JUD 陳泳希 - [ 相濡以沫 This is Love ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》主題曲) Official Music Video
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉,由樂壇新人JUD 陳泳希演唱,歌曲獨樹一格的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采。這樣的主題曲是在華語劇集中非常少見的,而這齣Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》是由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之原創影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix正式上片,引起熱烈的討論話題。
│導 演│黃婕妤
│作詞Lyricist│廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao / 邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│作曲Composer│邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│歌詞統籌Lyrics Coordinator│廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao
│製作人Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│編曲Arranger│鍾承洋Chung Cheng-Yang / 邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
published: 02 Feb 2024
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 知更 Redbreast ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》主題曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻就能感覺到她特殊之處。從大學就學期間就被「華研國際」選為練習生,不斷的在學校與公司裡鑽研作曲作詞,甚至學習編曲錄音等等的技術工程,都是為了要她能親手完成心目中的音樂世界,現在從大學畢業了的她,終於推出了她的第一張迷你專輯作品「JUD」 。
專輯裡面這次收錄的六首歌曲,其中四首歌是選自JUD 陳泳希之前在街聲音樂平台上就已經陸續發表過的demo創作, 而另外兩首歌曲則是與Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲, 這一部由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix 正式上片,一公開就引起熱烈的討論話題,劇中不但有JUD 陳泳希初試啼聲演唱的兩首主題曲〈相濡以沫〉〈知更〉外,更破天荒選用了另外三首JUD 陳泳希全創作的歌曲成為影集插曲,隨著劇中人的遭遇起伏,JUD的歌聲更能夠刻劃出每個人寂寞的內心世界,讓JUD陳泳希成為少數幸運的樂壇新人,出道作品就能有五首歌曲搭配Netflix影集面市,讓全球觀眾因而認識這個獨一無二的歌聲。
published: 23 Feb 2024
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 活的假象 False Reality ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈活的假象 False Reality〉
誰曾親近 誰又遠離
在你眼裡 不過是點心
但現在這副 認真神情
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 活的假象
誰曾親近 誰又遠離
在你眼裡 不過是點心
但現在這副 認真神情
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 都是假象 活的假象
作詞Lyricist|JUD陳泳希 / 廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao
編曲 Arranger|JUD 陳泳希 / 張博彥 Brian
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Rec...
published: 15 Mar 2024
JUD 陳泳希〈蒼白〉(Netflix 影集《誰是被害者:第2季》插曲) Official Music Video
#誰是被害者第2季 #TheVictimsGameOriginalSoundtrack #PaleLove
JUD 陳泳希官方Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《誰是被害者:第2季》插曲〈蒼白〉
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
在2024年,JUD陳泳希這位創作新人因為演唱Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》五首主題曲與插曲而出道,她特殊的嗓音與抓耳的歌聲頻率,初試啼聲就獲得了高度的矚目。這次在《誰是被害者:第2季》中演唱的插曲〈蒼白〉,更是她在看完劇本之後,為這齣戲的場景量身定做的獨家創作新曲。歌曲與歌詞依照劇情的走向,甜蜜中帶著悔恨;絕望中又帶著期待,這種不可言喻的複雜情緒,卻在JUD陳泳希一首歌曲之間,輕鬆地讓觀眾墜入劇中人的內心世界,是不可多得的一首佳作。
花瓣飄零暗喻主角內心狀態 黑白畫面完美詮釋斑斕回憶化為蒼白
published: 02 Jul 2024
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 相濡以沫 This is Love ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》主題曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉,由樂壇新人JUD 陳泳希演唱,歌曲獨樹一格的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采。這樣的主題曲是在華語劇集中非常少見的。而這齣Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》是由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之原創影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix正式上片,引起熱烈的討論話題。
〈相濡以沫 This is Love〉
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
背對世界 的寂寞 Ooh~
相濡以沫 夠不夠 Ooh~
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
published: 09 Feb 2024
JUD 陳泳希 - [ How Does It Feel ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈How Does It Feel〉
It all started with your phone
Or the tickets that you bought few weeks ago
Wow this shit is gross
I can’t believe in what I saw
Should I leave or should I go
Should I act like I don't know
I don’t wanna act like I don’t mind
When I see you make her smile
So annoyed that she seemed fine
Messages from you make me roll my eyes
Remind me of the promises you make
Really not a good one
(Poor you…)
Everybody wants to betray you
They used to send love to you
Now they hate you (you)
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
Everybody wants to make fun to you
They used to be fans of you, now they hate you
published: 22 Mar 2024
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) Official Music Video
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻就能感覺到她特殊之處。從大學就學期間就被「華研國際」選為練習生,不斷的在學校與公司裡鑽研作曲作詞,甚至學習編曲錄音等等的技術工程,都是為了要她能親手完成心目中的音樂世界,現在從大學畢業了的她,終於推出了她的第一張迷你專輯作品「JUD」 。
專輯裡面這次收錄的六首歌曲,其中四首歌是選自JUD 陳泳希之前在街聲音樂平台上就已經陸續發表過的demo創作, 而另外兩首歌曲則是與Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲, 這一部由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix 正式上片,一公開就引起熱烈的討論話題,劇中不但有JUD 陳泳希初試啼聲演唱的兩首主題曲〈相濡以沫〉〈知更〉外,更破天荒選用了另外三首JUD 陳泳希全創作的歌曲成為影集插曲,隨著劇中人的遭遇起伏,JUD的歌聲更能夠刻劃出每個人寂寞的內心世界,讓JUD陳泳希成為少數幸運的樂壇新人,出道作品就能有五首歌曲搭配Netflix影集面市,讓全球觀眾因而認識這個獨一無二的歌聲。
不論是影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采,或是取樣於范曉萱與李泉的名曲的〈要不要在一起〉的Z世代新詮釋,更令人驚喜的是〈活的假象〉與〈How Does It Feel〉兩首充滿個性的風格舞曲,不守規則的旋律與節拍在JUD純真又魅惑的歌聲中滑行,...
published: 15 Feb 2024
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together〉
When I look into your eye
在深處 I’m drowning
想著每一步 怎麼和你更靠近
這麼美 希望是在你的心裡
唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活的不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
When I look into your eye
在深處 I’m drowning
想著每一步 怎麼和你更靠近
這麼美 希望是在你的心裡
唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活的不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
演唱人 Artist|JUD 陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|李泉 James Li / JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer|李泉 James Li / JUD 陳泳希
編曲 Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
貝斯 Bass|吳秉和 BingBing Wu
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|JUD ...
published: 01 Mar 2024
Jud Caswell brings new music to 207
Caswell performed in the 207 studio and tells us about upcoming shows.
published: 27 Aug 2024
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
Spotify Playlist: https://TajTracks.lnk.to/Spotify
Lady Gaga:
Judas Lyrics:
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
[Verse 1]
When he calls to me, I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times he betrays me
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
A king with no...
published: 24 Dec 2020
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 相濡以沫 This is Love ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》主題曲) Official Music Video
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉...
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉,由樂壇新人JUD 陳泳希演唱,歌曲獨樹一格的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采。這樣的主題曲是在華語劇集中非常少見的,而這齣Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》是由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之原創影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix正式上片,引起熱烈的討論話題。
│導 演│黃婕妤
│作詞Lyricist│廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao / 邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│作曲Composer│邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│歌詞統籌Lyrics Coordinator│廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao
│製作人Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│編曲Arranger│鍾承洋Chung Cheng-Yang / 邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│配唱製作人Vocal Producer│郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
│和聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger│郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
│和聲演唱Backing Vocals│JUD 陳泳希
│吉他Guitar│鍾承洋Chung Cheng-Yang
│錄音師Recording Engineer│林佳育Martin Lin
│錄音室Recording Studio│華研猛蛋錄音室HIM Recording Studio
│混音師Mixing Engineer│林正忠Cheng Chung Lin
│混音室Mixing Studio│白金錄音室Platinum Studio
│母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer│楊大緯Dave Yang
│母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant│徐珞桓Andy Hsu
│母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio│楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
│製作執行Production Executive│吳秉和BingBing Wu
│製作行政Production Administrator│李海薇Vera Lee / 鄭晴Phoebe Cheng
OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc.
