Friday, 08 April 2016 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • How Private Prison Companies Use Big Tax Breaks and Low Wages to Maximize Profit

    By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

    Prisoners at Saguaro Correctional Center in Eloy, Ariz., Oct. 16, 2009. (Monica Almeida / The New York Times)Prisoners at Saguaro Correctional Center, which is operated by the private prison firm Corrections Corporation of America, in Eloy, Arizona, October 16, 2009. (Monica Almeida / The New York Times)

    The nation's largest private prison firms are still cutting corners despite millions of dollars in federal income tax breaks. Corrections Corporation of America and GEO Group avoided a combined $113 million in federal income taxes in 2015 alone.

  • How to Reduce Premature Deaths Linked to Environmental Risks

    How to Reduce Premature Deaths Linked to Environmental Risks

    By Nancy C. Loeb and Juliet S. Sorensen, Truthout | Op-Ed

    The World Health Organization reports that 12.6 million people die globally each year as a result of environmental exposures, such as air pollution and secondhand smoke. Luckily, there are relatively simple solutions to save lives around the world, like reducing tobacco and coal use.

  • Wall Street Should Pay a Sales Tax, Too

    Wall Street Should Pay a Sales Tax, Too

    By Sarah Anderson, OtherWords | Op-Ed

    Americans are used to paying sales taxes on basic goods and services, like a spring jacket, a gallon of gas or a restaurant meal. But when a Wall Street trader buys millions of dollars' worth of stocks or derivatives, there's no tax at all. Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill called the Inclusive Prosperity Act, which would correct that imbalance.


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