Let This 70 Year Old Woman’s Insanely Good Pole Dance Routine Inspire You To Be Your Best Self

Megan Reynolds | April 8, 2016 - 5:00 pm

She’s really good at that. More »

Woman Makes A Brutally Honest Facebook Post About The Realty Of Living With Anxiety

Liz Magee | April 8, 2016 - 4:00 pm

“God knows why I’m doing this, but people need some home truths..” is how Amber Smith begins her Facebook post that has been shared over 7,000 times since its initial posting on Sunday, April 3rd. Smith, a London resident, then describes the two pictures she posted, seen above.
“Top picture: What I showcase to… More »

Honestly, Any Celeb That Doesn’t Leave A 1000% Tip Is A Cheapskate

Lauren Duca | April 8, 2016 - 3:00 pm

This headline was supposed to be something about Jim Carrey leaving a disproportionately large tip at a restaurant in New York recently, but, guess what? I am not playing this fucking game anymore. Nope, sorry, I’m not doing it.

Apparently, Jim Carrey left a $225 tip on a $151 bill. And, just to scene-set… More »

Facebook Wishes You Were More Comfortable Sharing All Of Your Feelings

Megan Reynolds | April 8, 2016 - 3:00 pm

Ugh, Facebook, go away. More »

Trans Student Victoriously Fights To Run For Prom King, Lives Out Story That Will Definitely Be Optioned As A Movie In The Next 3 To 5 Years

Lauren Duca | April 8, 2016 - 2:00 pm

A trans junior from Tremper High School in Kenosha, Wisconsin has successfully rallied for the right to run for prom king, also winning our hearts along the way, seriously, this kid is a goddamn hero.

Ash Whitaker began his fight, along with an ongoing crusade to use the boys’ bathroom, by simply signing up… More »

Carly Rae Jepsen’s New Video Is Here To Help You Dance Off Your “Boy Problems”

Liz Magee | April 8, 2016 - 1:30 pm

Warning: if you watch this video, be prepared to have this song stuck in your head all day and well into the night. Carly Rae Jepsen has done it again. “Boy Problems” is the title of her latest single and it is equal parts fun and catchy. True to Carly Rae fashion, the video is… More »

I Love Reducing Your Personality To Four Letters

Hale Goetz | April 8, 2016 - 1:00 pm

Despite always having a notebook on hand, I use the notes on my iPhone for keeping track of a lot of things. For one, this emoticon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I record my grocery lists, which is pretty much just the same block of text specifying how many cans of tuna I need to buy this week (#cleaneats). More »

Clingy Dog Won’t Leave Owner Alone To Poop, Play Candy Crush, Sleep

Jenni Miller | April 8, 2016 - 12:42 pm

Pet owners have to relinquish plenty of small pleasures in order to share their lives with an animal, whether that’s sleeping in, staying inside during inclement weather, or going to the bathroom in peace. Lauren Birney’s dog Cyrus, a jowly Bullmastiff, has taken things to the next level, as per these damning pictures from Instagram.More »

Make It Stop: Should I Text Him Back?!

Anna Goldfarb | April 8, 2016 - 12:00 pm

Help! He’s an inconsiderate texter, what the hell should I do? More »

It’s All Happening (Again): Melissa McCarthy Finally Joins Gilmore Girls

Jenni Miller | April 8, 2016 - 11:45 am

In some brilliant media synergy, Melissa McCarthy is out promoting her new movie The Boss during the exact week that Netflix has revealed the first photos from the highly anticipated Gilmore Girls revival. Yesterday, McCarthy finally revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that she’ll be returning to Stars Hollow after all, to reprise her role… More »

Finally, An App For Bad Boyfriends To Buy Their Way To Love!!

Megan Reynolds | April 8, 2016 - 11:20 am

Imagine you are a very important man, working on very important man things. You know, like fixing that bike you bought in 2014, or running a startup out of  your basement or brewing craft beer created with the yeast from your pubic hair. You know, super important dude stuff. Stuff that precludes you from being… More »

Pope Francis’ New Encyclical Welcomes Gay And Divorced Catholics Back Into Church Life

Rebecca Vipond Brink | April 8, 2016 - 10:43 am

Pope Francis’ long-awaited encyclical on love and marriage, Amoris Laetitia, was published today. In it, Francis doesn’t create any new rules for marriage, but he does elaborate on how priests should treat parishioners who are in “irregular” marriages, such as those who have been divorced and remarried outside of the church, and those who are… More »

HBO “Officially” Confirms That Jon Snow Is “Dead,” But No One Should Buy This Claptrap

Rebecca Vipond Brink | April 8, 2016 - 9:40 am


When “I Love You” Isn’t Enough

Ask Men | April 7, 2016 - 6:30 pm

Love is amazing, but it’s not enough to sustain a relationship. Healthy relationships have lots of love but need communication, trust, honesty, and many other factors to overcome the difficulties that will undoubtedly arise. There are things you can do when you saying, “I love you” just isn’t enough. Read more on Ask Men: “When IMore »

6 Beer-Related Activities That Won’t Leave You Hungover

Rebecca Vipond Brink | April 7, 2016 - 6:00 pm

Happy National Beer Day! More »

Reddit Is Finally Taking Action Regarding The Site’s Massive Online Abuse Problem

Liz Magee | April 7, 2016 - 5:30 pm

Even as a comedian hoping to spread my content all over the internet, I have only posted on Reddit twice. I received some very fun comments like “Women just are not funny,” which was backed by another user who insisted that
“All he’s saying is the truth, all the best comedians are men. You… More »

James Franco’s “Mother May I Sleep With Danger” Remake Will Involve Lesbian Vampires

Robyn Pennacchia | April 7, 2016 - 5:30 pm

Because that’s what the kids are into these days. More »

Scarlett Johansson Won’t Talk About The Wage Gap

Leah Prinzivalli | April 7, 2016 - 5:17 pm

Dainty little Scar Jo is too worried about etiquette to talk about the wage gap, she says in a new Cosmopolitan cover story.

Johansson expands on her feelings about the wage inequality issue in Hollywood:
“There’s something icky about me having that conversation unless it applies to a greater whole… I am very fortunate, I… More »

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