About Australian Unions - ACTU Australian Unions

About Australian Unions



 “For me, unions are about uniting people with the same issue and who want to fight for social justice and equality.”

Marian Rakosi, early childhood educator and member of United Voice

Joining a union is your best way to protect your rights at work and the life you enjoy outside of work.

Union members are in a strong position to secure higher pay and better working conditions through collective bargaining. And it’s proven that having union members in the workplace can increase health and safety awareness by up to 70%.

As a member of an Australian Union you’ll get:

• Expert advice on wages, conditions and rights
• Assistance for workplace problems
• Access to union lawyers if you get hurt at work
• Extra benefits including low cost banking, loans, insurance and more

How you can get involved

If you want to stand up for your rights, we can help.


No matter what your job is or what business you work for, there’s a union for you. Membership fees are fully tax deductible and extra benefits can actually save you money.


Help unions stand up for our basic rights by making a donation to our campaigns. The more Australians we reach, the more rights we can help protect.


To show your support for the work Australian Unions are doing, sign up to our campaign online and we’ll be in touch with you about how you can get involved in campaign actions.

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