
The Vest Pocket Chairman by R. Heathwood and G. Horsman 1960

Vest Pocket Chairman 1960 front cover

The National Council of Labour Colleges (NCLC) was an organisation set up in the United Kingdom to foster working class self-education.

Trumpism and the American Working Class

A suggestion for those hostile to Donald Trump's political platform, but have no faith in electoral politics.

Combative Unionism: Waging Class War within Labour - Prairie Struggle

After putting much of our efforts in the cross Canada Speaking Tour on Combative Unionism, a debate on Combative unionism took place inside and outside of Prairie Struggle giving way to PSO's first position paper. In this position paper we hope to contribute to the relevant work and theoretical development that has been done or is already underway. We salute our comrades within the revolutionary left that are active in undermining bureaucratic control over working class power.

Combative Unionism: Clarifications to our position paper - Prairie Struggle

Combative Unionism

Shortly after the release of our position paper on “combative unionism” which sparked much criticism and legitimate questioning, members of Prairie Struggle set about reviewing the critiques and debating the position paper and its legitimacy. Though the process of creating this position paper entailed much debate and thought, the process is a continu- ous one.

International Council Correspondence Volume 4, Number 6

Living Marxism/International Council Correspondence, Vol. 4, no. 6, April 1939

International Council Correspondence Volume 2, Number 2

International Council Correspondence, Vol. 2, no. 2, January 1936

Turkey: When the workers make their voices heard

Strikes at Renault Bursa febr.-march 2016

In the current situation of global crisis and rampant local wars, Turkey has an important place. The tensions in this country are running high, both within the capitalist class(1) and between capital and labor. In this article we report on recent workers' struggles that develop in Turkey against the effects of the crisis. Workers are struggling despite state repression and attempts to divide workers.

Pushing Dust: Work Report from Greenford Street Cleansing Gangs

We look at the company structure, the work-mates, the re-structuring and how the trade union engages with it.

The dirty tricks of the Shrewsbury trials expose the dark heart of the radical 1970s - Paul Mason

Article by economist Paul Mason about the 1972 UK builders' strike that led to the Shrewsbury conspiracy trial. Reproduced here not as an endorsement of Mason's politics, but an interesting insight into worker radicalism in the UK in the 1970s.

Trade unions: pillars of capitalism - Internationalist Perspective

Interesting set of articles debating the nature of unions in capitalist society and how revolutionary workers should relate to them, from a pro-working class, left communist perspective.