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Clinton’s Campaign Continues to Highlight Horrible Hillary
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Saturday April 9 - 00:57
Daniel Patrick Interview on US election and Hillary Clinton in particular. Audio here, full transcript below: http://presstv.ir/Detail/2016/04/08... "The Charlie Rose interview is going to be troubling for many Sanders supporters. Granted that Rose was being pretty unfair and really aggressive—but Sanders came out and again was doubling down on his longstanding promise that he would support Clinton if she is the nominee, and saying that he doesn’t hold her responsible for the (...)
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Armoiries racistes à Harvard : Plaidoyer pour la réflexion socio-historique
by : Samuel Beaudoin Guzzo
Thursday April 7 - 18:56
L’auteur est Québécois et diplômé en sociologie à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. On peut le suivre sur son blog Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/1132698...). À en croire monsieur Mathieu Bernier-Trudeau dans le texte "Complexes symboles de nos contradictions" (LP+, 3 avril 2016), le fait que l’Université Harvard décide de retirer ses armoiries racistes renvoyant au passé esclavagiste des États-Unis témoignerait, selon certains (dont il fait, à mon avis, partie), (...)
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by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
Wednesday April 6 - 02:02
One of the lines in the late, great Phil Ochs’s classic song Here’s to the State of Mississippi (written during the heyday of the civil rights movement) states that “the speeches of the governor are the ravings of a clown . . .” Fast forward fifty-two years and it’s obvious things haven’t changed all that much, as demonstrated by Mississippi governor Phil Bryant’s signing of House Bill 1523. Disingenuously disguised as a “religious (...)
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The PKK in Iraq: “We are ready to fight ISIS everywhere in the world”
by : InfoAut
Monday April 4 - 14:33
We reach the city of Makhmur through the main road, which connects Erbil to the Nineveh province in Iraqi Kurdistan. Formally, the area is under the control of the government in Baghdad. The road is full of checkpoints of the regional Kurdish authority, where the Peshmerga of the KDP- the ruling party in this area- stop up several times and make us get out of the car for control. Another thirty kilometers away from Erbil, there is no more Peshmerga. On our right, there is a deserted road (...)
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Clinton Crashes and Burns, Sanders Will Win (But hold off on the applause)
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Friday April 1 - 22:33
I’m chuckling to myself. Well, now I’m chuckling onscreen, which is almost the same as chuckling out loud. COL? I’m not exactly feeling the Bern, and I am not particularly excited about a Sanders presidency. But man do I love watching the Clinton Machine crash and burn, the ClinThenardiers of modern American political theater, former Secretary of Death and her former Master of the House husband, hypocrite and toady and inebriate. Such an apt metaphor. But more than all (...)
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Confirming Supreme Court Justices and Electing Presidents
by : William John Cox
Friday April 1 - 20:59
In the midst of one of the wildest presidential races in the history of United States, the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has created yet another wrinkle in the campaign’s political fabric. With the Republican leadership delaying consideration of President Obama’s nomination of Merrick B. Garland until next year, a look at some earlier elections and court nominations might be instructive. Although history will record that congressional Republicans have (...)
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PCBS: "As Palestinians Mark Land Day, Israeli Illegally Controls More Than 85% O
by : Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - PCBS
Wednesday March 30 - 14:06
The following is a press release by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistic (PCBS), marking the fortieth anniversary of the Palestinian Land - March 30, 2016. Israeli Occupation Authorities laid hand over more than 85% of the total area of historical land of Palestine which totals about 27,000 km2. Arabs comprise 48% of the total population but utilize only 15% of the land. Israeli Occupation also set up a buffer zone along the border of the Gaza Strip extending over 1,500 m along the (...)
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RUNAWAY TRAIN America’s election and its inability to alter the nation’s deadly
Friday March 25 - 16:49
RUNAWAY TRAIN America’s election and its inability to alter the nation’s deadly course John Chuckman America is engaged in another of its sprawling and costly national election campaigns. A few of the events, such as the New Hampshire primary or the Iowa Caucus, I’m sure have participants seeing themselves as Thomas Jefferson’s sturdy yeomen doing their civic duty. But such humble and misty-eyed tableaux can be deceiving for the big picture is quite disturbing, (...)