《相濡以沫 This is Love》
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
背對世界 的寂寞 Ooh~
相濡以沫 夠不夠 Ooh~
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
面對一切 的赤裸 Ooh~
相濡以沫 去看破 Ooh~
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #相濡以沫 #ThisIsLove
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉,由樂壇新人JUD 陳泳希演唱,歌曲獨樹一格的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采。這樣的主題曲是在華語劇集中非常少見的,而這齣Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》是由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之原創影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix正式上片,引起熱烈的討論話題。
│導 演│黃婕妤
│作詞Lyricist│廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao / 邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│作曲Composer│邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│歌詞統籌Lyrics Coordinator│廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao
│製作人Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│編曲Arranger│鍾承洋Chung Cheng-Yang / 邵豪Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
│配唱製作人Vocal Producer│郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
│和聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger│郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
│和聲演唱Backing Vocals│JUD 陳泳希
│吉他Guitar│鍾承洋Chung Cheng-Yang
│錄音師Recording Engineer│林佳育Martin Lin
│錄音室Recording Studio│華研猛蛋錄音室HIM Recording Studio
│混音師Mixing Engineer│林正忠Cheng Chung Lin
│混音室Mixing Studio│白金錄音室Platinum Studio
│母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer│楊大緯Dave Yang
│母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant│徐珞桓Andy Hsu
│母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio│楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
│製作執行Production Executive│吳秉和BingBing Wu
│製作行政Production Administrator│李海薇Vera Lee / 鄭晴Phoebe Cheng
OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc.
《相濡以沫 This is Love》
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
背對世界 的寂寞 Ooh~
相濡以沫 夠不夠 Ooh~
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
面對一切 的赤裸 Ooh~
相濡以沫 去看破 Ooh~
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #相濡以沫 #ThisIsLove
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
- published: 02 Feb 2024
- views: 335903
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 知更 Redbreast ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》主題曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻就能感覺到她特殊之處。從大學就學期間就被「華研國際」選為練習生,不斷的在學校與公司裡鑽研作曲作詞,甚至學習編曲錄音等等的技術工程,都是為了要她能親手完成心目中的音樂世界,現在從大學畢業了的她,終於推出了她的第一張迷你專輯作品「JUD」 。
專輯裡面這次收錄的六首歌曲,其中四首歌是選自JUD 陳泳希之前在街聲音樂平台上就已經陸續發表過的demo創作, 而另外兩首歌曲則是與Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲, 這一部由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix 正式上片,一公開就引起熱烈的討論話題,劇中不但有JUD 陳泳希初試啼聲演唱的兩首主題曲〈相濡以沫〉〈知更〉外,更破天荒選用了另外三首JUD 陳泳希全創作的歌曲成為影集插曲,隨著劇中人的遭遇起伏,JUD的歌聲更能夠刻劃出每個人寂寞的內心世界,讓JUD陳泳希成為少數幸運的樂壇新人,出道作品就能有五首歌曲搭配Netflix影集面市,讓全球觀眾因而認識這個獨一無二的歌聲。
不論是影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采,或是取樣於范曉萱與李泉的名曲的〈要不要在一起〉的Z世代新詮釋,更令人驚喜的是〈活的假象〉與〈How Does It Feel〉兩首充滿個性的風格舞曲,不守規則的旋律與節拍在JUD純真又魅惑的歌聲中滑行,而她柔美的聲線又會藉由〈誰能走進你的心〉與〈知更〉這樣的抒情曲,淡然的輕撫著聽眾的情緒。
〈知更 Redbreast〉
脆弱有時 寂寞有時 叛逆行事
或許有時 長大就是 換個心思
I’ve been dancing all the night
Like shadow in the dark
When you tell me it will be alright
But the shadow in the dark
為什麼從未能釐清揮之不去 oh
就讓我的胸口發燙到鮮紅才美麗 oh
明天開始 今天開始 現在開始
不再休止 長大就是 換新電池
I’ve been dancing all the night
Like shadow in the dark
When you tell me it will be alright
But the shadow in the dark
為什麼從未能釐清揮之不去 oh
就讓我的胸口發燙到鮮紅才美麗 oh
演唱人 Artist|JUD 陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|徐旻鈴 Minnie Hsu / JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer|JUD 陳泳希
歌詞統籌 Lyrics Coordinator|廖庭翊 Ting-Yi Liao
製作人 Producer|呂禎晃 Rex Lu
編曲 Arranger|周菲比 PhebeChou / JUD陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
弦樂監製 String Producer|蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai
弦樂 Strings|曜爆甘音樂工作室 Just Busy Music Studio
第一小提琴 First Violin|蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai / 沈鎮堯 Chen-Yao Shen
第二小提琴 Second Violin|黃雨柔 Nala Huang / 黃瑾諍 Chin-Cheng Huang
中提琴 Viola|潘自琦 Tzu-Chi Pan / 林均奕 Chun Yi Lin
大提琴 Cello|葉欲新 Shin Yeh / 白竹君 Chu-Chun Pai
鼓 Drums|陳柏州 Mr.Q @Mr.Q Studio
弦樂錄音師 Strings Recording Engineer|張閔翔 Min-Hsiang Chang
弦樂助理錄音師 Strings Assistant Engineer|朱品豪 Pin-Hao Ju
技術支援 Technical Support|一森 Eason Chou
弦樂錄音室 Strings Recording Studio|玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Cinema
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|林正忠 Cheng Chung Lin
混音室 Mixing Studio|白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
製作執行 Production Executive|樊哲忠 Jimmy Fan
製作行政 Production Administrator|詹雅然 Chiaki Chan
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant|徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #知更 #Redbreast
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻就能感覺到她特殊之處。從大學就學期間就被「華研國際」選為練習生,不斷的在學校與公司裡鑽研作曲作詞,甚至學習編曲錄音等等的技術工程,都是為了要她能親手完成心目中的音樂世界,現在從大學畢業了的她,終於推出了她的第一張迷你專輯作品「JUD」 。
專輯裡面這次收錄的六首歌曲,其中四首歌是選自JUD 陳泳希之前在街聲音樂平台上就已經陸續發表過的demo創作, 而另外兩首歌曲則是與Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲, 這一部由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix 正式上片,一公開就引起熱烈的討論話題,劇中不但有JUD 陳泳希初試啼聲演唱的兩首主題曲〈相濡以沫〉〈知更〉外,更破天荒選用了另外三首JUD 陳泳希全創作的歌曲成為影集插曲,隨著劇中人的遭遇起伏,JUD的歌聲更能夠刻劃出每個人寂寞的內心世界,讓JUD陳泳希成為少數幸運的樂壇新人,出道作品就能有五首歌曲搭配Netflix影集面市,讓全球觀眾因而認識這個獨一無二的歌聲。
不論是影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采,或是取樣於范曉萱與李泉的名曲的〈要不要在一起〉的Z世代新詮釋,更令人驚喜的是〈活的假象〉與〈How Does It Feel〉兩首充滿個性的風格舞曲,不守規則的旋律與節拍在JUD純真又魅惑的歌聲中滑行,而她柔美的聲線又會藉由〈誰能走進你的心〉與〈知更〉這樣的抒情曲,淡然的輕撫著聽眾的情緒。
〈知更 Redbreast〉
脆弱有時 寂寞有時 叛逆行事
或許有時 長大就是 換個心思
I’ve been dancing all the night
Like shadow in the dark
When you tell me it will be alright
But the shadow in the dark
為什麼從未能釐清揮之不去 oh
就讓我的胸口發燙到鮮紅才美麗 oh
明天開始 今天開始 現在開始
不再休止 長大就是 換新電池
I’ve been dancing all the night
Like shadow in the dark
When you tell me it will be alright
But the shadow in the dark
為什麼從未能釐清揮之不去 oh
就讓我的胸口發燙到鮮紅才美麗 oh
演唱人 Artist|JUD 陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|徐旻鈴 Minnie Hsu / JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer|JUD 陳泳希
歌詞統籌 Lyrics Coordinator|廖庭翊 Ting-Yi Liao
製作人 Producer|呂禎晃 Rex Lu
編曲 Arranger|周菲比 PhebeChou / JUD陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
弦樂監製 String Producer|蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai
弦樂 Strings|曜爆甘音樂工作室 Just Busy Music Studio
第一小提琴 First Violin|蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai / 沈鎮堯 Chen-Yao Shen
第二小提琴 Second Violin|黃雨柔 Nala Huang / 黃瑾諍 Chin-Cheng Huang
中提琴 Viola|潘自琦 Tzu-Chi Pan / 林均奕 Chun Yi Lin
大提琴 Cello|葉欲新 Shin Yeh / 白竹君 Chu-Chun Pai
鼓 Drums|陳柏州 Mr.Q @Mr.Q Studio
弦樂錄音師 Strings Recording Engineer|張閔翔 Min-Hsiang Chang
弦樂助理錄音師 Strings Assistant Engineer|朱品豪 Pin-Hao Ju
技術支援 Technical Support|一森 Eason Chou
弦樂錄音室 Strings Recording Studio|玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Cinema
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|林正忠 Cheng Chung Lin
混音室 Mixing Studio|白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
製作執行 Production Executive|樊哲忠 Jimmy Fan
製作行政 Production Administrator|詹雅然 Chiaki Chan
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant|徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #知更 #Redbreast
