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The Importance of the Official 9/11 Myth

Originally published at Washington’s Blog by Kevin Ryan on 10/25/15

People sometimes wonder why is it important to investigate the alleged hijackers and others officially accused of committing the 9/11 crimes. After all, the accused 19 hijackers could not have accomplished most of what happened. The answer is that the official accounts are important because they are part of the crimes. Identifying and examining the people who created the official 9/11 myth helps to reveal the ones who were responsible overall.…

The 9/11 Blame Game

Originally published at the Political Film Blog by Joe Giambrone on 10/19/15

Ignorant spinmeisters across the corporate spectrum, and on foundation-funded “left” media, have been carefully choosing their headlines today. As Donald Trump Tweets at Jeb Bush and vice-versa, the topic of the actual September 11th attacks needs to be delicately spun to suit the expected narrowly tailored spectrum of so-called “debate.” This is the antithesis of debate, by the way, an apriori excising of all inconvenient facts from the discussion.…

Jeb Bush’s 9/11 Problem: Huffman Aviation

Originally published at MadCowNews by Daniel Hopsicker on 9/4/15

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire two weeks ago, Jeb Bush was asked a question for which he clearly wasn’t prepared, which hearkened back to Bush’s time as Florida Governor. You can see the question here or watch video below.

“According to Sergeant Marty (Mike) Treanor and other law enforcement officials in Sarasota Florida, the files pertaining to 9/11 hijacker pilots Marwan Al-Shehhi and Mohamed Atta from Huffman Aviation Flight School in Venice Florida were loaded onto two Ryder trucks and driven onto a C-130 cargo plane which left Sarasota the day after 9/11,” began newly-minted radio talk show host Mike Jackman, who with his brother comprise a media outlet pols this election season can ill afford to miss appearing on called??Jackman Radio.

New Evidence of Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks

Originally published at Consensus 9/11 on 9/8/15

NEW YORK, September 9, 2015 – Fourteen years after the world-changing events of 9/11, new evidence refuting the official story continues to be unearthed by a Panel of 23 professional researchers.

Today the 9/11 Consensus Panel releases two new Consensus Points presenting evidence of official foreknowledge of the attacks.

The first Point deals with Able Danger, the code name for a high-level intelligence operation co-founded by Generals Hugh Shelton and Peter Schoomaker, Commanders in Chief of the Defence Department’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM).…

Lawsuit could reveal Saudi complicity in 9/11

Originally published at the NYPost by Paul Sperry on 8/9/15

A federal lawsuit moving forward in Manhattan could open the floodgates to tightly held government secrets about foreign connections to the 9/11 attacks.

While the Obama administration refuses to make public the censored 28 pages of the congressional intelligence report implicating the Saudi government in the terror strike — defying bipartisan requests from lawmakers — the two investigators who authored the long-secret section will more than likely be called to testify in the lawsuit brought against the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.…

FBI Agent: The CIA Could Have Stopped 9/11

Originally published at Newsweek by Jeff Stein on 6/19/15

Updated | Mark Rossini, a former FBI special agent at the center of an enduring mystery related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, says he is “appalled” by the newly declassified statements by former CIA Director George Tenet defending the spy agency’s efforts to detect and stop the plot.

Rossini, who was assigned to the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (CTC) at the time of the attacks, has long maintained that the U.S.…

AP Exclusive: FBI behind mysterious fleet of aircraft conducting surveillance over US cities

Originally published at the AP: The Big Story by Jack Gillum, Eileen Sullivan and Eric Tucker on 6/2/15

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country using video and sometimes cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

The surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge’s approval, and the FBI says the flights are used for specific investigations.…

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Mock America in 9/11 Trial

Originally published at Washington’s Blog by Kevin Ryan on 6/13/15

Last year, it was discovered that the FBI had attempted to infiltrate the legal defense team of a Guantanamo Bay prisoner. The defendant is charged, along with four others including Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), of conspiring to commit the 9/11 attacks. As a result, the military trial was moved out for approximately one year to allow for an investigation into the FBI’s offense. Recently, Al-Jazeera reported that the trial has been moved out yet again because the Department of Justice team leading the investigation (of its own bureau) needs more time to complete its secret report.…

9/11 Review Commission under the FBI’s thumb

Originally published at Florida Bulldog by Dan Christensen on 4/13/15

A secretive blue-ribbon panel formed by Congress to conduct an “external review” of the FBI’s post-9/11 performance – and to assess new evidence – was largely under the sway of the very agency it was tasked to examine.

The FBI 9/11 Review Commission originally was envisioned as something very different: an independent national commission with subpoena power that would hold public hearings, take testimony, receive evidence and compel government agencies to turn over information from their files.…

9/11 families’ attorney still wants to pursue Saudi lawsuit

Originally published at PRI by The Takeway on 2/20/15

In 2002, the Sept. 11 victims’ families?filed a?lawsuit in federal court?against the government of Saudi Arabia?for their alleged role in funding and supporting al-Qaeda. The lawsuit floundered in 2013 amidst delays and a lack of substantial evidence, but new information has emerged that may resurrect the lawsuit.

