Horace Mohler McGuire III, better known as “Butch” McGuire, age 73, a lifelong resident and educator in Madisonville and Sweetwater, passed away on Sept. 5, 2021 ... He was also the night duty staff chairman ... Other services included ... his wife, Betty Jo Crane McGuire; sister, MargieHancock; and parents, Dr. and Mrs. H.M. McGuire (Doc and Betty) ... to 4 p.m ... ....
PHOTOGRAPHER. FilePhoto... Shares0. Facebook. Tweet. Email ... Here are where the next meeting will take place ... 14, 6.30 p.m., MontPleasantNeighborhood Association at Mont Pleasant Library, 1036 Crane St ... That can be found at https.//docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfWAn1o_43hO44FP3BZAWEz4FN_4uHm5-WHn6OgZ4c6G_gOYg/viewform More from The Daily Gazette.. Docs.
Exactly 100 years ago this month the great Florida real estate boom took off, ushering in our unofficial state bird, the construction crane, which still thrives in flocks in Miami... Doc Dammers auctions property in Coral Gables from the back of a horse-drawn wagon ... Doc Dammers and the others who sold this community 100 years ago also saw no let-up.
While DOC wants to take Adult Basic Education, including GED programs, in house, it wants the college to continue providing work-based education programs, both of which TVCC has been providing under one contract ... “As such, the DOC will move forward to sunset the five community college contracts scheduled to expire Jan.
The holidays overflow with entertainments. Most are there to make you feel good. You don’t have to think too hard about what you see or experience. And then there’s “What If,” the new play from The MovingCompany...It’s a great act of empathy.” ... 29 ... The picks ... Doc Woods and Ankita Ashrit in “The Ever and After.”. Friday through Sunday at the CraneTheater ... .
EXCLUSIVE ...TMZ just got a copy of the doc, and and it reveals Dr. PaulCrane did the honors when Kim and Kanye's surrogate gave birth. Psalm arrived at 7.02 PM on May 9. Dr ... ....