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
- published: 23 Feb 2024
- views: 241071
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 活的假象 False Reality ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈活的假象 False Reality〉
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈活的假象 False Reality〉
誰曾親近 誰又遠離
在你眼裡 不過是點心
但現在這副 認真神情
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 活的假象
誰曾親近 誰又遠離
在你眼裡 不過是點心
但現在這副 認真神情
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 都是假象 活的假象
作詞Lyricist|JUD陳泳希 / 廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao
編曲 Arranger|JUD 陳泳希 / 張博彥 Brian
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|張博彥 Brian
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant|徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #活的假象 #FalseReality
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈活的假象 False Reality〉
誰曾親近 誰又遠離
在你眼裡 不過是點心
但現在這副 認真神情
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 活的假象
誰曾親近 誰又遠離
在你眼裡 不過是點心
但現在這副 認真神情
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 活的假象
都是假象 都是假象 活的假象
作詞Lyricist|JUD陳泳希 / 廖庭翊Ting-Yi Liao
編曲 Arranger|JUD 陳泳希 / 張博彥 Brian
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|張博彥 Brian
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant|徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #活的假象 #FalseReality
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
- published: 15 Mar 2024
- views: 117124
JUD 陳泳希〈蒼白〉(Netflix 影集《誰是被害者:第2季》插曲) Official Music Video
#誰是被害者第2季 #TheVictimsGameOriginalSoundtrack #PaleLove
JUD 陳泳希官方Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《誰是被害者:第2季》插曲〈蒼白〉
#誰是被害者第2季 #TheVictimsGameOriginalSoundtrack #PaleLove
JUD 陳泳希官方Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《誰是被害者:第2季》插曲〈蒼白〉
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
在2024年,JUD陳泳希這位創作新人因為演唱Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》五首主題曲與插曲而出道,她特殊的嗓音與抓耳的歌聲頻率,初試啼聲就獲得了高度的矚目。這次在《誰是被害者:第2季》中演唱的插曲〈蒼白〉,更是她在看完劇本之後,為這齣戲的場景量身定做的獨家創作新曲。歌曲與歌詞依照劇情的走向,甜蜜中帶著悔恨;絕望中又帶著期待,這種不可言喻的複雜情緒,卻在JUD陳泳希一首歌曲之間,輕鬆地讓觀眾墜入劇中人的內心世界,是不可多得的一首佳作。
花瓣飄零暗喻主角內心狀態 黑白畫面完美詮釋斑斕回憶化為蒼白
蒼白 Pale Love
看吧 這朵花會落下
不是 注定開花 就是任人採摘折下
聽啊 風聲也許會說話
這秘密關於的是你 是我 或他 都是吧
誰都別想 一個人 虛偽的 狡黠的 置身事外
結局會怎麼來 又該如何覆蓋
放手吧 別再說 為了誰 要留下來
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
哭吧 當淚還能流下
讓它落在火花 就算澆熄不了 蒸發
猜呀 命運會讓誰先放下
燃燒殆盡的是你 是我 或他 全是吧
誰都別想 一個人 虛偽的 狡黠的 置身事外
結局會怎麼來 又該如何覆蓋
放手吧 告訴我 憑什麼 再留下來
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
[音樂製作 Song Credit]
作詞 Lyricist | JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer | JUD 陳泳希
製作人 Producer | 呂禎晃 Rex Lu
編曲 Arranger | 周菲比 PhebeChou、JUD 陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer | 郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger | 郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals | JUD 陳泳希
錄音師 Recording Engineer | 林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio | 華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer | 林正忠 Cheng Chung Lin
混音室 Mixing Studio | 白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
製作執行 Production Executive | 樊哲忠 Jimmy Fan
製作行政 Production Administrator | 林培祺 Peggy Lin、詹雅然 Chiaki Chan
母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:王治平Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:楊大緯Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant:徐珞桓Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
OP: HIM Music Publishing Inc.
[MV製作 Music Video Credit]
製作 Production|十隻手指電影制作所有限公司 10 United Films
監製 Executive Producer|辛樂兒 Belle Shin
導演 Director|陳冠仲 Kuan Chung Chen
製片 Producer|張瀠之 Amo Chang
執行製片 P.D.|周盈秀 Ying Show Chou
製片助理 P.A.|蔡孟言 Meng Yan Tsai
攝影 D.O.P.|仉春霖 chun lin Chang
攝影大助 1ST A.C.|胡瑋洲 Wei Chou Hu
攝影二助 2ND A.C.|吳政勳 Komodo
攝影器材 Photographic Equipment|鏡頭銀行 Lensbank
燈光 Gaffer|粘峻嘉 CHUN CHIA NIEN
燈光大助 Best Boy | 林晏均 Jyun Lin
燈光助理 Electrics|楊育鈞 Yu Jun Yang
燈光器材 Lighting Equipment|仙人掌影業有限公司
剪接 Editor|林雍益 Ian Lin、利佩柔 Lee Pei Jao
調光 Colorist| 李芷璇Chih Xuan Lee
特別感謝 Special Thanks|好藝像 Good Art studio
[藝人團隊 Artist Team Credit]
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 CHUAN CHUAN STUDIO
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|張芝郡 Zing Chang @ 圈圈藝術工作室 CHUAN CHUAN STUDIO
造型師 Stylist|EDIE LAI
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #PaleLove
#誰是被害者第2季 #TheVictimsGameOrigin
#誰是被害者第2季 #TheVictimsGameOriginalSoundtrack #PaleLove
JUD 陳泳希官方Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《誰是被害者:第2季》插曲〈蒼白〉
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
在2024年,JUD陳泳希這位創作新人因為演唱Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》五首主題曲與插曲而出道,她特殊的嗓音與抓耳的歌聲頻率,初試啼聲就獲得了高度的矚目。這次在《誰是被害者:第2季》中演唱的插曲〈蒼白〉,更是她在看完劇本之後,為這齣戲的場景量身定做的獨家創作新曲。歌曲與歌詞依照劇情的走向,甜蜜中帶著悔恨;絕望中又帶著期待,這種不可言喻的複雜情緒,卻在JUD陳泳希一首歌曲之間,輕鬆地讓觀眾墜入劇中人的內心世界,是不可多得的一首佳作。
花瓣飄零暗喻主角內心狀態 黑白畫面完美詮釋斑斕回憶化為蒼白
蒼白 Pale Love
看吧 這朵花會落下
不是 注定開花 就是任人採摘折下
聽啊 風聲也許會說話
這秘密關於的是你 是我 或他 都是吧
誰都別想 一個人 虛偽的 狡黠的 置身事外
結局會怎麼來 又該如何覆蓋
放手吧 別再說 為了誰 要留下來
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
哭吧 當淚還能流下
讓它落在火花 就算澆熄不了 蒸發
猜呀 命運會讓誰先放下
燃燒殆盡的是你 是我 或他 全是吧
誰都別想 一個人 虛偽的 狡黠的 置身事外
結局會怎麼來 又該如何覆蓋
放手吧 告訴我 憑什麼 再留下來
過去每段情愛 全都顯得太蒼白
[音樂製作 Song Credit]
作詞 Lyricist | JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer | JUD 陳泳希
製作人 Producer | 呂禎晃 Rex Lu
編曲 Arranger | 周菲比 PhebeChou、JUD 陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer | 郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger | 郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals | JUD 陳泳希
錄音師 Recording Engineer | 林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio | 華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer | 林正忠 Cheng Chung Lin
混音室 Mixing Studio | 白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
製作執行 Production Executive | 樊哲忠 Jimmy Fan
製作行政 Production Administrator | 林培祺 Peggy Lin、詹雅然 Chiaki Chan
母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:王治平Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:楊大緯Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant:徐珞桓Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
OP: HIM Music Publishing Inc.
[MV製作 Music Video Credit]
製作 Production|十隻手指電影制作所有限公司 10 United Films
監製 Executive Producer|辛樂兒 Belle Shin
導演 Director|陳冠仲 Kuan Chung Chen
製片 Producer|張瀠之 Amo Chang
執行製片 P.D.|周盈秀 Ying Show Chou
製片助理 P.A.|蔡孟言 Meng Yan Tsai
攝影 D.O.P.|仉春霖 chun lin Chang
攝影大助 1ST A.C.|胡瑋洲 Wei Chou Hu
攝影二助 2ND A.C.|吳政勳 Komodo
攝影器材 Photographic Equipment|鏡頭銀行 Lensbank
燈光 Gaffer|粘峻嘉 CHUN CHIA NIEN
燈光大助 Best Boy | 林晏均 Jyun Lin
燈光助理 Electrics|楊育鈞 Yu Jun Yang
燈光器材 Lighting Equipment|仙人掌影業有限公司
剪接 Editor|林雍益 Ian Lin、利佩柔 Lee Pei Jao
調光 Colorist| 李芷璇Chih Xuan Lee
特別感謝 Special Thanks|好藝像 Good Art studio
[藝人團隊 Artist Team Credit]
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 CHUAN CHUAN STUDIO
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|張芝郡 Zing Chang @ 圈圈藝術工作室 CHUAN CHUAN STUDIO
造型師 Stylist|EDIE LAI
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #PaleLove
#誰是被害者第2季 #TheVictimsGameOrigin
- published: 02 Jul 2024
- views: 238562
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 相濡以沫 This is Love ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》主題曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉...
