Deterritorial Support Group blog

Protest march poster

Archived copy of the blog of the Deterritorial Support Group, active January-December 2011.

Luxury communism tumblr

Drone communism

Archive of the Luxury Communism blog, examining possibilities for a libertarian communist future with luxury for all. Active 2012-2015.

Nestor Makhno: Anarchy's Cossack - Alexandre Skirda

Nestor Makhno.

The phenomenal life of Ukrainian peasant Nestor Makhno provides the framework for this breakneck account of the downfall of the Tsarist empire and the civil war that took place as Makhno's army fought both the remnants of the old regime and the new Bolshevik one.

Bolshevism or communism - United Workers Party of America

1934 article by the council communist UWPA and the National Committee of the Communist League of America, Left Opposition on the question of a new Party and a new (Fourth) International.

Catching history on the wing - Ambalavaner Sivanandan

Definitive collection of articles by Ambalavaner Sivanandan, director of the Institute of Race Relations and the editor of Race & Class, spanning his entire career since the 1970s. Included is a complete bibliography of Sivanandan’s writings, and an introduction by the chair of the IRR, Colin Prescod, which sets the writings in context.

Spanish Marxism vs Soviet Communism: A History of the P.O.U.M. in the Spanish Civil War - Victor Alba

Book cover

Spanish Marxism Versus Soviet Communism is the first historical study of the P.O.U.M. to appear in English. Drawing from his multi-volume work on the subject, which was published in Spanish and Catalan, Victor Alba has collaborated with Stephen Schwartz to produce a condensed and amplified study that is far more than a translation.

Revolution in Central America- Daniel Fogel

FMLN Guerrillas

A contemporary and critical account of the 20th century history of Central America, in particular the conflicts between Leftist rebels and US backed right wing dictatorships in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

Racial matters: the FBI's secret file on black America - Kenneth O'Reilly

Black Panthers in Philadelphia being arrested

A meticulously researched study into how the FBI attempted to disrupt and repress the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s and 70s.

A strike like no other strike: Pittston strike holds lessons for today

Female supporters of the strikers

Article by the United Mine Workers of America, 20 years on from the 10-month-long Pittston Coal strike in Virginia. As you would expect from an official union account it omits to mention the wildcat strikers and violent acts of sabotage but contains interesting historical information.

The mask is off! - American Anarchist Federated Commune Soviets

A 1920 handbill by American Anarchist Federated Commune Soviets issued in the immediate aftermath of the January 7, 1920 expulsion of the five elected members of the Socialist Party of America from the New York Legislative Assembly. This action is declared to be evidence of the failure of socialist methods in the struggle to overthrow capitalism -- an action which has "torn off the mask of the hypocrisy of government representation."