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IMG/jpg/DPW_presstv_5.jpg Vicky Nuland, Neocon Hypocrite: Syria Pullout won’t ’let Russia off the hook’
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Friday March 18 - 15:59
Interview with PressTV on Kooky Cookies Nuland’s announcement that US will not ’let Russia off the hook...’ Um, okay you psycho... no one is listening to you anymore smh Please share. Transcript below: "This announcement by Victoria Nuland that Russia’s partial pullout or initial pullout from Syria won’t have any bearing on the sanctions that the US has imposed on Moscow is just typical of the arrogance and intransigence of the US government, which is the (...)
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Time to End the Clintons’ Unearned Pass on Race
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Wednesday March 16 - 23:22
Interview with RT on US electoral charade. I try really hard—you can see how well I succeed—for a *one minute* takedown of the vicious and slithering Killmeister, who by skillful, sleazy manipulation and press collusion and outright stupidity, has managed to avoid responsibility for the destruction of the lives of countless black and brown people both at home and around the globe. Ashley Williams called her out in the lioin’s den, and is my hero for it [video here: (...)
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by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Wednesday March 16 - 16:37
Daniel Patrick Welch interview - audio and transcript click link for audio http://presstv.ir/Detail/2016/02/17... ...Expanding on the common link between anti-immigrant racism in the US and Europe, the analyst cited how demonizing migrants has become mainstream across Europe, pointing out that there is a continuum in such violence against people of color from police killings in the US to the dehumanizing of peoples of the global south worldwide. He said that “the whole reason that I (...)
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Between bids and sponsoring, Samsung’s peculiar business practices
by : Hannah Howard
Friday March 11 - 14:49
Samsung has seized the opportunity, amidst the FIFA corruption scandal, to place a bid as an official sponsor, in replacement of those which have cut their ties to the federation (Castrol, Continental, J&J), in the hope of brushing up its image after too many controversies and deep suspicions of blatant disregard of the most elementary business ethics. But the choice of Qatar as a marketing partner may prove delicate for both sides. Qatar was chosen as the anchoring point of (...)
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I, European citizen, won’t let refugees be rejected in my name
Thursday March 10 - 09:24
©Olivier Jobard/Myop I, European citizen, won’t let refugees be rejected in my name THE RIGHT TO ASYLUM IS A RIGHT In the phrase « right to asylum », every word matters. Under the law, every person who is persecuted because of his or her political opinions or because of his or her identity, every person that is endangered by violence, war or misery has a RIGHT to seek asylum in another country The aim of this petition is to collect (...)
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Slovaquie : Manifestation contre l’entrée au Parlement d’un parti néo-nazi
by : Samuel Beaudoin Guzzo
Tuesday March 8 - 22:09
L’auteur est Québécois et diplômé en sociologie à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. On peut le suivre sur son blog Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/1132698...) ***** Quelle facilité idéologique que celle des néo-nazis ! Čo ideologická jednoduchosť ako u nacistov! Que triomphe l’humanité, pas la haine et la stupidité! Že triumf ľudstva, nie nenávisti a hlúposti! Ne lâchez pas le combat! (...)
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Tuesday March 8 - 11:53
WHAT IS REALLY AT STAKE IN THE ODDEST AMERICAN ELECTION SEASON OF A LIFETIME John Chuckman I keep reading stuff in British papers about what America’s Left must do in an election where Donald Trump “has thrown caution to the wind.” Each time I read anything along that line, invariably, I ask myself, “What Left are they talking about?” As perhaps few in Europe understand, there is no Left in the United States. Bernie Sanders comes closest to being Left, but (...)
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by : gaiacomm
Tuesday March 8 - 04:55
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The Scandal of Voter Suppression in America
by : William John Cox
Tuesday March 1 - 22:39
Ostensibly, universal voting is the ideal of a free and democratic republic; however, barriers have been placed between many citizens and the ballot box ever since the creation of the United States. Many of these obstacles, such as property ownership and the racially-biased poll tax, have been removed. They are, however, being replaced by voter identification (ID) laws and other voter suppression schemes designed to discourage and prevent many, otherwise eligible voters from participating (...)
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Are you bothering to vote? If so, read this about the Killmeister
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Tuesday March 1 - 14:14
As you may know by now, I’m not feeling the bern. I’m not a registered democrat and haven’t been for quite some time. The game is a rigged one, an oligarchy wrapped in a democratic spring roll dipped in the blood of empire. Yum! That said, I would be remiss if I didn’t urge anyone who can’t be disuaded from voting in super tuesday states (like Massachusetts) and beyond, or anyone who actually believes the system works—to take the opportunity to vote (...)