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉,由樂壇新人JUD 陳泳希演唱,歌曲獨樹一格的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采。這樣的主題曲是在華語劇集中非常少見的。而這齣Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》是由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之原創影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix正式上片,引起熱烈的討論話題。
〈相濡以沫 This is Love〉
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
背對世界 的寂寞 Ooh~
相濡以沫 夠不夠 Ooh~
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
面對一切 的赤裸 Ooh~
相濡以沫 去看破 Ooh~
面對一切 的赤裸
相濡以沫 去看破 Ooh~
演唱人 Artist|JUD陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|廖庭翊 Ting-Yi Liao / 邵豪 Shao Hao / Nay Shalom 寧夏
作曲 Composer|邵豪 Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
歌詞統籌 Lyrics Coordinator|廖庭翊 Ting-Yi Liao
製作人 Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
編曲 Arranger|鍾承洋 Chung Cheng-Yang / 邵豪 Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
吉他 Guitar|鍾承洋 Chung Cheng-Yang
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|林正忠 Cheng Chung Lin
混音室 Mixing Studio|白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant||徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作執行 Production Executive|吳秉和 BingBing Wu
製作行政 Production Administrator|李海薇 Vera Lee / 鄭晴Phoebe Cheng
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #相濡以沫 #ThisIsLove
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
這首歌曲是與Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉,由樂壇新人JUD 陳泳希演唱,歌曲獨樹一格的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采。這樣的主題曲是在華語劇集中非常少見的。而這齣Netflix 影集《愛愛內含光》是由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之原創影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix正式上片,引起熱烈的討論話題。
〈相濡以沫 This is Love〉
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
背對世界 的寂寞 Ooh~
相濡以沫 夠不夠 Ooh~
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
Time starts to swim
Ooh~ Ooh~
Slow down the world
面對一切 的赤裸 Ooh~
相濡以沫 去看破 Ooh~
面對一切 的赤裸
相濡以沫 去看破 Ooh~
演唱人 Artist|JUD陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|廖庭翊 Ting-Yi Liao / 邵豪 Shao Hao / Nay Shalom 寧夏
作曲 Composer|邵豪 Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
歌詞統籌 Lyrics Coordinator|廖庭翊 Ting-Yi Liao
製作人 Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
編曲 Arranger|鍾承洋 Chung Cheng-Yang / 邵豪 Shao Hao / Nay Shalom寧夏
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
吉他 Guitar|鍾承洋 Chung Cheng-Yang
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|林正忠 Cheng Chung Lin
混音室 Mixing Studio|白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant||徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作執行 Production Executive|吳秉和 BingBing Wu
製作行政 Production Administrator|李海薇 Vera Lee / 鄭晴Phoebe Cheng
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #相濡以沫 #ThisIsLove
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
- published: 09 Feb 2024
- views: 73221
JUD 陳泳希 - [ How Does It Feel ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈How Does It Feel〉
It all s...
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈How Does It Feel〉
It all started with your phone
Or the tickets that you bought few weeks ago
Wow this shit is gross
I can’t believe in what I saw
Should I leave or should I go
Should I act like I don't know
I don’t wanna act like I don’t mind
When I see you make her smile
So annoyed that she seemed fine
Messages from you make me roll my eyes
Remind me of the promises you make
Really not a good one
(Poor you…)
Everybody wants to betray you
They used to send love to you
Now they hate you (you)
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
Everybody wants to make fun to you
They used to be fans of you, now they hate you
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
(How does it feel…)
It all started with a call
Naked body in that circles
How will you explain every photo you saved in from those girls
Don't worry I can act like I don't mind
(I don’t mind)
Just do not let me see her smile
Everything will be fine (alright)
But you couldn't help yourself out from the fight
Sorry that is really not my problem
At least you do make my day
(Poor you…)
Everybody wants to betray you
They used to send love to you
Now they hate you (you)
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
Everybody wants to make fun to you
They used to be fans of you, now they hate you
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
(Feel you…you…you…)
(Poor you…)
編曲Arranger:JUD陳泳希 / 張博彥Brian
配唱製作人Vocal Producer:郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger:JUD陳泳希
和聲演唱Backing Vocals:JUD陳泳希
錄音師Recording Engineer:林佳育Martin Lin
錄音室Recording Studio:華研猛蛋錄音室HIM Recording Studio
混音師Mixing Engineer:JUD陳泳希
母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:王治平Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:楊大緯Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant:徐珞桓Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #HowDoesItFeel
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈How Does It Feel〉
It all started with your phone
Or the tickets that you bought few weeks ago
Wow this shit is gross
I can’t believe in what I saw
Should I leave or should I go
Should I act like I don't know
I don’t wanna act like I don’t mind
When I see you make her smile
So annoyed that she seemed fine
Messages from you make me roll my eyes
Remind me of the promises you make
Really not a good one
(Poor you…)
Everybody wants to betray you
They used to send love to you
Now they hate you (you)
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
Everybody wants to make fun to you
They used to be fans of you, now they hate you
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
(How does it feel…)
It all started with a call
Naked body in that circles
How will you explain every photo you saved in from those girls
Don't worry I can act like I don't mind
(I don’t mind)
Just do not let me see her smile
Everything will be fine (alright)
But you couldn't help yourself out from the fight
Sorry that is really not my problem
At least you do make my day
(Poor you…)
Everybody wants to betray you
They used to send love to you
Now they hate you (you)
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
Everybody wants to make fun to you
They used to be fans of you, now they hate you
This is all your fault, this is all your fault
Tell me now how does it feel?
(Feel you…you…you…)
(Poor you…)
編曲Arranger:JUD陳泳希 / 張博彥Brian
配唱製作人Vocal Producer:郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger:JUD陳泳希
和聲演唱Backing Vocals:JUD陳泳希
錄音師Recording Engineer:林佳育Martin Lin
錄音室Recording Studio:華研猛蛋錄音室HIM Recording Studio
混音師Mixing Engineer:JUD陳泳希
母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:王治平Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:楊大緯Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant:徐珞桓Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #HowDoesItFeel
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
- published: 22 Mar 2024
- views: 66343
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) Official Music Video
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻...
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻就能感覺到她特殊之處。從大學就學期間就被「華研國際」選為練習生,不斷的在學校與公司裡鑽研作曲作詞,甚至學習編曲錄音等等的技術工程,都是為了要她能親手完成心目中的音樂世界,現在從大學畢業了的她,終於推出了她的第一張迷你專輯作品「JUD」 。
專輯裡面這次收錄的六首歌曲,其中四首歌是選自JUD 陳泳希之前在街聲音樂平台上就已經陸續發表過的demo創作, 而另外兩首歌曲則是與Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲, 這一部由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix 正式上片,一公開就引起熱烈的討論話題,劇中不但有JUD 陳泳希初試啼聲演唱的兩首主題曲〈相濡以沫〉〈知更〉外,更破天荒選用了另外三首JUD 陳泳希全創作的歌曲成為影集插曲,隨著劇中人的遭遇起伏,JUD的歌聲更能夠刻劃出每個人寂寞的內心世界,讓JUD陳泳希成為少數幸運的樂壇新人,出道作品就能有五首歌曲搭配Netflix影集面市,讓全球觀眾因而認識這個獨一無二的歌聲。
不論是影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采,或是取樣於范曉萱與李泉的名曲的〈要不要在一起〉的Z世代新詮釋,更令人驚喜的是〈活的假象〉與〈How Does It Feel〉兩首充滿個性的風格舞曲,不守規則的旋律與節拍在JUD純真又魅惑的歌聲中滑行,而她柔美的聲線又會藉由〈誰能走進你的心〉與〈知更〉這樣的抒情曲,淡然的輕撫著聽眾的情緒。
│導 演│黃婕妤
│作詞Lyricist│李泉James Li / JUD 陳泳希
│作曲Composer│李泉James Li / JUD 陳泳希
│編曲Arranger│JUD 陳泳希
│配唱製作人Vocal Producer│郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
│和聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger│JUD 陳泳希
│和聲演唱Backing Vocals│JUD 陳泳希
│貝斯Bass│吳秉和BingBing Wu
│錄音師Recording Engineer│林佳育Martin Lin
│錄音室Recording Studio│華研猛蛋錄音室HIM Recording Studio
│混音師Mixing Engineer│JUD 陳泳希
│母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer│楊大緯Dave Yang
│母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant│徐珞桓Andy Hsu
│母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio│楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
OP:East Asia Music Publishing Limited
SP:Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch
OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc.
