People Powered Petitions

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Apple: Stand up against North Carolina HB2

We ask Apple to make good on their word and join the people of North Carolina in fighting the hateful bill HB2 just signed into law by Gov. Pat McCrory, and to relocate any future business expansion unless HB2 is repealed.

Restore MaineCare Section 17 Services

In a letter from the Maine DHHS, providers and clients were informed that access to Section 17 services will be extremely limited as of April 8, 2016. This action will result in many individuals being discharged from needed case management services.

Tell the USDA to test for Roundup®!

Dear Secretary Vilsack, Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), announced plans to start testing certain foods for glyphosate -- the most widely used herbicide in the world -- after the World Health Organization’s cancer experts deemed it a probable carcinogen. FDA and USDA regularly test our food for residues of hundreds of pesticides, but your agency has chosen not to test for glyphosate. The Government Accountability Office recently released a report recommending that USDA disclose limitations in its monitoring and data collection efforts. In the past 19 years, glyphosate use in U.S. agriculture has increased 20-fold. This is...

Remove the Classification 1 from Cannabis/Marijuana

We acknowledge that Cannabis/Marijuana was criminalized falsely to protect the profits of timber, paper & pharmaceutical giants. There are well over 100 scientific studies showing definitive benefits of medical marijuana pertaining to pain management, sleep management, anger management, anxiety disorders, seizures, cancer and other ailments. It is time for the president of the United States to remove the category one classification and decriminalize this natural herb/plant.

Remove Marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act & End Cannabis Prohibition

Issue an Executive Order directing the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to cease enforcing codes under the Controlled Substances Act relating to marijuana and its cannabinoids. Pass legislation to: • Amend the Controlled Substances Act to remove marijuana and its cannabinoids from the schedule of controlled substances; • Remove restrictions for import and export of marijuana, including viable seed; • Transfer authority for cannabis regulation and licensing to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), designating it as an agricultural crop; • Amend Section 7606 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 to remove the “for research...

Concealed Handguns Do Not Belong on College Campuses and K-12 Schools

Nine people died and another nine were injured on Thursday, October 1st after a gunman opened fire at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR. Our nation’s colleges, universities and K-12 schools should be safe havens for learning and growth, where students, faculty, staff and visitors need not worry about the threat of gun violence on their campuses. We call on our federal elected representatives to make it more difficult for people to carry concealed weapons on our campuses across the country. The answer to our gun violence problem is not the introduction of more weapons.

NOSB: Recommend to USDA to Certify Organic Hemp Grown in the U.S. through the NOP

Seven USDA Organic certifications have already been issued for legal, domestically-produced hemp. However, on February 16, 2016, the USDA released an instruction to NOP certifiers to stop issuing certifications for industrial hemp crops in the U.S. The instruction cites two reasons for ceasing certification: concerns about the safety of industrial hemp for consumption, and its yet “undetermined legal status.” Based on the clear evidence presented: that the legality of hemp pilot programs is clear under Sec. 7606 of the Farm Bill and; the legality of hemp seed and fiber is clear under 21 U.S.C. 802(16) and; it is a fact...

No More Flints

Everyone deserves safe, affordable water. And the EPA has the power to help prevent future disasters like Flint. Tell the EPA: ensure access to safe, affordable drinking water and adequate sanitation.

Asheville City: Defend Citizen Rights Violations of Majority Citizens. HB2

HB2 violates many Civil Rights of citizens including The law limits how people pursue claims of discrimination because of race, religion, color, national origin, biological sex or handicap in state courts. The law also means a city or county cannot set a minimum wage standard for private employers. It was passed in less than 1 day and violates many of We The People's Civil Rights.

Gov. Haslam and the Tennessee Legislature - Oppose Guns on Campus

I oppose HB1736 / SB2376, which would force Tennessee's public colleges and universities to allow their full time employees who possess handgun carry permits to carry loaded, concealed guns in many places on campus, including classrooms, libraries and dormitories. Tennessee's colleges and universities should remain safe havens for learning and growth, where students, faculty, staff and visitors need not worry about the threat of gun violence on their campuses. Please listen to Tennessee's higher education leaders and campus law enforcement officials who have voiced strong opposition to this wrongheaded policy. Allowing full time employees to carry loaded, concealed handguns on...

Do not allow guns on campuses in Tennessee

The 109th Tennessee General Assembly is considering legislation that will permit full-time employees of public colleges and universities to carry handguns on our campuses if the employee has a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit. We oppose that legislation.

Recent Victories


VICTORY: Gov. Brown Signs Dark Money Disclosure Bill into Law

In the wake of the large sums of out-of-state anonymous donations that flooded into California during the 2012 election, the Legislature took up SB27, which would require political nonprofits to identify their donors in California elections. So Trent Lange of the California Clean Money Campaign, along with allies including California Common Cause, Credo Action, Courage Campaign,, and others, launched a campaign to get the bill passed. (Read More)


VICTORY: Hawaii Increases the Minimum Wage!

When the Hawaii Legislature took up an important bill to raise the minimum wage, Drew Astolfi of the organization Faith Action for Community Equity, along with allies and the Hawaii MoveOn Council, launched a campaign to raise wages for workers in the state. (Read More)


VICTORY: New York Times Works to Inform Readers on Budget

The New York Times' tendency to report on budget numbers without contextualizing them was a problem - especially in light of the recent federal budget crisis. MoveOn member (and former staffer) Daniel Mintz and Robert Naiman of Just Foreign Policy started MoveOn Petitions to Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan, asking her to institute a policy of always reporting budget numbers with percentages or comparisons. (Read More)


VICTORY: Governor Corbett Releases Education Dollars To Philadelphia Schools

In October 2013, a student at one Philadelphia school suffered from an asthma attack that led to her death. If there had been a school nurse on campus that day, she might still be alive. This tragedy motivated Philadelphia parent Jesse Bacon to start a MoveOn Petition to Governor Tom Corbett, asking him to stop withholding $45 million of funding from Philadelphia schools. (Read More)


VICTORY: Tribune Papers Spared From Koch Empire

When the Tribune Company went up for sale, it was widely reported that the Koch brothers were interested in acquiring its newspapers - including the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune. The billionaire Kochs and their tea party politics presented a clear threat to independent journalism, so several organizations, including Forecast the Facts, Courage Campaign, and Working Families started MoveOn Petitions asking Tribune Company CEO Peter Liguori not to sell to the Koch brothers. (Read More)