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Monday February 29 - 21:49
HILLARY’S SECRET LETTER AND THE WHOLE MATTER OF ENDLESS WAR AND THE ALMOST COMPLETE CORRUPTION OF AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT John Chuckman An almost perfect measure of the decay of democratic values in American politics is found in a letter from Hillary Clinton to Haim Saban, a wealthy American-Israeli and a major contributor to the Democrats. It is a letter whose only purpose is to elicit funds, ingratiating its author to the recipient by condemning the perfectly legitimate right (...)
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by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
Sunday February 21 - 06:19
One of the principal themes running through the Monty Python troupe’s classic comedy THE LIFE OF BRIAN involves the complexity of group dynamics. Set during the time of Christ, THE LIFE OF BRIAN explores the antics of several Jewish Resistance Groups—such as the People’s Front of Judea, the Judean People’s Front, the Popular Front, etc.—who spend so much time and effort fighting among themselves and with each other that they routinely ignore their common (...)
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Statecraft vs. Politics As Usual
by : William John Cox
Friday February 19 - 19:58
As Americans are once again suffering through a barrage of nonstop negative political advertising during yet another "hold your nose and vote" election cycle, they yearn, desperately, for things to be different. Featuring a host of lackluster candidates pushing misleading issues, the 2016 presidential election is up for grabs. Stocks, bonds, commodities, and currency markets around the world are weakening. Odds are that America’s relentless "War on Terrorism" overseas will again (...)
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Umm, Apple iPhone security, yeah
by : Timbre Wolf
Wednesday February 17 - 13:19
Tim Cook has sent out a letter claiming great concern over an FBI request to create a “back door” for Apple’s iPhone OS. The implications of the government’s demands are chilling. If the government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone, it would have the power to reach into anyone’s device to capture their data. The government could extend this breach of privacy and demand that Apple build surveillance software to intercept your (...)
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Gaiacomm International develops handheld EMP gun
by : William Morgan
Sunday February 7 - 15:47
Gaiacomm International develops handheld EMP gun Gaiacomm International has developed a handheld EMP gun using terahertz waves as the output frequency. The pulse from this gun travels at the speed of light and can be fired without any visible emanation. This gun can come in ultra-wideband or narrow-band, with the latter acting like a laser emitting a single frequency at very high power. The pulse then is directed at a specific electronic target or human. The range of intensity is from 1 (...)
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The American Republic Manifestum VS The Koran
by : William Morgan
Tuesday February 2 - 14:57
The American Republic Manifestum VS The Koran It is well known that with Former President Bush’s decisions in Iraq, and President Obama’s to keep Nouri al-Maliki in power, has led to the ISIS development. With the breakup of Iraq coupled by big business and other countries like Iran and Russia coming in for the rape and pillage of the land and its people, has only led to the insane war on the people of so many countries. The Koran in the hands of ISIS people, is the book of (...)
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Sanders Will Win Because Empire Can Live With It
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Friday January 22 - 16:04
Radio interview on my seemingly outrageous prediction that Sanders will be the next president of the United States. [UPDATE]: Since the interview, people seem to be missing my point. I’m not saying this would be a lurch to the left at all. It is merely a way for the ruling class to maintain order in the cheapest and smartest way possible. Hilary is baggage (and despised), and the republicans are crazy. That leaves Sanders. They can live with that—plus it gives them the bonus of (...)
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President Obama supports The American Republic Manifestum
by : William Morgan
Tuesday January 19 - 16:42
President Obama has read the American Republic Manifestum, and hopes that Americans can change towards the better.
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Tahrir square in Europe
Thursday January 14 - 19:31
Euro centrism as a fig-leaf, and the art of conjuring in politics Tahrir square in Europe by Marieme Helie Lucas Source: siawi.org English version on 14 January 2016, (version française Jan 5, 2016, Updated Jan 12: http://www.siawi.org/article10591.html) Facts: On New Year’s Eve 2015, simultaneous coordinated sexual attacks took place against women in public space in about 10 cities, mostly in Germany, but also in Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland… Several hundred (...)