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
畢業於台南藝術大學,自小主修古典鋼琴,JUD 只要站在麥克風前,一開口,總是立刻就能感覺到她特殊之處。從大學就學期間就被「華研國際」選為練習生,不斷的在學校與公司裡鑽研作曲作詞,甚至學習編曲錄音等等的技術工程,都是為了要她能親手完成心目中的音樂世界,現在從大學畢業了的她,終於推出了她的第一張迷你專輯作品「JUD」 。
專輯裡面這次收錄的六首歌曲,其中四首歌是選自JUD 陳泳希之前在街聲音樂平台上就已經陸續發表過的demo創作, 而另外兩首歌曲則是與Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》共同創作的影集主題曲, 這一部由曾獲美國獨立製片人影展「最佳女導演獎」的導演黃婕妤執導,卡司集結了柯震東、夏于喬、林哲熹…..等,以禁忌的「性」話題,探討各年齡層都可能遭遇的兩性議題之影集,在2024年的春節於Netflix 正式上片,一公開就引起熱烈的討論話題,劇中不但有JUD 陳泳希初試啼聲演唱的兩首主題曲〈相濡以沫〉〈知更〉外,更破天荒選用了另外三首JUD 陳泳希全創作的歌曲成為影集插曲,隨著劇中人的遭遇起伏,JUD的歌聲更能夠刻劃出每個人寂寞的內心世界,讓JUD陳泳希成為少數幸運的樂壇新人,出道作品就能有五首歌曲搭配Netflix影集面市,讓全球觀眾因而認識這個獨一無二的歌聲。
不論是影集主題曲〈相濡以沫〉的英倫獨立音樂風格,還沾染些迷幻電器音響的風采,或是取樣於范曉萱與李泉的名曲的〈要不要在一起〉的Z世代新詮釋,更令人驚喜的是〈活的假象〉與〈How Does It Feel〉兩首充滿個性的風格舞曲,不守規則的旋律與節拍在JUD純真又魅惑的歌聲中滑行,而她柔美的聲線又會藉由〈誰能走進你的心〉與〈知更〉這樣的抒情曲,淡然的輕撫著聽眾的情緒。
│導 演│黃婕妤
│作詞Lyricist│李泉James Li / JUD 陳泳希
│作曲Composer│李泉James Li / JUD 陳泳希
│編曲Arranger│JUD 陳泳希
│配唱製作人Vocal Producer│郭文宗Joeloe Kuo
│和聲編寫Backing Vocal Arranger│JUD 陳泳希
│和聲演唱Backing Vocals│JUD 陳泳希
│貝斯Bass│吳秉和BingBing Wu
│錄音師Recording Engineer│林佳育Martin Lin
│錄音室Recording Studio│華研猛蛋錄音室HIM Recording Studio
│混音師Mixing Engineer│JUD 陳泳希
│母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer│王治平Bing Wang
│母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer│楊大緯Dave Yang
│母帶後期處理助理Mastering Assistant│徐珞桓Andy Hsu
│母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio│楊大緯錄音室Dave Yang Recording Studio
OP:East Asia Music Publishing Limited
SP:Sony Music Publishing (Pte) Ltd. Taiwan Branch
OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc.
- published: 15 Feb 2024
- views: 390213
JUD 陳泳希 - [ 要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together ] (Netflix影集《愛愛內含光》插曲) STUDIO LIVE
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Togeth...
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together〉
When I look into your eye
在深處 I’m drowning
想著每一步 怎麼和你更靠近
這麼美 希望是在你的心裡
唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活的不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
When I look into your eye
在深處 I’m drowning
想著每一步 怎麼和你更靠近
這麼美 希望是在你的心裡
唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活的不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
演唱人 Artist|JUD 陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|李泉 James Li / JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer|李泉 James Li / JUD 陳泳希
編曲 Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
貝斯 Bass|吳秉和 BingBing Wu
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|JUD 陳泳希
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant|徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #要不要在一起 #ShallWeStayTogether
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
*Follow* *JUD* *陳泳希*
*Instagram:* https://www.instagram.com/iamjudchen/
JUD 陳泳希《JUD 陳泳希 首張迷你專輯》
〈要不要在一起 Shall We Stay Together〉
When I look into your eye
在深處 I’m drowning
想著每一步 怎麼和你更靠近
這麼美 希望是在你的心裡
唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活的不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
When I look into your eye
在深處 I’m drowning
想著每一步 怎麼和你更靠近
這麼美 希望是在你的心裡
唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活的不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
演唱人 Artist|JUD 陳泳希
作詞 Lyricist|李泉 James Li / JUD 陳泳希
作曲 Composer|李泉 James Li / JUD 陳泳希
編曲 Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|郭文宗 Joeloe Kuo
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger|JUD 陳泳希
和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|JUD 陳泳希
貝斯 Bass|吳秉和 BingBing Wu
錄音師 Recording Engineer|林佳育 Martin Lin
錄音室 Recording Studio|華研猛蛋錄音室 HIM Recording Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer|JUD 陳泳希
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer|王治平 Bing Wang
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊大緯 Dave Yang
母帶後期處理助理 Mastering Assistant|徐珞桓 Andy Hsu
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
製作公司 Production Company|萬有製作 DIVINITY STUDIOS
監製 Executive Producer|葉亨驥 Hendrix Yeh
專案管理 Project Manager|尹馨 meimei
導演 Director|品柏 Pinbo
執行製片 Line Producer|江欣儀 CHIANG HSIN YI
攝影指導 Director of Photography|蔡秉軒 Kuchi Tsai
二機 B Camera|蔡岳鋒 York Tsai
攝影助理 Camera Assistant|李佳穎 Alicia Lee / 馬崇智 Chris Ma / 蔡宜廷 Claire Tsai
燈光 Gaffer|黃維宣 Gary Huang
燈光大助 Best Boy Electric|黃業勤 YA
燈光助理 Lighting Technician|竺士鈞Tequil / 林余璠 YuFayme
樂手化妝師 Make-up Artist|謝意文 Akim Sie @弎體製作 PRIMA STUDIO
髮型師 Hair Stylist|謝意文 Akim Sie
美術指導 Art Director|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
場務 Key Grip|孫永祥 XiangSun
剪接 Editor|品柏 Pinbo
調光 Colorist|品柏 Pinbo
平面設計 Graphic Design|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
標準字設計 Logotype Designer|李曉陽 Sunny Lee
劇照師 Still Photographer|尹馨 meimei
樂手 Musician|徐少軍 Shao jun xi / 賴世軒 Bruce Lai / 陳彥誠 Jason Chen / 黃昶翰 Chang-Han Huang / 許殷齊 Morris Hsu
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|朱凱 Chris Chu / 楊承璋 Benny Yang / Janice T
化妝 Make-up|Chloe C
髮型 Hair Stylist|蔡百謹Jun Tsai @ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
髮型助理 Hair Assistant|黃珮茹 Pari Huang@ 圈圈藝術工作室 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎
造型師 Stylist|Edie Lai
造型助理 Stylist Assistant|Leticia Wang / TzeYing Ng
#JUD陳泳希 #JUD #要不要在一起 #ShallWeStayTogether
#愛愛內含光 #LetsTalkAboutCHU
- published: 01 Mar 2024
- views: 82860
Jud Caswell brings new music to 207
Caswell performed in the 207 studio and tells us about upcoming shows.
Caswell performed in the 207 studio and tells us about upcoming shows.
Caswell performed in the 207 studio and tells us about upcoming shows.
- published: 27 Aug 2024
- views: 55
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
Spotify Playlist: https://TajTracks.lnk.to/Spotify
Lady Gaga:
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
Spotify Playlist: https://TajTracks.lnk.to/Spotify
Lady Gaga:
Judas Lyrics:
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
[Verse 1]
When he calls to me, I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times he betrays me
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
A king with no crown
King with no crown
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
[Verse 2]
I couldn't love a man so purely
Even prophets forgave his crooked ways
I've learned love is like a brick
You can build a house or sink a dead body
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
A king with no crown
King with no crown
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute, wench vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense, I just speak in future tense
Judas, kiss me, if offensed, or wear ear condom next time
I wanna love you
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue and
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
#LadyGaga #Judas #TajTracks #Lyrics
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
Spotify Playlist: https://TajTracks.lnk.to/Spotify
Lady Gaga:
Judas Lyrics:
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
[Verse 1]
When he calls to me, I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times he betrays me
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
A king with no crown
King with no crown
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
[Verse 2]
I couldn't love a man so purely
Even prophets forgave his crooked ways
I've learned love is like a brick
You can build a house or sink a dead body
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
(Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah)
A king with no crown
King with no crown
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute, wench vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense, I just speak in future tense
Judas, kiss me, if offensed, or wear ear condom next time
I wanna love you
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue and
Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby
It's so cruel, but I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
I’m in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Juda-ah-ah
Judas, Gaga
Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)
#LadyGaga #Judas #TajTracks #Lyrics
- published: 24 Dec 2020
- views: 34519202
Easily 3 Star Doom and Gloom Challenge (Clash of Clans)
How to 3 Star the Doom and Gloom Challenge in Clash of Clans. Judo Sloth provides a simple tutorial for the new event attack. This attack showcases the Halloween Hero Skins and Scenery. The Archer Queen Skin will be in the Gold Pass. Thank you for using code judo to support the channel. Best of luck with your 3 stars!
