- published: 07 Jul 2015
- views: 617
I valori della Resistenza e le ragioni dell'antifascismo concentrati in 4 minuti. * "Che cos'è l'ANPI?" è un'infografica realizzata da Kiné soc. coop. per l'ANPI di Colle Val d'Elsa. Per info sul video, contattate pure l'ANPI di Colle Val d'Elsa - mail: anpi.collevaldelsa@gmail.com - FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ANPI-Colle-di-Val-dElsa/218521234840086 Qui, invece,trovate Kiné: http://www.kine.it
di David Marceddu e Giulia Zaccariello
L'intervista a Lidia Menapace sul ruolo dell'Anpi e le recenti polemiche che hanno coinvolto i partigiani
Bologna, partigiani: "L'Anpi è la cosa più pulita che è rimasta nella politica italiana"
La riunione del direttivo Anpi ha ribadito ieri il no alla riforma e deciso di intensificare la campagna per il no (Giuseppe Ferrante)
#sognaragazzo, resisti 70°DELLA LIBERAZIONE FESTA NAZIONALE ANPI 30 maggio - 2 giugno | Carpi (MO) E TU COSA SOGNI? Raccontalo con un video su www.festa.anpi.it A 70 anni dalla Liberazione vogliamo mettere in luce la forte e appassionata continuità tra i sogni di ieri, dei combattenti per la libertà, e quelli di oggi, di giovani e adulti che ogni giorno, seppur in maniera diversa, resistono. www.anpi.it
What would you do
if it all came back to you?
Each crest of each wave
bright as lightning
What would you say
if you had to leave today?
leave everything behind
even though for once, you're shining
Standing on higher ground
when you hear the sounds
you realize it's just the wind
And you notice it matters
who and what you let under your skin
Put to the test
would you step back from the line of fire?
Hold everything back
all emotions set aside it
Convince yourself
someone else
and fight from the world
your lack of confidence.
What you choose to believe in
takes you much too far
takes you much too far
No one else around you
no one to understand you
no one to hear your calls.
Look through all your dark corners
you're backed up against the wall
step back from the line of fire
What would you do
if it all came back to you?
each crest of each wave
bright as the lightning
do the same as you do
do the same as you do
do the same as you
do the same as you
I do the same as you,
Do the same as you
do the same as you do
What you choose to believe in
takes you much too far
No one else around you
no one to understand you
no one to hear your calls.
Look through all your dark corners
you're backed up against the wall
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back from the line of fire
Step back
Step back