ISLAMABAD: PTI Information Secretory Naeemul Haq with Sheryar Afridi MNA and Aaisha Gulalai addresing press conference at Media Centre PID , here on Thursday, April 7, 2016. Photo by Tanveer Shahzad / White Star ISLAMABAD: PTI Information Secretory Naeemul Haq with Sheryar Afridi MNA and Aaisha Gulalai addresing press conference at Media Centre PID , here on Thursday, April 7, 2016. Photo by Tanveer Shahzad / White Star

ISLAMABAD: The two flights of stairs leading to the Press Information Department’s (PID) media centre aren’t new for most journalists tasked with covering the government. But on Thursday, as the media gathered outside the ministry of information’s offices for yet another event, there was a palpable sense of excitement among the press corps.

Ordinarily, media personnel are made to feel very welcome at PID: nearly every employee is on a first-name basis with beat reporters who are rarely, if ever, made to wait outside the premises, least of all on a hot April day. But this was no routine PID presser and for once, the information minister was not the person everyone was waiting for.

Shortly before the arrival of the speakers, the media was ushered inside by Rizwan Chaudhry — who usually oversees arrangements for PTI press events. Until 2pm, no one was sure if Pervaiz Rasheed would allow a PTI press conference at PID. But everyone realised the speakers had arrived as reporters and camerapersons began rushing towards the media centre.

Members of the press corps wait for PTI speakers outside the information ministry’s offices in Islamabad, ahead of the opposition party’s first press conference on the premises on Thursday.—Tanveer Shahzad / White Star Members of the press corps wait for PTI speakers outside the information ministry’s offices in Islamabad, ahead of the opposition party’s first press conference on the premises on Thursday.—Tanveer Shahzad / White Star

Naeemul Haq — the man whose sworn duty it is to deflect the heat caused by vapid press events staged at this very venue — led the four-person PTI team out into the fray. Accompanied by MNAs Ayesha Gulalai and Sheheryar Afridi, the spokesperson looked a little unsure as he took his seat before the familiar green-and-blue backdrop of officialdom.

“We appreciate the PML-N government’s gesture, which has given this forum to the opposition. We are perhaps the first opposition party to get this opportunity,” he said, before coming to the point.

Taking the stage, Mr Haq tore into the claims that government ministers had made — from that very spot — not 24 hours earlier. It was an impassioned defence, if not entirely convincing. “Accusations have been levelled that cannot be adequately addressed at this forum,” he said, referring to allegations regarding the misuse of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust (SKMT) funds.

It was obvious that Mr Haq had psyched himself up for a trip into the ‘belly of the beast’. But nothing could have prepared him for the unpleasantness he was about to face.

Protocol Officer Maqbool Ahmed, who is considered by most journalists to be the driving force of the PID, was visible in the foreground. Responsible for matters at PID, such as ferrying the mic to journalists who want to ask questions, Mr Ahmed is a decidedly congenial presence on most days.

But relieved that, for once, the man on stage wasn’t his boss, this loyal government servant swung into action. Just as Mr Haq concluded his remarks — before he could even catch his breath — the first pro-government question was upon him. And then another, and another, all in quick succession.

Other journalists raised their hands and voices, but Mr Ahmed would have none of it. Jealously guarding the mic and his authority in the room, he ignored the catcalls of journalists — who were half-annoyed and half-amused by the protocol officer’s newfound self-importance — and went about handing the mic to whoever he deemed fit.

This could have led to an argument between the PTI organisers and the PID hosts, since he wasn’t letting the speakers chose whose question they wanted to answer. However, both sides somehow managed to keep their cool.

Although press conferences are always semi-chaotic affairs, a glance around the room revealed other details that would not be of interest to the untrained eye. The big-screen LED TV, which is always on and usually tuned to PTV News, had been switched off.

An eagle-eyed journalist pointed this out, saying that normally, PTV broadcasts any PID event live, but this was not the case for the PTI press conference. At this, Mr Haq said he would write to the information minister to ask if his party chairman could also be allowed to address the nation via the state broadcaster.

“PID and PTV are public properties and every parliamentary party has the right to use these forums,” he said.

Anxious to get his own back, Mr Ahmed took a swipe at PTI’s Iftikhar Durrani just as the presser came to an end, calling him a turncoat for defecting to the PTI from his old party, the PPP.

Not to be outdone, Mr Durrani retaliated, saying, “You were with PPP, Gen Musharraf, Ziaul Haq and now you’re working for the Nawaz League. You just serve whoever is in power,” he said, before walking out in a huff.

Published in Dawn, April 8th, 2016

Comments (5)

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Apr 08, 2016 02:16pm

PTI is just another name of EGO. It is not the venue that matters; what matters most is the very speech for which these conferences are held. Alas, there was nothing new in it!

Apr 08, 2016 02:35pm

Good step in a right direction. PTV should have covered this event. Someone should tell Mr. Maqbool Ahmed that he is not on PMLN's payroll.

Tariq Rafique
Apr 08, 2016 03:57pm

When these national venues will be national . Not the property of the govt of the day and employees have the understanding that they are paid by the ppl of Pakistan not by the PM and ministers.

Apr 08, 2016 08:42pm

@shuaib - PTI may be another name for EGO? Whose ego? Imran Khan’s? No he wasn’t there at the press conference.

Shaukat Ali Khan
Apr 08, 2016 10:28pm

So, that's why PTI hooligans took over PTV building and damaged/stole equipment?