the "real" story about bush's having made up his mind well in advance of the iraq war to invade. danner is a smart guy, writes for the new york review of books, and hits on all the right topics in his other writings, iraq, abu ghraib, the florida recount etc., yet he seems incapable of crossing a certain line...
at the question session after he spoke, somebody got up and asked about us complicity in 9/11. predictably, danner said (i'm paraphrasing) that he had looked at a lot of evidence regarding 9/11, and he could not find anything to suggest that the us govt played a role in the attack, and unless he were to find some such evidence, he did not even think it worthwhile to contemplate this possibility. (this after his own book that he was discussing was making a case for bush et al. being liars...) one almost could sense that he was fudging a bit here...for once he didn't sound very convinced of what he was saying, but there would be no discussion of this topic, and the audience let him move on. one also realizes that these guys need to make a living (danner bragged about now living in czeslaw milosz's home in berkeley), and they probably are worried about being labeled a nut if they finally cross over to the conspiracy side of things and even forced out of a job. i dunno, but this phenomenon is truly puzzling...if we just had one of these high profile guys, chomsky, danner, even norman mailer something might happen. but i dunno, seeing alex jones screaming at people to wake up, not sure that's gonna help much

7/31/2006 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Bismillah said...

I remember a couple of years after 9/11 I ran into a woman I hadn't seen for a while. American, mid-30s, very nice person, very cool and funny, very "progressive" and anti-Bush. And we were both pleased to see each other and went for a quick coffee together.

Brief chat about boyfriends, girlfriends, work, mutual friends, etc. We were both doing well and pretty happy. Then she asked me what else I was up to these days, and I started to tell her about this upcoming 9/11 event...

I'll never forget her reaction: She literally clapped both hands over her ears and said, pretty loudly: "I don't want to hear about this. I'm sorry! Please! I can't bear it. Things are bad enough already."

People in the cafe were looking at us. She was embarrassed by the vehemence of her reaction. So was I. And it was obvious she meant it seriously. She literally couldn't bear it.

So I changed the subject.

7/31/2006 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anony" here. I'll take that moniker for the moment.

All the while I'm reading IrisCutsfish I'm thinking 'boiled tripe.' Maybe you should phone up Mel Gibson. He needs someone like you to run interference. You tar everyone with the same broad phony brush of anti-Semitism, which is the darkest veil used to drape the culprits who, it's been said thousands of times, are not Jews, but hide behind them, using them as human shields.

Then when I'm reading Starroot I'm thinking, actually I agree with your arguments about the false scarcities, and almost all of what you said this time. So I'm thinking 'good cop, bad cop,' when is the zinger coming? Well the zinger comes at the end with the occult nonsense.

The real mysteries are all enfolded within the Divine.

Within God. Allah (Arabic for "the one God", the name used by Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike when speaking of the Almighty, the One. Pick the name you want to use, YHWH, God, Brahma. Just leave the attendant dogma attached to each name aside for the moment.

So, take a hike with your anti-Semitism lies, and with your occult lies. Those are the smoke and mirrors.

Faithful Jews, like the Rabbis of Neturei Karta, are allies in the cause against war and against the evil of the powers that be. Jews are our brothers and sisters. As are muslims, Christians, hindus, buddhists, all of the human family.

David Icke is wrong in trashing all religion. As are you in falsely dividing Christians or Muslims from Jews, and playing the anti-Semitism card as shamelessly, cynically, and with as bad intent as Johnny Cochran played the race card.

It is your phony dialogue which serves the forces of 'divide and conquer.'

Yes, luposapien, that is 'smoke and mirrors.' And your good-cop bad-cop meme was already in the ether in other ways, as well.

The Abyss that the left-wing gatekeepers won't look into has a name and a face. Several names, and several faces. There are actual people inhabiting said 'abyss.'

Israel is a tool of its human creators, being used to exploit innocent Jews, and to make them into scapegoats - even when people are not scapegoating them their b.s. apologists like IrisCutsfish will try to exculpate them for things of which they have not been accused.

The smoke and mirrors are not really that thick. The illusion has been laid bare and made clear for those with eyes to see or ears to here.

Hatred and war-mongering, even against the Bushes, the hydra-heads, will not solve the problem. Even a nuke on last week's Bohemian Grove wouldn't have solved anything.

Sanity, intelligent action, real self-defense, not pre-emptive aggression, those are the tools that will help thwart the beast once and for all.

