- published: 14 Jun 2014
- views: 493
Artist of the Month showcases the artists whose work is currently on display in the Prairie Centers gallery. This month's featured artist is photographer Robert Dicke.
Last video off of LD's debut mixtape, "So Hard". Download the free mixtape at: http://lildicky.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/LilDickyRap Twitter: https://twitter.com/lildickytweets Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lil-dicky Directed By - Mickey Finnegan www.mickeyfinnegan.com twitter.com/mickeyfinnegan Produced By - Jenn Khoe Cinematography By - Robert Lam www.bobbydp.com Edited By - Kane Richardson www.scrypictures.com Animation By - Simon Chan www.scrypictures.com Lyrics - Verse 1 Blowin something sticky word to pre-cum dicks Im wit ma team in this bitch, and we all getting lit I mean the weed hella loud, like a teenage chick And we been smoking for a minute, yeah we blowin on that ganja And now I'm huffin and puffin, I'm choking on that bong And the dope im on i...
P. James E. Peebles, Albert Einstein Professor of Science, Emeritus, at Princeton University, talks about his life and career with Sandra Faber, University Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Editor of the Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr. Peebles describes his youth in Winnipeg, Canada. He began his studies at the University of Manitoba, where he entered the engineering program, eventually transferring to Physics. On his advisor Ken Standing's urging, Dr. Peebles moved to Princeton University, and joined the working group of Robert H. Dicke, in which he studied gravity physics. Dr. Peebles went on to develop the field of physical cosmology, and his work contributed to establishing the big bang model and furthering our und...
This video examines four claims Jarrah makes concerning Lunar Laser Ranging: Claim #16. Reflectors are not needed to bounce lasers off the moon. Seven years before the first retro-reflector was placed on the moon, scientists at MIT and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory were able to shoot laser light at the moon and count the number of photons that hit a photocell during their 500us exposure window -- Geiger mode. Using this method, they were more than 90% confident that more than 40% of the photons they were detecting during their test trials were not random. With retro-reflectors on the moon, scientists are now able to measure the time-of-flight for the first photon received during their 20ns exposure window. Using this method, a larger number of photons return from the reflecto...
Fifty years ago, in the spring of 1965, Prof. Robert Dicke at Princeton University recognized that the unexplained noise in an experimental Bell Telephone Laboratories communications receiver might be caused by radiation left from a hot early stage of our expanding universe. Months earlier Dicke had set Jim Peebles to the task of seeking the theoretical implications of such an interpretation. At the same time, he proposed that two other young members of his research group, experimentalists Peter Roll and David Wilkinson, build a specially designed, microwave radiometer to look for remnant radiation that might be observable, thereby indicating the existence of a hot Big Bang. The serendipitous discovery by the Bell scientists, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, put the Princeton group’s proj...
Hubert von Goisern und die Alpinkatzen - Koa Hiatamadl (1992) Text : Esgrausaugatenschiaschaurignschachtlzotigenhoiwangedenweiwer, huldioeoedei, mogst mi Du ned, mog i di... Jo mei, jo mei, wann i mer um a dirndl schau, dann woas i schon genau, rund muß sei und a wengerl resch, ju mei. Jo mei, jo mei, die meißten Weiber ham a Gstell, san dürr und mager wie der Wöll mei, jo mei, a solch eine, die kunts nie sei. Koa Hiatamadl mog i ned, hoat koana dickn Wadl net, i mog a Madl aus der Stadt, was dicke Wadln hat. Koa Hiatamadl mog i ned, hoat koana dickn Wadl net, i mog a Madl aus der Stadt, was dicke Wadln hat. Jodler... Jo mei, jo mei, die Moni mit de grianen Hoar is scheener no wia vorigs Joahr, hoat a grad net wenig auf der woag. Mei o mei, die andern medl kenn i schon, da renn...
Arno Allan Penzias was born in Munich, Germany on 26 April 1933, the eldest son of Karl and Justine Penzias. Because of the rise of Hitler and their Polish-Jewish decent, the elder Penzias sought ways of getting the family out of Germany. When the British government agreed to accept 10,000 Jewish children on humanitarian grounds, young Arno and his brother were put on the kindertransport. Their parents were able to join them several weeks later. Several months later the family headed for New York City, settling there in early 1940. As a child Penzias' attended public schools in the Bronx, New York. As a teenager, he attended Brooklyn Technical High School, a specialized public school for boys and then matriculated at City College of New York planning to study chemical engineering. ...
Arno Allan Penzias was born in Munich, Germany on 26 April 1933, the eldest son of Karl and Justine Penzias. Because of the rise of Hitler and their Polish-Jewish decent, the elder Penzias sought ways of getting the family out of Germany. When the British government agreed to accept 10,000 Jewish children on humanitarian grounds, young Arno and his brother were put on the kindertransport. Their parents were able to join them several weeks later. Several months later the family headed for New York City, settling there in early 1940. As a child Penzias' attended public schools in the Bronx, New York. As a teenager, he attended Brooklyn Technical High School, a specialized public school for boys and then matriculated at City College of New York planning to study chemical engineering. ...
