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29 Mar 2016 >> Action, News, Top story
Protest against Pegida in February

Anti-racists have called a counter protest for next weekend when ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson says he will return to Birmingham with his latest …

29 Mar 2016 >> Campaign material, News
Unity 14 cover

An interview with comedian Mark Thomas is the cover story in the March/April 2016 issue of Unity magazine, produced by UAF with the National Union of …

29 Mar 2016 >> Action, EDL unmasked, News, Top story
Anti-fascist Protesters in Rotherham last Saturday

Anti-fascists faced down fascist English Defence League (EDL) thugs in Rotherham last Saturday.
Rotherham Unite Against Fascism’s demonstration drew 70 people from South Yorkshire which matched …

28 Mar 2016 >> Comment, News, Top story
Anti-fascists in Liverpool

In response to the march by fascist group “The Nation” and football hooligan group “Casuals” on Easter Sunday during a period of mourning following the …

25 Mar 2016 >> Action, EDL unmasked, News
Anti-fascist protester in Rotherham

Unite Against Fascism will gather tomorrow (Saturday) in Rotherham, on Chapel Walk (past the mosque and next to Lidl supermarket), from 1.30pm. We are opposing …

23 Mar 2016 >> News

Following the Brussels attacks, anti-racist campaigners issued the following statements:
Sabby Dhalu, Stand up to Racism Co-Convenor said:
“We send heartfelt condolences to those that have lost …

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