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New year, old struggles: the strike for the collective agreement in the logistic
by : Clash City Workers
Thursday January 14 - 12:24
That Italy has sunk in a deep economic and political crisis since the spreading of the global recession is by no means a new story. Nor are the effects of the profound reforms of the labor market that have been pushed forward to cut the cost of labor and re-boost economic growth: the precariazation of the labor force through a rise of its flexibility (via a multitude of short-term contracts and the chipping away of the instruments of social protection) is not an Italian story, but a global (...)
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March against drillings in the Mediterranean Sea in Licata
by : InfoAut
Monday January 11 - 14:43
Sabato 09 Gennaio 2016 Today in Licata (Agrigento province, Sicily) a march participated by over 1000 people crossed the city centre, in order to say no to oil concessions for drillings in the Sicilian Channel. The demonstration was called by the local NoTriv* committee that, for a lot of months now, has been carrying on its territorial struggle against the provisions in the Sblocca Italia decree** that will allow drillings a few kilometres off the Licatan coast. The demonstration, which (...)
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War Fraud: The Great Lies Behind Imperial Warfare in the 21st Century
by : Mark Taliano
Monday January 11 - 11:12
he “War On Terror” and “The War On Drugs” are both fraudulent, and they are both related. In a classic example of “reverse projection”, ”the War on Terror” is literally a “War for Terror”, and the “War on Drugs” is literally a “War for Drugs”. Terror, coupled with the illegal trade in narcotics, particularly heroin, is enabling the orchestration, and funding, of illegal warfare which serves the interests of (...)
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South Africa : “We need a new beginning”
by : md
Sunday January 10 - 17:21
Brian Ashley is the editor of Amandla! [1] and a leading activist of the Democratic Left Front [2]. Interview conducted on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 over the telephone by François Favre et Marc Ducassé. First of all let’s go over some recent events: was the sacking of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Musa Nene due to his opposition to the Airbus deal wanted by SAA [3] and his chairwoman, Dudu Myeni, alleged President Jacob Zuma’s mistress or his opposition to the nuclear programme (...)
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Oligarchic Paternalism: Why your vote won’t bring Peace in the Middle East
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Sunday January 10 - 00:11
Daniel Patrick Welch interview on the news item that lunatic Republicans are planning to do something even more lunatic-y with respect to the Iran deal. In my analysis I stress that, while we have a duty to expose the GOP’s lunaticity, we have no less a duty to point out that this is more show than showdown, and that neither wing of the war party is interested in peace. Period. I also coin a brand new term for "democratic" government under empire. When Oligarchic Paternalism goes (...)
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Thursday January 7 - 21:49
OBAMA’S TEARS “Even those tears, I me mine “I me mine, I me mine” – the Beatles John Chuckman Had I seen the image of Obama, weeping over American gun deaths, seven years ago, I know I would have been deeply moved. It would have reinforced my view of him then as an empathetic, bright, and progressive politician. And I did then, and do now, find America’s violence – all of it, not just the small fraction of it seen in street killings - an (...)
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by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
Sunday January 3 - 06:38
One of the most common ways people develop perceptions and/or form judgments about certain events, people, and/or occupations is by how they are portrayed in the corporate-controlled media. Unfortunately, these media are usually more preoccupied with entertainment value than truth and accuracy; therefore, the perceptions they create are often erroneous and/or incomplete. Nowhere is this more evident than in the fictitious depictions of America’s criminal justice system that inundate (...)
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Merry Fucking Christmas: there is no holiday from racist police state USA
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Tuesday December 29 - 00:17
1 comment
It comes in waves, the despair, the sheer, impotent rage. And sometimes we need to believe we can sleep in, as it were, to take a day off from worrying about the very real possibility of the police targeting and killing our families, our children. Wouldn’t Christmas weekend be a good time? And then reality hits. No, of course not. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati... And the rage pours out, in statuses and tweets and hashtags, sharing and managing our collective pain. Can’t (...)
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Lichtenstein Investigated Yves Bouvier
by : Barney Shulz
Saturday December 19 - 17:37
The legal troubles of controversial art transporter Yves Bouvier were even greater in 2015, and were fought on even more fronts than had previously been known. Already facing two separate criminal cases in France and Monaco, and connected to a number of other fraud allegations, it emerged on Friday December 18th that Bouvier was also under investigation by the Lichtenstein authorities on suspicion of money laundering. The news, first broken by Swiss outlet La Tribune de Genève, was a (...)
