B U R E A U   O F   P U B L I C   S E C R E T S


Bureau Prehistory

Publications of three early San Francisco area situationist groups
Edited by Ken Knabb
1973. 90 pages
[How To Order]


Council for the Eruption of the Marvelous (1970)
In Honor of the Arrival of the Weathermen (critique of sacrificial militantism)
Billy Graham Presents (re the Chicago 8)
Fragmentary Opposition Is Like the Teeth of a Cogwheel
The Dance of Revolution
Is This Our Fate? (intervention in suburbia)
The End of CPE
You Are Wandering...
Godard in Berkeley (newspaper account of CEM disruption)
Address to Women’s Liberation
Gloria and Monica (pornographic comic)
“Great Moments in the Void” Trading Cards
On Wielding the Subversive Scalpel (pamphlet on tactics)
CEM Additions to On the Poverty of Student Life
1044 (1970)
Do We Need Snyder for Poet-Priest?
In This Theater...
“Hello, Men!” (balloon to paste on sexually manipulative ads)
Riot and Representation: The Significance of the Chicano Riot
          (pamphlet falsely signed “by Herbert Marcuse”)
Pamphlet Fake, Marcuse Says (newspaper article)
Ode on the Absence of Real Poetry Here This Afternoon
A Critique of “On Wielding the Subversive Scalpel” by One of Its Authors
What Subversion Really Is
Contradiction (1970-1972)
Bureaucratic Comix (re uprising in Poland)
Open Letter to John Zerzan, Anti-Bureaucrat of the S.F. Social Services Employees Union
According to the Situationists... (statement of general perspectives;
          virtually identical to the 1965 SI statement)
Wildcat Comics (re San Francisco cable car strike)
Still Out of Order (comic re telephone strike)
Open Letter to Good Times
Methods for the Communalization of Confusion (critique of “Anti-Mass”)
Critique of the New Left Movement (unpublished drafts):
          The Movement in General
          Antifascism and the Cybernetic Welfare State
          Yippies and Weathermen
          Communes and Collectives
          Women’s Liberation
On the Poverty of Hip Life (unpublished draft)


Bureau of Public Secrets, PO Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701, USA
  www.bopsecrets.org   knabb@bopsecrets.org