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timeanddate's posts

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Tonight's new Moon is a Super New Moon. A Super New Moon happens when a new Moon coincides with the Moon's closest approach to the Earth.

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Big changes to your calendar coming soon! The year 2017 will become the year 1395 as the ISO replaces the current calendar with the Iranian calendar.

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The first lunar eclipse of 2016, a penumbral lunar eclipse, will take place on Wednesday, March 23. Will you be able to see it?

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Help bring awareness about the effects of climate change by switching off all lights at your home and business for Earth Hour on Saturday, March 19.

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Happy Pi Day to all of you who write the date in the month/date format! How do you plan to celebrate this special mathematical constant?

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Notice something special about today's date - April 4, 2016? When you multiply the first two digits of the date – 4/4, you get the year digit, 16!

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Most of Europe will begin Daylight Saving Time (DST) on Sunday, March 27, 2016. Find out which countries will be springing forward by 1 hour here:

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Happy March Equinox everyone! Did you know that at the moment of the equinox - when the Sun crosses the Earth’s celestial equator, the Earth’s axis is neither tilted away from nor towards the Sun?

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At 04:30 UTC on Sunday, March 20, the Sun will cross the Celestial Equator from the south to the north. This moment marks this year’s March Equinox and will bring in the first day of astronomical spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of astronomical autumn (fall) in the Southern Hemisphere.

Find out when the Equinox will occur in your local time:

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It is nearly time to spring forward if you live in the U.S., Canada, or in one of Mexico’s northern border cities. On Sunday, March 13, 2016, you will have to set your clocks forward 1 hour from 2 am (02:00) to 3 am (03:00) local time.
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