

Self Help Summitry and Class

Posted on 09 February 2011

In January, London’s School of Life held what it called “The Self Help Summit.” The Summit, culmination of years of psychotherapists’ frustration at what they call the Self Help Industry, brought together a remarkable range of (tongue very much in cheek) the usual suspects: Philippa Perry, Alain de Botton, Richard Wiseman, Mark Vernon, Frank Furedi, […] Continue Reading

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Simon Clifford, Sport Psychology, Steve Nichol

Meeting Simon Clifford

Posted on 08 February 2011

I don’t have heroes. Certainly, I don’t have footballing ones: any heroism that footballers have committed has been tangental to the actual game. Harry Gregg, yes. Bryan Robson, no. But for all that, there are people in football whose success I’ve an emotional commitment to. I haven’t often found myself around these people: it’s not […] Continue Reading

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Martin O'Neill, West Ham

Martin O’Neill at West Ham

Posted on 15 January 2011

UPDATE: I think the phrase is “overtaken by events”! I’ll leave this here as a period piece, but as things stand, O’Neill won’t ,after all, be going to West Ham. It’s unlikely that Grant will hang on regardless, but no subsequent appointment will hold half the interest of Martin O’Neill’s. This is harsh on Avram […] Continue Reading

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Merry Christmas from MTMG

Posted on 24 December 2010

Wishing you all warm fires, an unlimited supply of good wine and food, and whatever it is for you that would make all this splendid and memorable. Thank you for your superb company in 2010. Here comes 2011. Brace, brace, brace! Continue Reading

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1946-1985, Arsenal, Video

Colour Film of Highbury in 1956

Posted on 19 December 2010

Following on from our look at Billy Graham’s 1955 address to the BWA at Highbury, Phil Wilson (Doveson2008 of Flickr) sends word of colour FILM of Highbury in the form of a British Pathe newsreel from 1956. FOOTBALL BALL MANUFACTURE (aka FOOTBALL STORY) <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p> <p> Also featured are Webber Bros […] Continue Reading

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1946-1985, Arsenal

UPDATED: An Early Colour Photograph of Highbury

Posted on 17 December 2010

UPDATE: Doveson2008 kindly returned to the original slide, rescanned it and provided a great deal of additional information besides. Armed with that, Matthew and I have been able to pin down the exact time, date and occasion on which this photograph was taken. It’s c. 6.30pm on Friday, 22nd July 1955. The Baptist World Alliance […] Continue Reading

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