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The official account of the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit that operates .

San Francisco
Inscrit en octobre 2009

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  1. Adrianne "Awadewit" Wadewitz, a Wikipedia editor and friend, died two years ago today.

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    First-ever Wikimedia Hackathon at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee vía

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    We're a Database Administrator to improve the performance of our database infrastructure!

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    How a world of volunteers dove into the leaked Panama Papers – Wikimedia blog

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    The most common thing we've heard from editors tonight? "I'm having a lot of fun!"

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    The Wikipedia iPhone App
  8. As the court's phrasing appears to be more limited than we thought, we have corrected the blog post.

  9. As the court's phrasing appears to be more limited than we thought, we have corrected the blog post.

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    Our volunteers added women's history to at edit-a-thon! Explore their articles:

  11. Panama Papers on Wikipedia: 36 languages, 319 editors, 366k page views on Monday, 87 sources.

  12. Supreme Court of Sweden rules against for sharing photos of public art. A blow to .

  13. Supreme Court of Sweden rules against for sharing photos of public art in a blow to .

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    Minutes after the news broke, a world of volunteer Wikipedia editors dove into the .

  15. He reaches across continents: editing the Urdu Wikipedia from the Czech Republic.

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    Wikimedia Foundation holds its 'Hackathon' in Jerusalem

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    It's a sunny and beautiful day here in Jerusalem and people are coding everywhere!

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    It's getting late, but the industrious teams are working to enhance in the Jerusalem hackathon.

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