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A Nurturing Society vs. Socialism
by : William John Cox
Friday December 18 - 14:44
If the title of this article began with "socialism," many readers would click past without reading it—even though a majority of Americans want a government that nurtures their families and society. Largely because of the Cold War against communism and the rhetoric it engendered, the word socialism has taken on a negative meaning in the minds of most Americans. So, how does one define what the voters of the United States really want from their government? Socialism is not the same as (...)
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Tuesday December 15 - 19:24
DONALD TRUMP IS ELECTABLE AS PRESIDENT, BUT… John Chuckman I think it entirely possible Donald Trump could be elected President. I am not in favor of it - but then neither am I in favor of any of the other candidates on offer - yet I do think his election is increasingly possible. America displays every four years - almost like a temporary clothesline erected on the front lawn of the White House loaded with soiled and tattered undergarments - the sheer poverty of its political (...)
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Tuesday December 1 - 13:39
BRITAIN’S DAVID CAMERON WANTS TO USE BOMBS TO PROSPECT FOR GOLD IN SYRIA John Chuckman Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour Party, is a man of genuine integrity and honesty in his opposition to British bombing of Syria. Indeed, he is everything the Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron, is not. I think we see from the storm in the British press against Corbyn just how much the establishment values integrity and honesty, which is to say, not at all. Almost every word of (...)
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Saturday November 28 - 21:14
JAZZMAN CHRONICLES: DISSEMINATE FREELY IN THE WAKE OF HORROR Paris & The Cycle of Response By Jack Random At first we are stunned, senses deadened, mind and body paralyzed. We see without seeing, hear without sound, absorb without taste, touch or smell. It is not real. It is a video game, a you-tube contrivance, a trick of the mind. At length it seeps into our conscious minds. We deny it as if denying can make it stop. It does not stop. Our senses kick in and we are (...)
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Paris: One step beyond in the systemic chaos
by : InfoAut
Monday November 23 - 11:11
Once again we are short of correct words, in the moment when events like these break with our established analytical grids - without giving way to any potentially positive thing for the times to come. In these hours, literature is maybe having a better time in saying something interesting about the subversion of the reference points (it is not by any chance that, here in Italy, a writer was able to grasp some basic elements in order to explain what is happening*). Lucidity is not certainly (...)
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Thursday November 19 - 20:08
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FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH IN PARIS AND THE UGLY TRUTH OF STATE TERROR John Chuckman Mass murder, as that which just occurred in Paris, is always distressing, but that does not mean we should stop thinking. Isn’t it rather remarkable that President Hollande, immediately after the event, declared ISIS responsible? How did he know that? And if he was aware of a serious threat from ISIS, why did he not take serious measures in advance? Within days of Friday 13, French forces assaulted an (...)
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by : CAPJPO-EuroPalestine
Tuesday November 17 - 23:07
Our association, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine naturally condemns the barbarous attacks perpetrated by the terrorists claiming to belong to Daesh, and shares the emotion and sadness of the friends and relatives of the 128 victims of these horrific killings, also the hundreds of men and women wounded during the Friday evening massacres. All the same, we protest against the declarations and the policies of a government which is far from protecting the population and exposes it to the risks of new (...)
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Terrorism victims file $3.4bn lawsuit against Bnp Paribas, violating sanctions
by : Kevin Dugan
Sunday November 15 - 00:18
A GROUP of victims who lost family or were injured in two United States embassy bombings in Africa are suing BNP Paribas for $3.4 billion (US $2.4 billion), alleging the French bank helped finance the terrorist attacks by doing business with black-listed nations. The suit, filed in a Washington federal court on Wednesday, is the first to target a global bank that has been penalised for violating US economic sanctions. In June 2014, BNP paid a record $12.6 billion fine (US $9 billion) for (...)
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Slavery, corruption... Larsen & Toubro and Qatar have so much in common
by : Robert Scott
Thursday November 12 - 17:16
Mumbai-based and global construction company Larsen & Toubro is settling in Middle-East. The State of Qatar is giving them major construction sites and the two seem to share the most ‘essential humane values’ – blood bricks: building infrastructures at the cost of human lives, including children’s, corruption and harassment. With the 2022 Soccer World Cup approaching, the State of Qatar and its public work authority Ashghal had to make friends within the (...)
