

Kelless Twohearts Lory  -- DeKalb County Sheriff's Department

Ex-cop drank poison in court as jury foreman read guilty verdict for molesting 9-year-old family member

Faced with the prospect of life in prison for molesting a 9-year-old family member, a former DeKalb County police officer drank poison as the jury foremen read his guilty verdict.
Rep. Duncan Hunter vaping during hearing -- (CSPAN screenshot)

Revealed: Vaping GOP congressman’s campaign funds used for video games, dentist and school tuition

A California lawmaker — who achieved national notoriety for being filmed vaping during a Congressional hearing — has been forced to cut a fact-finding trip to Israel short to deal with a family emergency.
Characters Pinto and Flounder try to pledge the Alpha Omega House in National Lampoon's "Animal House" (Universal Pictures)

Trump supporters are a new breed of College Republicans

“If you’re listening right now, you’re one of the lucky ones that survived the Chalkening.” That’s how the fraternity-culture and southern-college-culture brand Old Row opened its weekly podcast on Wednesday.

Pastor allowed to sue Alabama over ‘religious freedom’ for disbanding sex offenders’ ministry

Pastor Ricky Martin can proceed with religious liberty lawsuit in federal court over claim that state law targeted housing program he ran behind his church.
Pop star Justin Bieber (AFP Photo/Timothy A. Clary)

NC lawmaker: Never mind ‘bully’ Springsteen cancelling — Justin Bieber is coming!

“Bruce is known to be on the radical left,” Rep. Mark Walker said. “He’s got every right to be so, but I consider this a bully tactic. It’s like when a kid gets upset and says he’s going to take his ball and go home.”
FL. Gov, Rick Scott (Gage Skidmore)

Florida governor launches bullying attack on woman who criticized him at Starbucks

After a Florida resident spoke her mind to Governor Rick Scott, Scott is using the power of his public office to launch personal attacks against her.
Bill Clinton says he will keep giving lucrative speeches "to pay our bills" while wife Hillary Clinton runs for the White House (AFP Photo/Frederic J. Brown)

Fact-checking Bill Clinton’s defense of his legacy on crime and poverty

The decreases in African American victimization and poverty rates which Clinton boasted about on Thursday began years before he took office.
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s ‘right-to-work’ law struck down

The law prohibits these fees and, as a result, allows the "taking of the plaintiff's property without just compensation in violation" of the state constitution, Dane County Judge William Foust wrote in his decision.
Photo illustration of Trump, Clinton and Sanders by DonkeyHotey

Have an opinion about Bernie Sanders? Or Hillary Clinton? Or Donald Trump? Just shut up.

In spite of what social media or Susan Sarandon have led you to believe, no one cares what you think.
Charin Davenport (MLive.com)

Michigan woman says boss told her ‘you disgust me’ and fired her for gender transition

"Discrimination against people who don't conform to traditional gender stereotypes is a form of sex discrimination under the law," Charin Davenport's attorney, Jennifer Salvatore, said in a press release. "No human being should be vilified and denigrated the way Char was by her supervisor, let alone lose their job because of who they are."
Image: Seth MacFarlane introductes Sen Bernie Sanders in Los Angeles (Screen capture)

Seth MacFarlane tells Bernie fans to stop bashing Hillary over trivial crap – because they’re helping Trump

Comedian Seth MacFarlane is a Bernie Sanders supporter — but not unconditionally.