Australia First Party Goes To The Polls (November 2014)

Pauline Hanson has announced her return to the political hustings, again.

How excitement.

One Nation WA is not. happy. with Hanson, labelling her ‘psychotic’. In fact, over the past few years ON in WA has drawn much closer to the Australia First Party

(See also : The level playing field: Hansonism, globalisation, racism (Suvendrini Perera, Race & Class, October 1998) November 16, 2010.)

Speaking of which, AFP managed to come dead last in the struggle for political power in both Marrickville and Newcastle on the weekend. In Marrickville, party Führer Dr James Saleam managed to wrest just 188 votes from the political clutches of the traitor class, leaving the remainder to be distributed among the corrupt forces of the Labor, Greens and Liberal parties.

Marrickville Council West Ward – Burraga – Councillor Election (First Preference Votes)

1. Daniel Barbar (ALP) : 4,577 / 50.08%
2. Justine Langford (Greens) : 3,021 / 33.05%
3. George Andrade (Liberal) : 1,354 / 14.81%
[4. Informal : 309 / 3.27%]
5. Jim Saleam (Australia First Party) : 188 / 2.06%

In Newcastle, Joe Ferguson followed his leader, also finishing in last place.

Newcastle City Council – Mayor Election (First Preference Votes)

1. Nuatali Nelmes (ALP) : 35,198 / 42.30%
2. Brad Luke (Independent) : 19,635 / 23.60%
3. Therese Doyle (Greens) : 11,664 / 14.02%
4. Aaron Buman (Independent) : 9,570 11.50%
[5. Informal : 5,051 / 5.73%]
6. David Chapman (Independent) : 4,240 / 5.10%
7. Rod Holding (Independent) : 1,560 / 1.87%
8. Joe Ferguson (Australia First Party) : 1,341 / 1.61%

In Victoria, AFP’s John Carbonari has thrown his wig into the electoral ring again, this time hoping the people of Bayswater will heed the call for a return to a White Australia policy.

See also : 2013 Australian federal election. How did the far right fare? (September 12, 2013) | 2012 Victorian local council election : far left and far right (results) (October 29, 2012).