I am Charles W. Johnson. This is my personal homepage.

Now, Charles Johnson is a common name; in case you are wondering,

If you're looking for information on them, you'll probably need to go elsewhere.

What I am is a web developer, a left-libertarian writer, a student of Philosophy, and sometime teacher of Logic. I was born in San Antonio, Texas in 1981. I’ve lived most of my life in the South, especially in Texas and Alabama. I studied Philosophy and Computer Science at Auburn University. I spent about eight years living in southeast Michigan (Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor) and Las Vegas, Nevada. I spent a few summers philosophy classes to gifted teenagers through the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. I work on open-source web development, a number of individualist Anarchist research and publishing projects, and the occasional bit of philosophical writing. I currently live in Auburn, Alabama, where I share an apartment with my beloved wife, Laura Breitenbeck.


  1. Take the A-Train in The Industrial Radical I.1 (Autumn 2012). 4-6.

  2. In Which I Fail To Be Reassured in The Industrial Radical I.1 (Autumn 2012). 7-12.

  3. The Clean Water Act vs. Clean Water in Free Voices: A Magazine of Anarchist Thought Issue #7 Spring (April/May) 2012. 14-15.

  4. Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power and Structural Poverty. Editor (with Gary Chartier) and contributor. Minor Compositions/Autonomedia (November 2011).

    • Introduction (co-authored with Gary Chartier), pp. 1-16.
    • Ch. 4, Markets Freed from Capitalism (2010), pp. 59-81.
    • Ch. 12, Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin (2008), pp. 131-144.
    • Ch. 30, Two Words on Privatization (2007/2010), pp. 283-288.
    • Ch. 41, Scratching By: How Government Creates Poverty As We Know It, (2007), pp. 377-384.
    • Ch. 43, We Are Market Forces (2009/2011), pp. 391-394.
    • Ch. 47, The Clean Water Act Versus Clean Water (2010), pp. 415-419.
  5. The Many Monopolies, in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 61.7 (September 2011).

  6. There’s Too Little Trust in Government? It Just Ain’t So! in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 60.9 (November 2010).

  7. Opposing the Civil Rights Act Means Opposing Civil Rights? It Just Ain’t So! in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 60.7 (September 2010).

  8. There’s No I in Health Care Reform, in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 60.2 (March 2010). 6–7.

  9. Individualism Clashes with Cooperation? It Just Ain't So!, in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 59.1 (January/February 2009). 6–7.

  10. Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin, in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 58.6 (July/August 2008). 35–39.

  11. Liberty, Equality, Solidarity: Toward a Dialectical Anarchism, in Anarchism/Minarchism: Is Government Part of a Free Country? Ashgate Press (February 2008).

  12. Scratching By: How Government Creates Poverty as We Know It, in The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty 57.10 (December 2007). 12–17.
  13. Sentences That Can't Be Said, or: How to Semanticize with a Hammer, in Southwest Philosophy Review 22.1 (January 2006). 185–198.

  14. Can Don Quixote Tilt at William James? Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Pierre Menard, in Zetesis (2002).