Ikke Hüftgold mit seiner Sommersingle - Dicke Titten Kartoffelsalat von den Ballermann Hits 2014!. Jetzt Ikke LIVE buchen unter http://www.ikke-hueftgold.de Den Song könnt ihr downloaden auf http://www.amazon.de/Dicke-Titten-Kartoffelsalat/dp/B00LCTRCF4 https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dicke-titten-kartoffelsalat/id893097010 Hier das "Ballerpunk" Album von Ikke Hüftgold: http://www.amazon.de/Ballerpunk-Ikke-H%C3%BCftgold/dp/B017APFPJS/ (c) 2014 Summerfield Music Ikke sagt danke an: Mia Julia DJ Düse Peter Wackel DJ Biene Sabbotage DJ Danny Malle Mike Rötgens DJ Uli Jörg & Dragon Bendler & Horny Fabio Gandolfo Schürze Marry Killermichel Papaoke Rick Arena Willi Herren Andy Luxx Ein ganz besonderen Dank geht an: Nona - als fette Schwester von Klaus und Klaus Micaela Schäfer - als ...
Euro Truck Simulator (ETS) UK Truck Simulator (UKTS), basiert auf dem Spielsystem des Euro Truck Simulator, handelt jedoch in Großbritannien und ist ein Add-on des German Truck Simulator German Truck Simulator (GTS), basiert auf dem Spielsystem des Euro Truck Simulator, handelt jedoch in Deutschland Austrian Truck Simulator (ATS), basiert exakt auf dem German Truck Simulator, handelt jedoch in Österreich und ist ein Add-on des German Truck Simulator Scania Truck Driving Simulator (STDS), basiert auf dem Spielsystem des German Truck Simulator mit verbesserter Grafik und ausschließlich mit Scania Lastwagen. Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2), Nachfolger des Euro Truck Simulators, besitzt mit Ausnahme von Mercedes-Benz erstmals alle Lizenzen namhafter LKW-Hersteller American Truck Simulator (ATS),...
Sommer, Sonne, Style! Offen fahren, die Haare wehen im Wind – Cabrios vermitteln ein ganz eigenes Lebensgefühl. Genau das will der 21-jährige Robert aus Bochum jetzt auch spüren. Soweit so gut – das Problem ist aber das Budget: Robert steckt mitten in der Ausbildung, zudem unterstützt er seine Mutter finanziell. Dementsprechend gibt der Geldbeutel nicht viel her: Lediglich 750 Euro haben die PS PROFIS um ein geeignetes Gefährt zu finden! Ist das überhaupt machbar? BÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄM!!! Die PS-PROFIS sind ab sofort auch auf YouTUBE! Hier findest du neben allen Folgen und Outtakes, auch unsere Special-Clips „Autos im Visier". Wer die beiden PS-PROFIS Sid & JP nicht kennt: Die beiden Jungs sind in ganz Deutschland unterwegs und suchen euch die geilsten Schlitten, das ganze mit ner ordentlichen Por...
Talk given by Alexander Unzicker (Author of "The Higgs Fake" and "Bankrupting Physics") at the DPG Meeting in Berlin, March 16th, 2015. Variable speed of light (VSL) - Einstein's initial idea of 1907 - provides an equivalent form of general relativity. As Robert Dicke showed in 1957, such a VSL theory allows for a Machian interpretation of general relativity with a different cosmology. The results of a paper in Annalen der Physik 18 (2009), 53 are extended by a recent idea of Jan Preuss that brings Dicke's theory into a local form (see arxiv.org/abs/1503.06763).
Ist Zucker Gift? Wie hat es die Lebensmittelindustrie geschafft, dass wir uns diese Frage nicht mehr – oder viel zu selten – stellen? Dass die Verzuckerungspolitik der Lebensmittelindustrie und die Verharmlosung des süßen Stoffes bereits in den 70er Jahren eine gezielte Taktik war, entdeckte die Zahnärztin Cristin Kearns, als sie in den Archiven der „Great Western Sugar Company“ 1.500 Seiten interner Dokumente einsehen konnte – eine Art geheime „Spielanleitung“ der Zuckerindustrie. Es begann mit einer geheimen PR-Kampagne. Über 40 Jahre lang hat „Big Sugar“ es geschafft, sein milliardenschweres Imperium auszubauen und die Ernährung der Welt zu verzuckern. Übergewicht, Diabetes, Herzerkrankungen haben sich vervielfacht. Die nichtalkoholische Fettleber ist längst in der Mitte der Gesellscha...
Unter dem folgenden Link findet ihr den kompletten Beitrag von RTL, auf welchen dieser Verein in meinem Fall sein Urheberrecht beanspruchte. Allerdings habe ich nicht mal den kompletten Beitrag genommen sondern nur 30 Sekunden. :-) Der Beitrag von RTL wäre in meinem Video ab 18:40 gelaufen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFu5ZjDb-bw ➤Kontakt: junoa@web.de ➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005986182470 ➤Bitte unterstützt mich, wenn euch meine Arbeit gefällt. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2967274&u;=2967274&ty;=h https://www.paypal.me/FrankLanger Frank Langer IBAN: DE60 1505 0200 1301 0828 44 BIC: NOLADE 21NBS ➤Bestellt was ihr wollt, aber bestellt es bitte hierüber. Das hilft mir weiter und kostet euch keinen Cent mehr. https://www.amazon.de/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encod...