2016 U.S. elections

On Voting- W.H. Glazer

An piece edited by W.H. Glazer of various opinions on voting from IWW members.

David Brooks is mad and it is funny

David Brooks is confirmed for mad

The rise of Donald Trump has severely damaged the viability of the pernicious socio-economic programs advocated by the likes of political moderates such as David Brooks.

Trump's impact: a fascist upsurge is just one of the dangers - Matthew Lyons

An article by Matthew Lyons that considers some of the discussion happening on the far right, far left and mainstream media on whether Donald Trump is a fascist.

Trumpism and the American Working Class

A suggestion for those hostile to Donald Trump's political platform, but have no faith in electoral politics.

Towards an anarchist perspective of the 2016 primaries

Bernie Sanders addresses a crowd in Portland, Oregon

While the Republicans undergo an identity crisis, Bernie Sanders has revealed that a shockingly large number of Americans think another world is possible.

Trumpism - Alexander Reid Ross

A series of articles on the politics of Donald Trump during his run for President of the United States.

On Trump, fascism, and stale social science - Matthew Lyons

Donald Trump's rise as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination set off a flurry of articles labeling him a fascist. These pieces -- which have appeared on sites as varied as Newsweek, Common Dreams, and CounterPunch -- are misguided. Calling Trump a fascist promotes a distorted understanding of fascism and obscures the fact that Trump's demagogic hate-mongering is deeply rooted in mainstream U.S. politics.

Trump: “anti-political” or right wing? - Matthew Lyons

Some leftists have declared recently that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is fundamentally “anti-political” rather than right wing. But the evidence they offer actually highlights the similarities between Trump and earlier right-wing populist candidates Patrick Buchanan and George Wallace. This debate also highlights the need to combat both Trump’s demagoguery and the political establishment he is railing against.

Weekend at Bernie’s

However fed up they may claim to be, a certain portion of the Left in the United States remains sympathetic if not outright loyal to the Democratic Party: Jurassic Marx's takedown of Berniemania.