credit crisis

China crash: the faltering of economic transition

Chai - destruction of housing in Beijing

The stock market crash happens at a time when the Chinese development model has reached a turning point, and the financial turmoil reflects underlying structural problems of the economy.

Crisis of civilisation - Gilles Dauvé

Dauvé argues that all crises are crises of social reproduction, and analyses in detail the similarities and differences between the current crisis and previous crises.

The crisis, quantitative easing and class war - Shawn Hattingh

This article looks at how quantitative easing (QE) has been part of the bailouts for financial corporations by states during the crisis, and how its tapering is likely to impact on the working class in Brazil, South Africa, Turkey etc. In doing so it traces aspects of class war and imperialism that have been heightened during the crisis and how these link up to the tapering of QE.

The euro crisis: taking the PIGS to market

Aufheben's account and analysis of the euro crisis.

The holding pattern: the ongoing crisis and the class struggles of 2011-2013

Endnotes on the crisis and class struggles across the world, including the Arab spring and the occupy movement, in the wake of the 2009 financial meltdown.

The enigma of capital and the crises of capitalism - David Harvey

Taking a long view of the current economic crisis, eminent academic David Harvey explains how capitalism came to dominate the world and why it resulted in the current financial crisis.

The failure of capitalist production: underlying causes of the great recession - Andrew Kliman

The failure of capitalist production: underlying causes of the great recession -

Andrew Kliman's book on the great recession following the financial crisis of 2008.

Youths in shorts and flip-flops throwing rocks at cops: Update from Lisbon

Report on the struggles against austerity in Portugal, focusing on the street demonstrations and riots which continue to escalate.

Free economy and the strong state: some notes on the state - Werner Bonefeld

Free economy and the strong state: some notes on the state - Werner Bonefeld

Werner Bonefeld argues that the prominent role of the state since the financial crisis of 2008 is not a break with 'neoliberalism', because a free market and a strong state require one another.

Marx, Engels, Luxemburg and the return to primitive communism - Mark Kosman

rosa luxemburg

Marx, Engels and Luxemburg were all keen to return to the egalitarian relations of primitive communism, at a higher level. But how does the egalitarianism of early human societies connect up with Marxism’s prime focus on the rise and decline of capitalism? As capitalism continues to disintegrate, this article looks at the egalitarian origins of money in ancient Greece for clues as to how we might transcend the whole money system.