Suggested Videos:
I Opened 100 Chests in Clash of Clans: https://youtu.be/ucUjVLVQa50
100 Days Progress with the Gold Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuMG4XUOr9I
Join 'The Dojo' to gain Exclusive Perks by becoming a Member of the Judo Sloth Gaming YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/judosloth/join
Thank you for using Code 'Judo' in Clash of Clans to support me.
Supercell Store: https://store.supercell.com/en?boost=judo
In Clash of Clans: https://bit.ly/CodeJudo
My ...
published: 01 Oct 2024
5 basic judo throws everyone should know #judo #martialarts
I hand-selected these five techniques because they are fundamental and effective. Also, with these techniques as a base, you can combine many combinations.
5 basic #judo throws everyone should know
1. O uchi gari
2. O soto gari - O uchi and o soto work great as a combination. O uchi gari is an inside trip, and o soto gari is an outside trip. They are both backward throws.
3. Koshi Guruma - Wrap your dominant arm around the head, elevate, and pull the sleeve.
4. O Goshi - It can be done off of the underhook with a belt grip. O Goshi and Koshi Guruma are both hip throws and turning throws.
5. Sasae tsuri komi ashi - Fake o Goshi and then block the ankle for Sasae.
🥋 Check out my #judo Basics in collaboration with https://youtube.com/@JudoFanatics?si=9nHcNarY6cpHz8Qh Instruction here: ...
published: 09 Aug 2019
TOP JUDO IPPONS 2023 - The Best Ippons This Year!
All your favorite judoka from the year and the greatest ippons!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There are some small perks, too!
▶ The footage used in this video is courtesy of the International Judo Federation (IJF). You can find full footage, matches, highlights and interviews on JudoTV.
▶ Use CODE JudoHighlight (Capital J and H) for a discount.
▶ KUSAKURA JUDO GI ORDERS - https://www.judo-highlights.com/
DM me for any questions on Instagram or by Email - https://www.instagram.com/judo_highlights_yt/
▶ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089964256451
▶ Merch - T-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags and more! https://bit.ly/3drWglg
Established in 2015, judo highlights has been providing...
published: 16 Dec 2023
Tsunoda BEATS 48-kg judo world champ to win Japan's 1st gold in Paris! | Olympic Games Paris 2024
The 31-year-old Natsumi Tsunoda capped off a memorable Olympics debut, as she outfought Mongolian world champion Baasankhuu Bavuudorj in the Women's 48-kg judo final to take gold.
Catch #Paris2024 for FREE on mewatch! For more details, check out: go.mediacorp.sg/paris2024
#mediacorpOlympics #Olympics #Paris2024
👋 Welcome to Mediacorp Entertainment, your favourite channel for the latest and the best of local entertainment series in English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. We're part of Mediacorp, Singapore’s biggest content creator and national media network, bringing you awesome and award-winning TV shows, radio stations, and digital platforms for all your entertainment and news needs. Want more entertainment? Check out even more series for free on mewatch! Download the app or visit to...
published: 27 Jul 2024
Why is JUDO the Best for Self Defense?
GrapplingEric's Store:
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Check Out Our Favorite Amazon Grappling Products:
RED Label IJF Approved, Yawara Yoroi Judo Gi
69$! Single Weave JUDO Gi
Punisher Gi
$60! Elite Sports BJJ GI for Men
MMA Grappling Dummy
Welcome to our channel dedicated to the art of Judo! In this expertly crafted video, we delve deep into the world of Judo techniques, providing valuable insights and tips for beginners. Whether you're a novice looking to get started or a seasoned practitioner seeking to refine your skills, this video is a must-...
published: 27 Sep 2023
I Tried Judo
Use code SENSEI50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at https://bit.ly/4875T5Y!
Thanks to @BadBoyMedicine and Alex from Triangle Jiu Jitsu for teaching me some Judo!
Like this but want more? Check out my members page and become a Yellow Belt Tier to get the full uncut 1.5 hour long version of this video!
published: 30 Sep 2023
Judo is an Overrated Martial Art
Is Judo the worst martial art? Absolutely not. Is it incredibly overrated? Yes, absolutely.
0:00 Intro
1:34 Rule Set
4:04 Judo vs. BJJ
5:54 Judo vs. Wrestling
9:04 Presence in MMA
11:33 Judo vs. Da Streetz
15:12 Conclusion
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ArmchairViolence?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArmchairViolenc
Thanks to Metrolina Martial Arts for letting me film in their gym! Their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqUADiQ8w4aqL1HUJO5zgtg
(Metrolina MA does not necessarily endorse any views expressed in this video. I cannot stress this fact enough. Stop whining to the owner about stuff. He doesn't control my content!)
published: 14 May 2024
You always wanted to know how judo works, its rules and its principles? The International Judo Federation has just released the latest version of its 'Quick Guide to Judo' presented by former World Champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist Neil Adams, also nicknamed 'The Voice of Judo'.
In 3'40, Neil Adams explains the rules that will allow you to follow any judo tournament. You wanted to know everything about the competition system, or about scores and penalties? You wanted to know how the two competitors can score and win their match? You wondered what was the DNA of our sport? Nothing is easier. Take a short break and watch the film which, through action images and concret examples, reveals the secrets of competitive judo.
Welcome to the official Judo channel, ...
published: 12 Jan 2018
Judo 4 years old
published: 30 Mar 2020
TOP IPPONS - Judo World Championships 2024
Good time to be a judo fan. Amazing ippons and the Olympics right around the corner!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There are some small perks, too!
▶ The footage used in this video is courtesy of the International Judo Federation (IJF). You can find full footage, matches, highlights and interviews on JUDOTV.
▶ Use CODE JUDOHIGHLIGHTS for a 15% discount on JUDOTV.
▶ KUSAKURA JUDO GI ORDERS - https://www.judo-highlights.com/
DM me for any questions on Instagram or by Email - https://www.instagram.com/judo_highlights_yt/
▶ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089964256451
▶ Merch - T-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags and more! https://bit.ly/3drWglg
Established in 2015, judo highlights ...
published: 03 Jun 2024
Easily 3 Star Doom and Gloom Challenge (Clash of Clans)
How to 3 Star the Doom and Gloom Challenge in Clash of Clans. Judo Sloth provides a simple tutorial for the new event attack. This attack showcases the Hallowee...
How to 3 Star the Doom and Gloom Challenge in Clash of Clans. Judo Sloth provides a simple tutorial for the new event attack. This attack showcases the Halloween Hero Skins and Scenery. The Archer Queen Skin will be in the Gold Pass. Thank you for using code judo to support the channel. Best of luck with your 3 stars!
Suggested Videos:
I Opened 100 Chests in Clash of Clans: https://youtu.be/ucUjVLVQa50
100 Days Progress with the Gold Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuMG4XUOr9I
Join 'The Dojo' to gain Exclusive Perks by becoming a Member of the Judo Sloth Gaming YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/judosloth/join
Thank you for using Code 'Judo' in Clash of Clans to support me.
Supercell Store: https://store.supercell.com/en?boost=judo
In Clash of Clans: https://bit.ly/CodeJudo
My Clash of Clans Playlists
Clash Explained: https://bit.ly/ClashExplained
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Tip for Everything Series: https://bit.ly/TipsForEverything
Watch my Livestreams on Twitch and Facebook:
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #ClashOfClansEvent
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News - you'll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!
How to 3 Star the Doom and Gloom Challenge in Clash of Clans. Judo Sloth provides a simple tutorial for the new event attack. This attack showcases the Halloween Hero Skins and Scenery. The Archer Queen Skin will be in the Gold Pass. Thank you for using code judo to support the channel. Best of luck with your 3 stars!
Suggested Videos:
I Opened 100 Chests in Clash of Clans: https://youtu.be/ucUjVLVQa50
100 Days Progress with the Gold Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuMG4XUOr9I
Join 'The Dojo' to gain Exclusive Perks by becoming a Member of the Judo Sloth Gaming YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/judosloth/join
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► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News - you'll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!
- published: 01 Oct 2024
- views: 363347
5 basic judo throws everyone should know #judo #martialarts
I hand-selected these five techniques because they are fundamental and effective. Also, with these techniques as a base, you can combine many combinations.
I hand-selected these five techniques because they are fundamental and effective. Also, with these techniques as a base, you can combine many combinations.
5 basic #judo throws everyone should know
1. O uchi gari
2. O soto gari - O uchi and o soto work great as a combination. O uchi gari is an inside trip, and o soto gari is an outside trip. They are both backward throws.