Statements from former al-Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui suggest that members of the Saudi royal family had been major donors to the terrorist group as recently as the late 1990s.…

The Inside Information That Could Have Stopped 9/11

Originally published at Newsweek by Jeff Stein on 1/14/15

Just before Christmas, former FBI special agent Mark Rossini greeted me with his usual good cheer when we met for drinks in a midtown Manhattan restaurant. He told me his life had finally taken a turn for the better. He’s spending most of his time in Switzerland, where he works for a private global corporate-security firm. “Life’s good,” he said.

Good, but with a few major changes.…

Fran Shure: A Spiritual Issue Not To Be Silent About 9/11

Originally published at The Profile by Susan Dugan, Jan. 2015 Issue

Right after 9/11, I remember talking to my women’s group and saying I just don’t think this could have happened without someone knowing about it and allowing it to,” says Fran Shure. “It was totally intuitive, because I knew nothing. And that was received with a lot of censoring remarks. I just looked at them and said, you know, I have the right to think the unthinkable and I’m going to look into this.…

Interoperable Communications Show Dramatic Improvement Since 9/11, But Problems Remain

10 Years after 9/11 Commission Recommended it, FCC Finds Funds for National First Responder Communications Network

Originally published at AllGov by Noel? Brinkerhoff on? 11/21/14

A decade after the 9/11 Commission suggested creating a unified communications network for first responders to use during emergencies, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has finally collected enough money to move forward.

The commission recommended that the federal government create a way for police and firefighters from different jurisdictions to communicate with each other in a crisis—something they couldn’t do during the response to the 9/11 attacks.…

FBI Denies Witness Tampering In Oklahoma City Bombing Lawsuit

Originally published at KFOR by K. Kerry on 11/13/14

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (KSTU) – A federal judge in Utah has indicated that he wants an investigation into whether the FBI tampered with a witness in a trial regarding the Oklahoma City bombing.

At a hearing on Tuesday, the judge stopped short of finding the FBI in contempt of court, according to KSTU.

Instead, he indicated that he would appoint a federal magistrate judge to oversee further investigation into the claims.…

Secret National Security Letters

Originally published at The Intercept by Cora Currier on 10/9/14

Can the government make demands for data entirely in secret?

That was the question yesterday before a federal appeals court in San Francisco, where government lawyers argued that National Security Letters — FBI requests for information that are so secret they can’t be publicly acknowledged by the recipients — were essential to counterterrorism investigations. The telecom company and internet provider that have challenged the National Security Letters (known as NSLs) still can’t even be named.…

Louis Freeh: The Man With The Secrets

Originally published at by Russ Baker on 8/28/14

Any serious student of history is on alert for “interesting accidents.” Because sometimes they are accidents. Sometimes, they’re not.

We have no opinion at the moment on the one-car-wreck that left former FBI director Louis Freeh badly injured around noon on August 25, other than to note some curious facts: the police were hours late informing the office of the governor of Vermont; Freeh was flown by helicopter to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in New Hampshire under armed guard, and has remained under armed guard; the hospital has refused to confirm that he is a patient, even after reports of two surgeries; at least for the first few days no one has answered the phones at his company, Freeh Group International.…

FBI publicly releases a few more pages about Sarasota Saudis; 80,000 pages given to judge

Originally published at The Broward Bulldog by Dan Christensen and Anthony Summers on 5/9/14

The Justice Department late Friday made public four new, heavily censored documents confirming that by 2002 the FBI had found “many connections” between 9/11 terrorist figures and the Florida family of “an allegedly wealthy international businessman” with ties to the Saudi Royal family.

“On or about 8/27/01 his family fled their house in Sarasota leaving behind valuable items in a manner indicating they left quickly without prior preparation,” says an FBI “case narrative” written on April 16, 2002.…

FBI accused of threatening witness in OKC bombing trial

Originally published at FOX13 by Ben Winslow on 7/31/14

SALT LAKE CITY — A trial over evidence and conspiracy theories from the Oklahoma City bombing wrapped up here, with a shocking twist.

As a trial over documents and videotape the FBI had from the 1995 bombing that killed 168 ended on Thursday, the man suing the federal government claimed one of his witnesses had been told not to show up — or else.

Jesse Trentadue said John Matthews, whom he claimed worked as an undercover government operative in the militia movement in the 1990s, had been contacted by an FBI agent and told “it would be best if he didn’t show up to testify.”

“He was told he should take a vacation and that if he did testify he should suffer from a case of the ‘I don’t remembers,’” Trentadue told U.S.…