Action wed with Faith. Not faith in dogmas. But faith based on actual insight into things as they are. Real discernment.

You can't get it from reading these comments, or the detractors of them. You must, after gathering information, look within, look for guidance from your heart, wherein lies God, who is known by so many names.

Drop the divide and conquer screeds. Leave the anti-Semitism lie, leave the Christian or Shiite apocalyptic lies, and look for Reality.

Yes, we must create the future we should want to leave our children and grandchildren and their children, God willing.

It is our utmost duty at this point. It is our only duty.

To anyone like AJ who then hurls the false accusation of 'pacifism', you obviously don't read things too carefully, or you just want to obfuscate, like so many others.

Put your testosterone vial aside, and think like a human being.

Act like one.

In the deepest sense.

Then you will know what to do.

7/31/2006 04:19:00 PM  
Blogger iridescent cuttlefish said...

Let me try, yet one more time, to blow the wax and sticky Icke from between your ears: my point was precisely that the Jews are being used, scapegoated once again. The false antisemitism is not just a screen: it's a trap, into which many are currently falling. Tell you what, read Jeff's latest post and then check out the Buzzflash citation I'm going to insert after it. Even Buzzflash has caught on to the shell game here. (Or, you could stop your adverserial codswalloping and read what I'm saying with an open mind, but I suppose you're still too bitter about my repeated teasing of your "certitude is pulchritude" meme for that...did you even bother to follow the Finkelstein link?) Oh yeah, the artificial scarcity thing was actually from me, but that's okay, we "eminent psychologist/neocon shills" don't need credit where none is expected...

7/31/2006 04:58:00 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7/31/2006 04:58:00 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

Hey Anony,

What a pleasure to have the same boiled garbage spewing forth in the form of articulate English!

If you are so offended with everyone's views on reality, wtf are you wasting your time here?

I do not see where anyone is spouting off the evil of anti-Semitism that you speak of . Where is it?
Aside from your atheistic humanitarian drivel , I see people honestly trying to put 2 and 2 together.

False accusations of pacifism? What the hell are you talking about? I was merely apologizing to those who hold to a non-violent belief. What is your problem?

Why don't you go crawl under the intellectual rock you came from?

Oh, and speaking of testosterone, it really IS nice to have those items that produce it.

Something you wouldn't have knowledge about.

7/31/2006 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 12:11 said:

"The Red Heifer Days are coming,keep your eyes open"

which brought to mind this lovely little animated piece which some of you might enjoy...

7/31/2006 05:18:00 PM  
Anonymous anon2 said...

P-Tar said...:


pages 85 and 91

7/31/2006 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous anon2 said...

Molten iron falling...
(pages 52-96)

Checkout page 63

7/31/2006 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, don't know how much digging you feel like doing, but have you considered looking into the Peter Ellis ritual abuse case in New Zealand?

I ask for a few reasons. Firstly, because there is a massive movement underway to get his convictions reversed - the usual "oh, he's only been accused because he is gay".

Secondly, two of his victims (now teenagers) came forward a few years ago to restate their case and reaffirm that they were ritually abused by the man.

Thirdly, the Catholic Church has paid $4 million to 70 men who were subjected to ritual abuse in a residential school ... in the same town that Peter Ellis committed his offenses. Very little attention has been paid to this, and only one article (ironically on Ellis' website, at mentions the ritual abuse accusations. It also mentions Ken Clearwater, who was acting for 36 of the complainants - if you could get in contact with him ( you might be able to send some questions to the survivors?

Just a thought.


7/31/2006 09:53:00 PM  
Blogger blogbart said...

Anonymous - And even if it does, nothing will change. The majority of people think the Official Version of the JFK Assassination was false, yet nothing's done about it.

It doesn't matter anymore, and I'm tired of giving it any more of my energy. Exposing 911 is a dead-end street.

JFK assasination and 9/11 are not even remotely comparable events. JFK's assasination wasn't the launchpad for US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and the never ending war on terror. JFK's assasination didn't create an ever widening abrogation of constitutional rights and obligations. These two events are also almost completely different in their constituent complexities. Neither is the world in which they happened in any way similar; the internet and people's ability to communicate and disseminate is massively greater now than when JFK was assasinated.

