
9 April 2016


Is America regressing?

Bill Scher and Matt Lewis discuss the disturbing trend of shameless public bigotry. Play entire video

The prescience of Teilhard de Chardin

Krista Tippett, author of Becoming Wise, finds hope in a Jesuit paleontologist’s insights about the future. Plus: The need for poetic language in political discourse.

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Trump: The Scientology of politicians?

Aryeh Cohen-Wade says much like the cultish religion, Trump will ultimately attract little, albeit passionate, support. Plus: Can education cure bigotry?

Rethinking suffering

Rebecca Solnit considers the implications of the Buddhist vow to save all beings. Plus: Embrace the unknown.

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Al Franken for VP?

Bill Scher argues that the comedian-turned-senator may be just the guy to take down Trump. Plus: How Trump hurts the pro-life community.

The death of journalism

Aryeh Cohen-Wade and John Ziegler discuss how the melding of news and business has killed real reporting. Plus: Does Trump want to lose?

Numbers don’t tell us what to do

George Borjas says immigration policies should be driven by values, not just numerical data. Plus: The gains and pains of immigration.

Journalistic ethics are human ethics

Betsy Woodruff and Daniel Strauss question what’s fair game in reporting on candidates’ personal lives. Plus: Donald Trump, media master.

Do rational ethicists even exist?

Daniel Kaufman argues that nobody actually behaves as if moral values override prudential reasoning. Plus: We don’t like “saints.”

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Foreign Entanglements

Has free news ruined journalism?

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Natalie Sambhi and Katie Putz discuss the conflict between quality reporting and paying the bills.


Life is but a dream

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Philosopher Evan Thompson, author of Waking, Dreaming, Being, considers what the variety of dream states can teach us about the self. Plus: What is it like to die?

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Woodruff & Strauss

Trump’s alternate reality

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Daniel Strauss and Sarah Mimms wonder how Trump supporters rationalize their candidate’s more transparent lies. Plus: Is there a Bernie blackout?


A brief history of Jubus

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Sociologist Emily Sigalow sketches the century-long story of interplay between Judaism and Buddhism in America. Plus: Varieties of Jewish meditation.

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Rational Actors

Energy policy under President Trump

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Josiah Neeley speculates on how a Trump administration would approach energy issues such as climate change and nuclear power. Plus: Is energy deregulation a good idea?

Foreign Entanglements

Don’t trust the news in Brazil

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Colin Snider says the country’s most powerful media outlet makes Fox News look like child’s play. Plus: Obama’s visit to Cuba.