Whatever happened to utopian architecture?


The Tale of Tomorrow: Utopian Architecture in the Modernist Realm collects photos and commentary about the mid-century heyday of utopian architecture, from Paolo Soleri's Arcosanti to Bangladesh's National Assembly Building. Read the rest

Fabulous photo of newlyweds with Black Power gang


Married moments earlier in New Zealand, Sarah and Matthew Oke were posing for photos at Lucy's Gully when they ran into the Maori and Polynesian Black Power gang, who were paying their respects to dead members. So they all posed for this shot, which has gone viral.

Photographer Rebecca Inns writes: "The rain had just cleared and we were enjoying a lovely sunny wedding shoot. As we headed back, we came across a very full car-park and the guys who were there as part of a hikoi. We asked if it would be okay to include them in a wedding photo and they were really accommodating. This is the result. … "They all offered their congratulations to the couple and were so kind. They also told the bride how beautiful she looked." Read the rest

Photos from Bring Your Own Bigwheel 16


Fill in the registration form and agree to the code of conduct and you can participate in San Francisco's annual Bring Your Own Bigwheel race. Read the rest

Surreal siege engines and a ruined mansion: new work from CGI artist Jim Kazanjian


CGI artist Jim Kazanjian's work is both surreal and hyper-real, looking for all the world like photos of true, improbable things. Read the rest

Awkward metal band photos


Join me in the liminal space between deep culture horror and ironic satisfaction: Awkward metal band photos Read the rest

Cycle and Recycle: gorgeous photos of the European recycling process


Paul Bulteel's forthcoming art book, Cycle & Recycle, collects the Belgian photographer's series of images from Europe's massive, advanced recycling program, which captures 43% of the region's waste (the EU is shooting for 65% of municipal waste by 2030). Read the rest

Themepark in an ancient, cavernous Transylvanian salt-mine


Transylvania's Salina Turda themepark is housed in an ancient salt mine with millennia of history. Visitors use its vertical shafts to access vast underground salt caverns and lakes dotted with a concert hall, mini-golf courses, bowling alleys, and rowboats. Read the rest

Rare Bowie photos

Photograph- Kenneth Pitt2
Artnet collects a set of interesting stock images of David Bowie you might not have seen before, hidden from the Google spiders (if not the ones from Mars). Read the rest

Help identify the science fiction legends in these thrift-scored pix of the 1956 Worldcon


Cate writes, "I came across a collection of snapshots at a thrift store and recognized the historic nature of the photos, which documented the 14th World Science Fiction Convention. I purchased the photos from a thrift store in Santa Barbara, California on December 31, 2015. I am looking for help to identify attendees featured in the photos." Read the rest

What the Internet looks like when it's not a patent drawing


In contrast to yesterday's post about the way the Internet is depicted in patent drawings, check out these photos of the Internet's secret actual infrastructure. Read the rest

Just look at this photo of Last Gasp comix founder Ron Turner holding a banana.


Just look at it.

(Thanks, Ron!) Read the rest

Burning Man's public Fleshlight

Some funny stuff from this year's burn. Read the rest

Immortan Trump

Goddess's friend snapped this shot of a perfect piece of timely cosplay. Read the rest

Gallery of deserted Chinese amusement parks

China's exuberant, weird, terrible and brilliant amusement parks sprang up like mushrooms after the Deng reforms, and now many of them have fallen on hard times -- even as Disney makes ready to open Disneyland Shanghai. Read the rest

Nichelle Nichols: Lieutenant Uhura's Starship Enterprise Star Trek workout

In an amazing set of photos from the Desilu studios set of the original Star Trek, Nichelle Nichols (" Lieutenant Uhura") epitomizes grace, athleticism and poise. Read the rest

A tempting offer

Spotted outside Fix Coffee on Whitecross Street in London. Read the rest

Genderswapped Slave Leia with balloon-twisted Jabba


[source] Read the rest

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