So, shake it off and get your second wind, exposing 9/11 is more like highway on-ramp, with four lanes beckoning the millions getting turned on to the lies of the "official story". If you aren't able to see this, and hey, its ok man, everybody's got their own speed, then don't also waste any time trying to slow anyone else down. That is called being a drag, man. to why the "Left gatekeepers" such as Amy Goodman, Chomsky, etc, have been silent on the issue of official complicity in 9/11.

Starroute said ..

Even more than protecting any particular conspirators, the Warren Commission was designed to put Humpty Dumpty back again -- to convince people that everything really was normal, give or take the occasional lone nut. (Emphasis on "lone." Emphasis on "nut.") That the world was not run by people for whom murder was an everyday business method and high-level assassination a risky but powerful weapon to be deployed as the occasion demanded.

And the 9/11 Commission attempted to play the same role with 9/11 (but failed abysmally).

Bismillah said... She literally couldn't bear it.

Its easy to see where this behaviour comes from. Just think how frequently it is manifested at work where people "just do their job" because they are almost literally overwhelmed by taking anything else on. Still, the more often they hear about 9/11 lies, the less overwhelming it will become. Drop it into the conversation like you would cook with a strong spice .. a bit at a time. Be subtle and selective.

The false world is one in which scarcity, competition, hatred, and war are inevitable.

But, as Jeff says, it is enough that they believe in it.

Propping up that big a lie takes an awful lot of hard work. It takes elaborate behind-the-scenes manipulations. It takes arranging events to tell a particular story -- and spinning frantically to cover your ass when real events leak out despite your best efforts.

This is another great reason to keep on the 9/11 case. If these recent appearances of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth are attempts to control the outing, the sheer complexity of the issues involved are bound to make them CYA up their chins.

7/31/2006 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anony says to the AJ BickelHund:

Yes, I'm looking at you.
Yes, I'm talking to you too, Travis.

Put down your syringe of porcine testosterone for a minute (using it shrinks the testicles, as you undoubtedly know) and think for a moment before you prattle on:

You referred to my "atheistic humanitarian drivel". Say what?

Where on God's green and blue earth did you dredge up that one?

Hint, I think I know, and it ain't pretty, Mr. Hershey.

First you claimed to represent "half the people on this blog", and now it's "everyone".

My, my you are quite the successful demagogue, aren't you?

How in the infinitely beautiful names of God do you get "atheist" out of anything I have ever written?

You would have to be high, drunk, stupid, a liar, some or all of the above, in order to think or say that.

By the way, steroids shrink the thinking parts of your brain, as well as your cojones.

Maybe you should get a couple of CAT scans or somethin', and..........

Ease up...........bro'.

8/01/2006 02:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

I'm pretty well certain, at this point, that the zealous focus and fanaticism with 911 is counter productive and a form of containment, in and of itself, both purposeful, and self-imposed. The individual's comments above, to me, are the straw that has broken the camel's back. I can't believe he/she has the nerve to say I'm the slow one.

Holy Fuckin Shit!!! Get a Fuckin Clue, will you??

8/01/2006 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Luposapien said...

The JFK hit and 9/11 are very much the same kind of thing. Just two acts of the same tragedy. If you look close enough, you'll notice that lead roles are played behind the scenes, and by the same actors.

8/01/2006 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Shrubageddon said...

Absolutely, Luposapien.

8/01/2006 09:55:00 AM  
Blogger AJ said...

Anony-"You referred to my "atheistic humanitarian drivel". Say what?Where on God's green and blue earth did you dredge up that one?"

By your own words, bro.

Tell you what, in the interest of fairness-I'll agree to cut down on the testosterone-
only if you agree to grow some balls.

not that anyone would notice.

8/01/2006 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AJ, thanks for clarifying things.

When you say "By your own words, bro," you make it abundantly clear that you are simply an abject liar.

Thanks for revealing yourself.

And, btw, you should remember that cojones don't come out of a bottle, a vial, a syringe, or your obviously fertile imagination.

You sure ain't got 'em. That much is clear. Nor a brain. Not to mention a heart. Gee, weren't you in the Wizard of Oz?

Back to dreamland, dreamer.

8/01/2006 03:38:00 PM  
Blogger AJ said...


"Action wed with Faith. Not faith in dogmas. But faith based on actual insight into things as they are. Real discernment. "

Is this the same anonomous that wrote such a brilliant post earlier concerning politics?
Anyway perhaps I was a bit rash in blasting you as an atheist-too much testosterone don't you know-
The quote you said critisizing others with your negative takes on occult knowledge and dogmas suggested a humanist platform.

