The Iraq war is not over for Iraqi civilians and U.S. veterans who continue to struggle with various forms of trauma and injury; for veterans and Iraqis who suffer the effects of environmental poisoning due to certain U.S. munitions and burn pits of hazardous material; and for a growing generation of orphans and people displaced by war.

A decade after the U.S. invaded Iraq, U.S. veterans, Iraqi human rights organizations and their allies launched a joint initiative, Right to Heal. Together, they are demanding that the human rights impacts of the war in Iraq be assessed and that concrete action be taken towards rehabilitation and reparations for those impacted by the lasting effects of the war.

In addition to calling on the U.S. government to provide reparations in the form of environmental remediation, scientific research and health clinics for towns and cities experiencing skyrocketing rates of cancer and birth defects since the invasion, you can also provide “People’s Reparations” that will go directly to buying what our partner organization OWFI’s clinic in Haweeja needs the most, such as medicine, wheelchairs and physical therapy equipment.  Please support OWFI’s work and the people of Haweeja by donating here.