Mises Wire

The Week in Review: April 9, 2016

Booms and BustsEducationEntrepreneurshipMoney and Banking

04/08/2016Mises Daily
Our greatest enemy today is the economic illiteracy and confusion on the part of those who insist on “planning,” “stabilizing,” and straitjacketing the economy...

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Hazlitt, 1946: Inflation, Deflation, Confusion

U.S. EconomyU.S. HistoryInterventionism


In his Newsweek column, Henry Hazlitt addresses inflation, deflation, and criticisms of capitalism by "democratic socialists." 


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"Free Stuff" Isn't All That It's Cracked Up to Be

Free MarketsWorld HistoryInterventionismPolitical Theory


Democratic socialism in Britain in the late 1940s brought a wave of shortages with rations falling even below WWII standards.

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Individualism in the Age of the Smart Machine

The EntrepreneurFree MarketsMedia and Culture

Hunter Hastings outlines how technology can help empower entrepreneurship and usher in a new age of individualism.

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Three Lessons Learned from Tesla’s Success

The EntrepreneurTaxes and SpendingEntrepreneurship


If consumers are free to choose, any entrepreneur focused on serving customers can compete against even huge established corporations. Moreover, the market provides a way to reward the most innovative and customer-centered entrepreneurs.

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30 Years of Mises University


Mises University has been going strong for 30 years.

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