3. Koshi Guruma - Wrap your dominant arm around the head, elevate, and pull the sleeve.
4. O Goshi - It can be done off of the underhook with a belt grip. O Goshi and Koshi Guruma are both hip throws and turning throws.
5. Sasae tsuri komi ashi - Fake o Goshi and then block the ankle for Sasae.
🥋 Check out my #judo Basics in collaboration with https://youtube.com/@JudoFanatics?si=9nHcNarY6cpHz8Qh Instruction here: http://bit.ly/ShintaroJudoinstruction
✅ Designed for ALL Levels - Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced, this course will change your game.
✅ Downloadable videos - You can download this course and watch it on your favorite devices!
✅ Now available on BJJ Fanatics App - Downloadable on Apple App Store and Google Play- You can view this course directly inside the app; it is streamable and downloadable!
August 2024 BONUS: ✏️ Get Grammarly Premium for FREE here: https://www.grammarly.com/referrals/redeem?key=a8t3ki1czfgwdprn https://youtube.com/@grammarly?si=Jbt1UQeszQJsUYdX
🌐 Don't get thrown online. Up to 3 (three!) FREE Months of https://youtube.com/@Nordvpn?si=JZuWyTJgJCKKGsGl (Updated July 2024) https://refer-nordvpn.com/YQDIjmNCZUn
#judo #bjj #mma
I hand-selected these five techniques because they are fundamental and effective. Also, with these techniques as a base, you can combine many combinations.
5 basic #judo throws everyone should know
1. O uchi gari
2. O soto gari - O uchi and o soto work great as a combination. O uchi gari is an inside trip, and o soto gari is an outside trip. They are both backward throws.
3. Koshi Guruma - Wrap your dominant arm around the head, elevate, and pull the sleeve.
4. O Goshi - It can be done off of the underhook with a belt grip. O Goshi and Koshi Guruma are both hip throws and turning throws.
5. Sasae tsuri komi ashi - Fake o Goshi and then block the ankle for Sasae.
🥋 Check out my #judo Basics in collaboration with https://youtube.com/@JudoFanatics?si=9nHcNarY6cpHz8Qh Instruction here: http://bit.ly/ShintaroJudoinstruction
✅ Designed for ALL Levels - Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced, this course will change your game.
✅ Downloadable videos - You can download this course and watch it on your favorite devices!
✅ Now available on BJJ Fanatics App - Downloadable on Apple App Store and Google Play- You can view this course directly inside the app; it is streamable and downloadable!
August 2024 BONUS: ✏️ Get Grammarly Premium for FREE here: https://www.grammarly.com/referrals/redeem?key=a8t3ki1czfgwdprn https://youtube.com/@grammarly?si=Jbt1UQeszQJsUYdX
🌐 Don't get thrown online. Up to 3 (three!) FREE Months of https://youtube.com/@Nordvpn?si=JZuWyTJgJCKKGsGl (Updated July 2024) https://refer-nordvpn.com/YQDIjmNCZUn
#judo #bjj #mma
- published: 09 Aug 2019
- views: 4027438
TOP JUDO IPPONS 2023 - The Best Ippons This Year!
All your favorite judoka from the year and the greatest ippons!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There ...
All your favorite judoka from the year and the greatest ippons!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There are some small perks, too!
▶ The footage used in this video is courtesy of the International Judo Federation (IJF). You can find full footage, matches, highlights and interviews on JudoTV.
▶ Use CODE JudoHighlight (Capital J and H) for a discount.
▶ KUSAKURA JUDO GI ORDERS - https://www.judo-highlights.com/
DM me for any questions on Instagram or by Email - https://www.instagram.com/judo_highlights_yt/
▶ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089964256451
▶ Merch - T-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags and more! https://bit.ly/3drWglg
Established in 2015, judo highlights has been providing the best judo on YouTube! The goal of this channel is to make judo and judoka more popular around the world!
Finally, remember to LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE!!! Enjoy!
#judo #judohighlights #subscribe
All your favorite judoka from the year and the greatest ippons!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There are some small perks, too!
▶ The footage used in this video is courtesy of the International Judo Federation (IJF). You can find full footage, matches, highlights and interviews on JudoTV.
▶ Use CODE JudoHighlight (Capital J and H) for a discount.
▶ KUSAKURA JUDO GI ORDERS - https://www.judo-highlights.com/
DM me for any questions on Instagram or by Email - https://www.instagram.com/judo_highlights_yt/
▶ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089964256451
▶ Merch - T-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags and more! https://bit.ly/3drWglg
Established in 2015, judo highlights has been providing the best judo on YouTube! The goal of this channel is to make judo and judoka more popular around the world!
Finally, remember to LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE!!! Enjoy!
#judo #judohighlights #subscribe
- published: 16 Dec 2023
- views: 1062305
Tsunoda BEATS 48-kg judo world champ to win Japan's 1st gold in Paris! | Olympic Games Paris 2024
The 31-year-old Natsumi Tsunoda capped off a memorable Olympics debut, as she outfought Mongolian world champion Baasankhuu Bavuudorj in the Women's 48-kg judo ...
The 31-year-old Natsumi Tsunoda capped off a memorable Olympics debut, as she outfought Mongolian world champion Baasankhuu Bavuudorj in the Women's 48-kg judo final to take gold.
Catch #Paris2024 for FREE on mewatch! For more details, check out: go.mediacorp.sg/paris2024
#mediacorpOlympics #Olympics #Paris2024
👋 Welcome to Mediacorp Entertainment, your favourite channel for the latest and the best of local entertainment series in English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. We're part of Mediacorp, Singapore’s biggest content creator and national media network, bringing you awesome and award-winning TV shows, radio stations, and digital platforms for all your entertainment and news needs. Want more entertainment? Check out even more series for free on mewatch! Download the app or visit today. Happy watching and follow us on social!
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The 31-year-old Natsumi Tsunoda capped off a memorable Olympics debut, as she outfought Mongolian world champion Baasankhuu Bavuudorj in the Women's 48-kg judo final to take gold.
Catch #Paris2024 for FREE on mewatch! For more details, check out: go.mediacorp.sg/paris2024
#mediacorpOlympics #Olympics #Paris2024
👋 Welcome to Mediacorp Entertainment, your favourite channel for the latest and the best of local entertainment series in English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. We're part of Mediacorp, Singapore’s biggest content creator and national media network, bringing you awesome and award-winning TV shows, radio stations, and digital platforms for all your entertainment and news needs. Want more entertainment? Check out even more series for free on mewatch! Download the app or visit today. Happy watching and follow us on social!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mediacorp/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mediacorp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mediacorp/
- published: 27 Jul 2024
- views: 16858
Why is JUDO the Best for Self Defense?
GrapplingEric's Store:
Join this channel to get access to perks:
GrapplingEric's Store:
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Check Out Our Favorite Amazon Grappling Products:
RED Label IJF Approved, Yawara Yoroi Judo Gi
69$! Single Weave JUDO Gi
Punisher Gi
$60! Elite Sports BJJ GI for Men
MMA Grappling Dummy
Welcome to our channel dedicated to the art of Judo! In this expertly crafted video, we delve deep into the world of Judo techniques, providing valuable insights and tips for beginners. Whether you're a novice looking to get started or a seasoned practitioner seeking to refine your skills, this video is a must-watch.
Join us as we break down fundamental Judo moves, demonstrating proper form and execution. From essential throws and grappling techniques to strategic groundwork and effective self-defense maneuvers, we cover it all. Our experienced instructors guide you step-by-step, ensuring that you grasp each technique with precision.
Discover the secrets behind achieving balance, leverage, and control in Judo. Gain a deeper understanding of core concepts such as timing, grip variations, and body positioning, as we explore practical applications for real-life scenarios. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you develop a solid foundation, paving the way for advanced Judo skills.
Enhance your physical fitness, mental focus, and self-confidence through this fascinating martial art. Our video provides engaging visuals and clear explanations, making it suitable for Judo enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're practicing Judo for sport, self-defense, or personal development, our content will empower you to become a better Judoka.
Subscribe to our channel for regular updates on Judo tutorials, training drills, competition highlights, and interviews with renowned Judo athletes. Join our growing community of passionate practitioners and unlock the full potential of Judo!
Judo techniques,Judo for beginners,Judo groundwork,Judo training,Judo tutorial,Judo skills,Judo competition,Judo athletes,Uchimata,Uchimata counter,Judo counter,Judo ippon,Uchimata ippon,Counter judo,uchi mata,judo highlights,judo training,judo motivation,judo,bjj,judo throws,ippon,judo technique,judo compilation,柔道,tai otoshi,osoto gari,ouchi gari,uchimata,uchi mata uchikomi,kosei inoue,how to do uchi mata,uchi mata basics,judo meme,sumo
GrapplingEric's Store:
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Check Out Our Favorite Amazon Grappling Products:
RED Label IJF Approved, Yawara Yoroi Judo Gi
69$! Single Weave JUDO Gi
Punisher Gi
$60! Elite Sports BJJ GI for Men
MMA Grappling Dummy
Welcome to our channel dedicated to the art of Judo! In this expertly crafted video, we delve deep into the world of Judo techniques, providing valuable insights and tips for beginners. Whether you're a novice looking to get started or a seasoned practitioner seeking to refine your skills, this video is a must-watch.