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Advisers Lock Horns in Yves Bouvier Art Fraud Battle
by : GraemeListing72
Thursday October 15 - 18:04
As the legal battle between the disgraced art transporter Yves Bouvier and the Rybolovlev Family Trust continues, a group of colourful advisers is attempting to shape the case behind the scenes. Despite his financial troubles, Bouvier still has enough of his loot stashed away to be able to afford some of the most expensive legal minds money can buy. Many of them are high profile and genuinely big names in the jurisdictions where Bouvier finds himself facing serious criminal charges. Not (...)
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Smashing the Abbas icon of Palestinian non – violence
by : Nicola Nasser
Wednesday October 14 - 11:42
By Nicola Nasser* Indisputably, the 80 – year old President Mahmoud Abbas has established himself internally and worldwide as the icon of Palestinian non – violence. His Israeli peace partners leave none in doubt that they are determined to smash this icon, which would leave them only with opposite alternatives the best of which is a massive peaceful intifada (uprising) against the Israeli occupation. It is true that Abbas cannot yet be called the Ghandi of Palestine. He has (...)
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More Scud than BUK: Despite Fiery Rhetoric, West Beats Strategic Retreat on MH17
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Tuesday October 13 - 22:28
Well, the day has finally arrived for the long-awaited (in some quarters) Dutch Safety Board frame-up on the MH17 shoot-down over Ukraine some 16 months ago. As anticipated, the report offers no new insights and relies on shaky and opaque methodology to reach its so-called ’conclusions.’ However, despite its obvious bias and expected throwing of much shade toward the new US/Euro Hitler-of-the-Day, and despite the New York Times’ hyperventilating and drooling headlines, (...)
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The Pornography of Hatred
by : William John Cox
Friday October 9 - 19:45
There is danger in the pandering of hatred that goes beyond the freedom of expression. Is there a right to profit from supplying the seeds of destruction to those who have the need to blame others for the poverty of their existence? Bar owners who continue to serve drunks can be held responsible for the deaths of those later killed in traffic collisions, but to what extend should those who peddle the rhetoric of hatred, bigotry, and violence be held responsible for the consequences of their (...)
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You Mad, Bro? US resopnse to Russia’s Syria action is off the charts
by : Daniel Patrick Welch
Wednesday October 7 - 20:07
http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/1... Interview with PressTV about US’ ’You Mad Bro’ response to Russia’s coming to the aid of its Syrian ally. Please like, link, share, publish, repost as you wish. Full transcript: "It’s very interesting to see the US pundit class and "senior administration officials" squirm. They are really squirming over this. And notice that they’re off-record. They just say ’senior administration officials.’ They are (...)
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I, European citizen, won’t let refugees be rejected in my name
Thursday 10 March
©Olivier Jobard/Myop I, European citizen, won’t let refugees be rejected in my name THE RIGHT TO ASYLUM IS A RIGHT In the phrase « right to asylum », every word matters. Under the law, every person who is persecuted because of his or her political opinions or because of his or her identity, every person that is endangered by violence, war or misery has a RIGHT to seek asylum in another country The aim of this petition is to collect (...)
Neo-Nazis and far-right protesters in Ukraine 3 live-stream
Friday 24 January
The far-right in Ukraine are acting as the vanguard of a protest movement that is being reported as pro-democracy. The situation on the ground is not as simple as pro-EU and trade versus pro-Putin and Russian hegemony in the region. When US Senator John McCain dined with Ukraine’s opposition leaders in December, he shared a table and later a stage with the leader of the extreme far-right Svoboda party Oleh Tyahnybok. This is Oleh Tyahnybok, he has claimed a "Moscow-Jewish mafia" (...)
Hugo Chavez is dead (video live)
Wednesday 6 March
by : Collective BELLACIAO
1 comment
President Hugo Chavez companeros venezueliano died after a long battle with cancer.
International initiative to stop the war in Syria Yes to democracy, no to foreign intervention!
Thursday 13 December
Your support here: http://www.peaceinsyria.org/support.php We, the undersigned, who are part of an international civil society increasingly worried about the awful bloodshed of the Syrian people, are supporting a political initiative based on the results of a fact-finding mission which some of our colleagues undertook to Beirut and Damascus in September 2012. This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of highranking personalities and public figures to go to Syria in order to (...)
