June 28, 2011   1 note

Lets crowd-check Hari’s quotes

Apparently I have started a ‘shitstorm’, according to some of my peers. I’m quite busy at work today but while the debate rages over whether Hari’s defence is acceptable or not I’d really like people to jump in and check his quotes themselves.

I like this one from ‘The Bravest Woman in Afghanistan: An Interview With Malalai Joya.

I ask if she was frightened, and she shakes her head. “I am never frightened when I tell the truth.” She is speaking fast now: I am truly honoured to have been vilified and threatened by the savage men who condemned our country to such misery. I feel proud that even though I have no private army, no money, and no world powers behind me, these brutal despots are afraid of me and scheme to eliminate me.”


Seems to come from the press blurb for her book;

I am truly honoured to have been vilified and threatened by the savage men who have condemned our country to such misery. I feel proud that even though I have no private army, no money and no world powers behind me, these brutal despots are afraid of me and scheme to eliminate me. But it is not really me these men fear - they fear the wrath of our people who know the crimes they have committed. They know they cannot evade justice indefinitely, and the Afghan people have already decided the verdict.


Thanks for joining the game Jane. If you find some nicked quotes tweet me and I’ll start archiving them all here.

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