Game Of Thrones Just Dropped Its Plot Description And It Answers A Huge Question

By Nick Venable yesterday discussion comments
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Spoilers for Game of Thrones below.

Somehow, we’ve all lasted long enough to survive the long drought from Season 5 of Game of Thrones to Season 6, which will debut in a couple of weeks. Well, I guess not all of us made it. HBO has released an official description for the season premiere, and it gets right to the point in addressing the biggest question that viewers have had for the past 9 months.
Jon Show is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

Of all the things that can be said about that synopsis, being “far too fluffy” is not one of them. Fans have spent a long time trying to convince themselves and everyone else that the most gloriously coifed soldier in the Night’s Watch couldn’t actually be dead, that he indeed survived those brutal stabbings that we saw at the end of Season 5. (Many also tried to convince themselves that Olly would drop dead of being a total shitbird, but that hasn’t been confirmed either.) All of those conversations and speculations have apparently been for naught, though, as it’s hard to find a lot of wiggle room in “Jon Snow is dead.” 

To be fair, HBO and actor Kit Harington have been pretty adamant about the character’s doomed fate for a while now, even when it looked like it was just unfortunately leaked details. Harington even came out and explained why he was seen on the set, claiming he was playing a corpse for far more than just a single moment in a scene.

Of course, I can’t imagine that logline is going to be enough to really convince people that Jon Snow won’t be living and breathing at some point in Season 6. After all, he was seen filming in a manner that was not just him laying down acting dead, and there are always characters on this show that have the power to do some pretty wild things, such as resurrecting deceased characters. As well, there’s the chance that he could pop up in a flashback, since Game of Thrones doesn’t hate doing those anymore. 

Sure, we’re interested to see what kind of a strong man Daenerys meets, and whether or not she’ll sicher dragons on him. And it’ll definitely be interesting to see Cersei reunited with Myrcella, since that presumably means her brother-lover Jaime will also be around to get weird with it. But for now, the majority of our interest lies alongside Jon Snow’s possibly unwaking corpse. 

Game of Thrones Season 6 will premiere on HBO on Sunday, April 24, at 9 p.m. ET, and you can bet that Jon Snow will be a major topic of discussion on the recently announced chat show After the Thrones, as hosted by Bill Simmons. To see when everything else is debuting over the coming months, check out our summer TV schedule.
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