The Writing Life, Burnout, and What it Means to Keep Fighting

Ray Harkins interviews Will Potter for the podcast 100 Words or Less.

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I’ll Be Speaking at the Michigan Animal Law Symposium This Weekend

Will Potter will be speaking about why ag-gag laws are unconstitutional at the Michigan Animal Law Symposium on October 3rd.

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BREAKING: 2 Animal Activists Facing 6 Months in Jail for Protesting on the Sidewalk

In Utah, activists are facing 6 months in jail for holding signs and protesting an amusement park’s treatment of animals.

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Animal Activists’ Chalking Charges Have Been Dropped!

The criminal charges against four animal rights activists who chalked slogans on the public street have been dropped, and they’re now free to continue with their protests of a new animal testing lab.

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BREAKING: Idaho #AgGag Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional

Idaho’s “ag-gag” law has been struck down as an unconstitutional attempt by corporations to silence their critics who expose animal cruelty.

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Do you want to intern with Will Potter and

It took a literal intervention from the TED Fellows program and constant prodding from friends, but I’m finally doing this: I need an intern. Not a get-me-coffee intern (although that would be great! GIVE ME ALL THE COFFEES!), but someone who is passionate and wants to make a meaningful contribution to this work and the […]

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4 Activists Arrested for Chalking “Save the Animals”

Four animal rights activists now face multiple charges for allegedly writing slogans against animal testing on public street using sidewalk chalk.

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BREAKING: 2 Activists Accused of Freeing Animals are Charged as Terrorists

The FBI arrested two animal rights activists for allegedly freeing mink from fur farms and vandalizing property. The terrorism announcement comes days before the national animal rights conference.

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Democracy Now Covers SeaWorld’s Dirty Tricks

Amy Goodman interviews Will Potter about Sea World’s attempts to infiltrate PETA and provoke illegal activity, and how other companies have done the same.

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Sea World Employee Busted Infiltrating PETA

A Sea World employee has been posing for years as a PETA activist in an attempt to infiltrate animal rights protests against the failing company.

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