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  • Protesters killed in Bangladesh

    Protesters killed in Bangladesh

    Please read this press statement by the National Committee in Bangladesh on police violence against villagers protests plans to build coal plants in their area. This will lead to...


June 4, 2016 – 12:00 pm
Key trade union leaders and members, writers, journalists, and activists will take part.There will also be books, paintings and photographs on display.
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Solidarity Day

Unite the union

128 Theobalds Rd




Phone: +44 (0) 7908050217

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Tamil Solidarity, formerly Stop the Slaughter of Tamils (SST), was set up in response to the terrible slaughter of thousands of Tamil people, the siege in Sri Lanka’s north-eastern coastal strip, the lack of medical aid, nutrition, water and sanitation. Hundreds of thousands of people have been caught in this trap. They are now being held in militarised villages – open prison camps, in reality…

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Joint National Co-ordinators

Manny Thain,

Keerthikan Thenavan,

Trade Union Organiser

Isai Priya,

North West Co-ordinator

Bharathi Subramaniam,


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  • Protesters killed in Bangladesh

    Protesters killed in Bangladesh

    Please read this press statement by the National Committee in Bangladesh on police violence against villagers protests plans to build coal plants in their area. This will lead to the forced eviction of thousands of people. Tamil Solidarity gives its full support to this...

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  • Exclusive: Secret Documents Reveal How Britain Funded Possible War Crimes in Sri Lanka

    Exclusive: Secret Documents Reveal How Britain Funded Possible War Crimes in Sri Lanka

    Follow the report wrote by Phil Miller and publish in     In 2009, as the Sri Lankan civil war reached its bloody conclusion, David Miliband touched down in Colombo to appeal for peace. “Now is the time for the fighting to stop,” Miliband...

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  • Army, cannons and the constitution

    Army, cannons and the constitution

    1 “You see, gentlemen, a king whom the army and cannons obey – this is part of a constitution!” Ferdinand Lassalle once said. Lassalle, writing in 1862, was theorising at the time of the newly-born modern constitutions. They were begat by the bloody battle...

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  • Home Office chooses to ignore facts: Sri Lanka is still not safe for opposition political activists

    Home Office chooses to ignore facts: Sri Lanka is still not safe for opposition political activists

    Tamil Solidarity condemns the way the Home Office in Britain deals with Tamil asylum cases. The Freedom from Torture recently revealed that the conditions for political activists have not changed in Sri Lanka – and this was reported widely by the media across the...

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  • Tamil solidarity work in Malaysia

    Tamil solidarity work in Malaysia

    Tamil solidarity held two meetings on the 13th and 16th of January in Klang and Brickfields, Malaysia. Bharathi and Yuva report on the meeting and our future work in Malaysia. Both public meetings were valuable in further building and continuing our work in Malaysia....

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  • Channel 4 latest: Sri Lanka – the cover up continues

    Channel 4 latest: Sri Lanka – the cover up continues

    For the first time since the ‘Killing Fields’ documentary, Channel 4 has been granted access to Sri Lanka – this time, for a report by Jon Snow. Once again, it raised important issues. Starting from Colombo station, Snow began by raising the point that...

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