My apologies.

Other than that you can bite me, mate.

8/01/2006 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No thanks. I don't eat pork.

8/01/2006 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real mysteries are all enfolded within the Divine.

Within God. Allah (Arabic for "the one God", the name used by Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike when speaking of the Almighty, the One. Pick the name you want to use, YHWH, God, Brahma. Just leave the attendant dogma attached to each name aside for the moment.

So, take a hike with your anti-Semitism lies, and with your occult lies. Those are the smoke and mirrors.

Faithful Jews, like the Rabbis of Neturei Karta, are allies in the cause against war and against the evil of the powers that be. Jews are our brothers and sisters. As are muslims, Christians, hindus, buddhists, all of the human family.

David Icke is wrong in trashing all religion. As are you in falsely dividing Christians or Muslims from Jews, and playing the anti-Semitism card as shamelessly, cynically, and with as bad intent as Johnny Cochran played the race card.

It is your phony dialogue which serves the forces of 'divide and conquer.'

8/01/2006 08:01:00 PM  
Blogger blogbart said...

Here comes the whitewash WaPo article 9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon:

"We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. "It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."

8/02/2006 02:50:00 PM  
Blogger blogbart said...

Here comes a new attempt at 9/11 damage control ...

Why is this just now coming out? Up until now, the 9/11 Commission has been standing by all statements made in their report. Now they are saying they were hiding this huge pile of lies from the Pentagon?

Could this timing be due to Kevin Barrett, Steven Jones, James Fetzer and others getting too much air-time including on C-SPAN which broadcast the [URL=]LA 9/11 panel discussion[/URL] three separate times?

[URL=]9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon[/URL]

"We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. "It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."

8/02/2006 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous David said...

The MOSSAD is operating terror cells in Lebanon.

Is Hezbollah guided by Israel?

"According to Sayed Abdullah, who operates an intelligence services firm in Indonesia, “It is clear that the CIA and the Mossad have infiltrated Hamas and Hezbollah.” Abdullah told Kazi Mahmood of IslamOnline the he believes it “is obvious the CIA and the Mossad, assisted by the Australian Special Action Police (SAP) and the M15 of England, are all working towards undermining Muslim organizations in an attempt to weaken the Muslims globally.”

"Hanan Greenberg, a senior IDF officer, said that Israeli intelligence has significantly infiltrated Hizbullah."

...It appears that this invasion of Lebanon to the Listis river was planned out, and is not a "response".

We have MI5 (British CIA) posing as "Alqueda".
We have Mossad (Israel CIA) posing as Alqueda in Palestine.
We have the USA posing as Alqueda.
We have Israel posing as Alqueda in the Phillipines.
And British SAS posing as Iraqi Insurgents.

"By way of deception you shall make war".
-MOSSAD creed

8/02/2006 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous david said...

That should read 'Litani' River. And if this seems like deja vu all over again, it is:
In the spring of 1982, Israel massed it's invasion forces at the Northern Border four times. P.M. Begin assured the U.S. that it would only drive to the Litani River to "keep PLO missles out of range of Israeli Northern Settlements". Israelis then promptly swarmed past it up to Beirut and attacked the city.

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11/27/2009 01:15:00 PM  
Blogger thomson said...

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11/27/2009 01:15:00 PM  
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1/31/2010 01:01:00 AM  
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1/31/2010 01:03:00 AM  
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2/02/2010 12:40:00 AM  
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2/02/2010 12:40:00 AM  
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2/05/2010 03:47:00 AM  
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2/05/2010 03:48:00 AM  
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2/12/2010 05:18:00 AM  
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2/15/2010 02:06:00 AM  
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2/22/2010 06:58:00 AM  
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2/22/2010 06:58:00 AM  
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2/26/2010 12:32:00 AM  
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2/26/2010 12:32:00 AM  
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4/29/2010 12:46:00 AM  
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4/29/2010 12:46:00 AM  
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5/01/2010 06:14:00 AM  
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5/01/2010 06:14:00 AM  
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5/20/2010 04:53:00 AM  
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5/20/2010 04:55:00 AM  
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5/20/2010 04:57:00 AM  
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6/26/2010 04:24:00 AM  
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6/26/2010 04:24:00 AM  
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7/19/2010 08:50:00 PM  
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7/19/2010 08:51:00 PM  

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