Monday 12 November
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
At first glance, the results of America’s 2012 election appear to be a triumph for social, racial, and economic justice and progress in the United States: California voters passed a proposition requiring the rich to shoulder their fair share of the tax burden; Two states, Colorado and Washington, legalized the recreational use of marijuana, while Massachusetts approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes; Washington and two other states, Maine and Maryland, legalized same-sex (...)
Sunday 28 October
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
In a 2004 episode of Comedy Central’s animated series South Park, an election was held to determine whether the new mascot for the town’s elementary school would be a “giant douche” or a “turd sandwich.” Confronted with these two equally unpalatable choices, one child, Stan Marsh, refused to vote at all, which resulted in his ostracization and subsequent banishment from the town. Although this satirical vulgarity was intended as a commentary on the two (...)
Friday 28 September
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
PART I PART II PART III If there is one major inconsistency in life, it is that young people who know little more than family, friends and school are suddenly, at the age of eighteen, supposed to decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, because of their limited life experiences, the illusions they have about certain occupations do not always comport to the realities. I discovered this the first time I went to college. About a year into my studies, I (...)
Friday 28 September
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
PART I PART II PART IV Disillusioned with the machinations of so-called “traditional” colleges, I became an adjunct instructor at several “for-profit” colleges. Thanks largely to the power and pervasiveness of the Internet, “for-profit” colleges (hereinafter for-profits) have become a growing phenomenon in America. They have also been the subject of much political debate and the focus of a Frontline special entitled College Inc. Unlike traditional (...)
Friday 28 September
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
PART I PART III PART IV Several years ago, a young lady came into the college where I was teaching to inquire about a full-time instructor’s position in the sociology department. She was advised that only adjunct positions were available. Her response was, “No thanks. Once an adjunct, always an adjunct.” Her words still echo in my mind. Even as colleges and universities raise their tuition costs, they are relying more and more on adjunct instructors. Adjuncts are (...)
Friday 28 September
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
PART II PART III PART IV When The Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution over two hundred years ago, Americans were blessed with many rights considered to be “fundamental.” One conspicuously missing, however, was the right to an education. This was not surprising given the tenor of the times. America was primarily an agrarian culture, and education, especially higher education, was viewed as a privilege reserved for the children of the rich and (...)
Monday 30 July
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
If there is one universal question that haunts all human beings at some point in their lives, it is, “Why do we die?” Death, after all, is the great illogic. It ultimately claims all, the rich and the poor, the mighty and the small, the good and the evil. Death also has the capability to make most human pursuits—such as the quest for wealth, fame and power—vacuous and fleeting. Given this reality, I have often wondered why so many people are still willing to (...)
Thursday 28 June
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
How much corruption can a “democracy” endure before it ceases to be a democracy? If five venal, mendacious, duplicitous, amoral, biased and (dare I say it) satanic Supreme Court “justices”—John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Anthony Kennedy—have their way, America will soon find out. In several previous articles for Pravda.Ru, I have consistently warned how the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision is one of the (...)
Tuesday 12 June
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
1 comment
Imagine, if you will, that the United States government passes a law banning advertisers from sponsoring commercials on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show or Rupert Murdoch’s Fox (Faux) “News” Network. On one hand, there would be two decided advantages to this ban: The National IQ would undoubtedly increase several percentage points, and manipulative pseudo-journalists would no longer be able to appeal to the basest instincts in human nature for ratings and profit while (...)
Thursday 7 June
by : David R. Hoffman, Pravda.Ru Legal Editor
LIVE, from the State that brought you Senator Joseph McCarthy, Wisconsin voters now proudly present, fresh from his recall election victory, Governor Scott Walker! At first glance, it is almost unfathomable that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would have voted to retain Scott Walker as Wisconsin’s governor. This, after all, is a man who openly declared he is trying to destroy the rights of workers through a “divide and conquer” strategy; who received 61% of the (...)
Tuesday 13 March
by : David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of Pravda.Ru
A question I’ve frequently been asked since I began writing for Pravda.Ru in 2003 is, “Why did you become disillusioned with the practice of law?” This question is understandable, particularly since, in most people’s minds, being an attorney is synonymous with wealth and political power. I’ve always been reluctant to answer this question for fear it will discourage conscientious and ethical people from pursuing careers in the legal profession—a (...)