Better Elections Are Possible

Alexis: It's important that my son knows his voice always matters.Voters in cities and states across the country are turning to ranked choice voting to give themselves - and future generations - better options. That’s what Alexis W. of Maine shared with us.

"It’s important that my son knows his voice always matters – that he does have a say in a democracy that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. That’s why I gathered, sorted, and filed thousands of petitions for ranked choice voting over the past several months. Ranked choice voting won’t fix all of the problems with our politics, but it will put more power back in the hands of voters. It will make politicians more accountable to people by encouraging candidates to appeal to more voters to win elections."

Learn more about the historic campaign to make Maine the first state to use ranked choice voting for statewide elections.

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Why RCV for Congress

The Problem

The Problem

Winner-take-all elections create polarization and a striking lack of competition.

Our Solution

Our Solution

Ranked choice voting gives every voter a meaningful vote.

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Get Involved

Pass the Ranked Choice Voting Act in Congress to fix gerrymandering.

Stunningly Uncompetitive

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Quick Takes

FairVote's brief and timely commentary on the latest news.

Baltimore City Council Advances Bill to Adopt Multi-Member Districts

by Michelle C. Whittaker

The Baltimore City Council gave initial approval to a charter amendment to change the council from 14 single-winner districts to 7 two winner districts. We hope the council will include ranked choice voting and districts with three or more representatives.

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Maryland Governor Hogan Writes to President Obama on Redistricting Reform

by Austin Plier

As Maryland's state legislative session draws to a close, Governor Larry Hogan has turned to President Obama for support in his effort to establish an independent redistricting commission. Regardless of President Obama's response, Democrats in Maryland are wary of taking action, for fear of exacerbating the national skew toward Republicans.

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John Kasich Draws Votes from Ted Cruz More than Donald Trump

by Rob Richie

Not a single Republican presidential primary this year has been won with more than half the votes cast. Recently both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have suggested John Kasich should leave the Republican race because he's getting votes that otherwise would go to them. A new national poll asking head-to-head comparisons shows that Cruz is right -- Trump's 10% lead shrinks to just 2% without Kasich.

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