Secular Socialist Seder Night

Secular Socialist Seder Night

4 April 2016: (publication date) This event is on 22 April 2016, 7 - 9.30pm. Details in the events section.

New issue of Jewish Socialist

8 April 2015: At long last! We know you've all been holding your breath waiting for the next issue of Jewish Socialist…

Britain’s minorities must not be divided

2 February 2015: Statement by the Jewish Socialists' Group on Britain First, the Jewish community and anti-Muslim racism

Refugees Welcome Here!

10 September 2015: National Day of Action Saturday 12th September, London. Marble Arch to Parliament Square,

EJJP statement on Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

30 June 2015: Israeli forces have once again seized a boat and crew with civilian aid for the people of Gaza. Among those they have taken is Dror Feiler, chair of European Jews for Just Peace (EJJP). The Jewish Socialists' Group in Britain is affiliated to EJJP, and has endorsed this statement.

Tribute to Mike Marqusee

4 June 2015: a report on recent Conway Hall meeting paying tribute to Mike Marqusee, who died at beginning of this year.

The Man Who Was Friday

22 March 2015: The Marx Memorial Library on Clerkenwell Green was packed for the launch of Dave Rosenberg's new book 'Rebel Footprints'. Alex Gordon reminded us that the room we were meeting in once housed the printing press from which came many left-wing publications. And that reminded Charlie Pottins of how a ladies' tailor from Lithuania came to be linked with the building, when Lenin was working there. It was just part of OSIP PIATNITSKY'S adventurous life. A lfe which ended tragically, but should not be forgotten..

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The Jewish Socialists’ Group is a campaigning organisation which fights for freedom and equality. We are active on issues that affect the Jewish community, other minorities and oppressed groups, and the wider labour movement. 
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