Join us as we break down fundamental Judo moves, demonstrating proper form and execution. From essential throws and grappling techniques to strategic groundwork and effective self-defense maneuvers, we cover it all. Our experienced instructors guide you step-by-step, ensuring that you grasp each technique with precision.
Discover the secrets behind achieving balance, leverage, and control in Judo. Gain a deeper understanding of core concepts such as timing, grip variations, and body positioning, as we explore practical applications for real-life scenarios. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you develop a solid foundation, paving the way for advanced Judo skills.
Enhance your physical fitness, mental focus, and self-confidence through this fascinating martial art. Our video provides engaging visuals and clear explanations, making it suitable for Judo enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're practicing Judo for sport, self-defense, or personal development, our content will empower you to become a better Judoka.
Subscribe to our channel for regular updates on Judo tutorials, training drills, competition highlights, and interviews with renowned Judo athletes. Join our growing community of passionate practitioners and unlock the full potential of Judo!
Judo techniques,Judo for beginners,Judo groundwork,Judo training,Judo tutorial,Judo skills,Judo competition,Judo athletes,Uchimata,Uchimata counter,Judo counter,Judo ippon,Uchimata ippon,Counter judo,uchi mata,judo highlights,judo training,judo motivation,judo,bjj,judo throws,ippon,judo technique,judo compilation,柔道,tai otoshi,osoto gari,ouchi gari,uchimata,uchi mata uchikomi,kosei inoue,how to do uchi mata,uchi mata basics,judo meme,sumo
- published: 27 Sep 2023
- views: 887252
I Tried Judo
Use code SENSEI50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at https://bit.ly/4875T5Y!
Thanks to @BadBoyMedicine and Alex from Triangle Jiu Jitsu for teaching me so...
Use code SENSEI50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at https://bit.ly/4875T5Y!
Thanks to @BadBoyMedicine and Alex from Triangle Jiu Jitsu for teaching me some Judo!
Like this but want more? Check out my members page and become a Yellow Belt Tier to get the full uncut 1.5 hour long version of this video!
Use code SENSEI50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at https://bit.ly/4875T5Y!
Thanks to @BadBoyMedicine and Alex from Triangle Jiu Jitsu for teaching me some Judo!
Like this but want more? Check out my members page and become a Yellow Belt Tier to get the full uncut 1.5 hour long version of this video!
- published: 30 Sep 2023
- views: 580453
Judo is an Overrated Martial Art
Is Judo the worst martial art? Absolutely not. Is it incredibly overrated? Yes, absolutely.
0:00 Intro
1:34 Rule Set
4:04 Judo vs. BJJ
5:54 Judo vs. Wrestling
Is Judo the worst martial art? Absolutely not. Is it incredibly overrated? Yes, absolutely.
0:00 Intro
1:34 Rule Set
4:04 Judo vs. BJJ
5:54 Judo vs. Wrestling
9:04 Presence in MMA
11:33 Judo vs. Da Streetz
15:12 Conclusion
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ArmchairViolence?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArmchairViolenc
Thanks to Metrolina Martial Arts for letting me film in their gym! Their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqUADiQ8w4aqL1HUJO5zgtg
(Metrolina MA does not necessarily endorse any views expressed in this video. I cannot stress this fact enough. Stop whining to the owner about stuff. He doesn't control my content!)
Is Judo the worst martial art? Absolutely not. Is it incredibly overrated? Yes, absolutely.
0:00 Intro
1:34 Rule Set
4:04 Judo vs. BJJ
5:54 Judo vs. Wrestling
9:04 Presence in MMA
11:33 Judo vs. Da Streetz
15:12 Conclusion
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ArmchairViolence?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArmchairViolenc
Thanks to Metrolina Martial Arts for letting me film in their gym! Their channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqUADiQ8w4aqL1HUJO5zgtg
(Metrolina MA does not necessarily endorse any views expressed in this video. I cannot stress this fact enough. Stop whining to the owner about stuff. He doesn't control my content!)
- published: 14 May 2024
- views: 60159
You always wanted to know how judo works, its rules and its principles? The International Judo Federation has just released the latest versi...
You always wanted to know how judo works, its rules and its principles? The International Judo Federation has just released the latest version of its 'Quick Guide to Judo' presented by former World Champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist Neil Adams, also nicknamed 'The Voice of Judo'.
In 3'40, Neil Adams explains the rules that will allow you to follow any judo tournament. You wanted to know everything about the competition system, or about scores and penalties? You wanted to know how the two competitors can score and win their match? You wondered what was the DNA of our sport? Nothing is easier. Take a short break and watch the film which, through action images and concret examples, reveals the secrets of competitive judo.
Welcome to the official Judo channel, brought to you by the International Judo Federation!
Here you can watch ALL IJF World Judo Tour events LIVE, along with various Judo Highlight shows, video series, best moments, athlete interviews and much more!
Watch our videos ► https://bit.ly/JudoVideos
Subscribe here ► https://bit.ly/SubscribeJudo
Follow all events, including up to 22 events per year, such as World Championships (Senior, Junior, Cadets, Veterans, Kata, Open, Teams) and World Judo Tour (Masters, Grand Slam, Grand Prix, Continental Open).
For more information about judo, events, or the federation, visit https://www.ijf.org/
You always wanted to know how judo works, its rules and its principles? The International Judo Federation has just released the latest version of its 'Quick Guide to Judo' presented by former World Champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist Neil Adams, also nicknamed 'The Voice of Judo'.
In 3'40, Neil Adams explains the rules that will allow you to follow any judo tournament. You wanted to know everything about the competition system, or about scores and penalties? You wanted to know how the two competitors can score and win their match? You wondered what was the DNA of our sport? Nothing is easier. Take a short break and watch the film which, through action images and concret examples, reveals the secrets of competitive judo.
Welcome to the official Judo channel, brought to you by the International Judo Federation!
Here you can watch ALL IJF World Judo Tour events LIVE, along with various Judo Highlight shows, video series, best moments, athlete interviews and much more!
Watch our videos ► https://bit.ly/JudoVideos
Subscribe here ► https://bit.ly/SubscribeJudo
Follow all events, including up to 22 events per year, such as World Championships (Senior, Junior, Cadets, Veterans, Kata, Open, Teams) and World Judo Tour (Masters, Grand Slam, Grand Prix, Continental Open).
For more information about judo, events, or the federation, visit https://www.ijf.org/
- published: 12 Jan 2018
- views: 537406
Judo 4 years old
Judo 4 years old
Judo 4 years old
- published: 30 Mar 2020
- views: 10742522
TOP IPPONS - Judo World Championships 2024
Good time to be a judo fan. Amazing ippons and the Olympics right around the corner!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become ...
Good time to be a judo fan. Amazing ippons and the Olympics right around the corner!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There are some small perks, too!
▶ The footage used in this video is courtesy of the International Judo Federation (IJF). You can find full footage, matches, highlights and interviews on JUDOTV.
▶ Use CODE JUDOHIGHLIGHTS for a 15% discount on JUDOTV.
▶ KUSAKURA JUDO GI ORDERS - https://www.judo-highlights.com/
DM me for any questions on Instagram or by Email - https://www.instagram.com/judo_highlights_yt/
▶ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089964256451
▶ Merch - T-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags and more! https://bit.ly/3drWglg
Established in 2015, judo highlights has been providing the best judo on YouTube! The goal of this channel is to make judo and judoka more popular around the world!
Finally, remember to LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE!!! Enjoy!
#judo #judohighlights #subscribe
Good time to be a judo fan. Amazing ippons and the Olympics right around the corner!
▶ Channel members help keep this channel running. If you'd like to become one, hit JOIN. There are some small perks, too!
▶ The footage used in this video is courtesy of the International Judo Federation (IJF). You can find full footage, matches, highlights and interviews on JUDOTV.
▶ Use CODE JUDOHIGHLIGHTS for a 15% discount on JUDOTV.
▶ KUSAKURA JUDO GI ORDERS - https://www.judo-highlights.com/
DM me for any questions on Instagram or by Email - https://www.instagram.com/judo_highlights_yt/
▶ Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089964256451
▶ Merch - T-shirts, hoodies, cups, bags and more! https://bit.ly/3drWglg
Established in 2015, judo highlights has been providing the best judo on YouTube! The goal of this channel is to make judo and judoka more popular around the world!
Finally, remember to LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE!!! Enjoy!
#judo #judohighlights #subscribe
- published: 03 Jun 2024
- views: 324051