Aug 11

Thank god I shaved my arm pit hair today! How stupid would I have looked?!Click for full image

Jami Comments: I’m not witty, so here’s some man titty.
Published 1979

Click here for back cover

Actually, that cover IS a classical work of art!I would touch it without protective gloves.I've seen worse. Far, far, worse.Interesting, but I would still read it in public.Middlng: Neither awful nor awfully goodWould not like to be seen reading that!Awful... just awful...That belongs in a gold-lame picture frame!Gah... my eyes are burning! Feels so good!Good Show Sir! (Average: 5.31 out of 10)

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18 Responses to “Out of Time’s Abyss”

  1. Pat Says:

    “Are you sure you put the demon-repellent spray in your pocket? I can’t feel it.”


    “Which end am I supposed to stab him with? I’ve never used a knife before.”

  2. THX 1138 Says:

    “I know it’s meant to be good luck if a seagull drops one in your eye, but I’m not so sure about these guys!”

  3. Dead Stuff With Big Teeth Says:

    I’ve linked to the Project Gutenberg page for this book. The winged people and the Neolithic weapons are in the text, tho I can’t remember anything about marzipan mountaintops…

  4. A.R.Yngve Says:

    Here’s a quote from the actual book at Project Gutenberg:

    “Lord!” ejaculated Sinclair. “They are still there!” And he fell to his knees, sobbing.

    Not by William Burroughs, I swear, but Edgar Rice Burroughs.

  5. Jami Says:

    I always wonder with shirtless covers if chest hair is really hard to draw or something. Even romance novels involving werewolves tend to show the guy hairless. And this was drawn in the ’70s. Wasn’t being hairy a good thing back then and manscaping something in the distant future?

  6. NGpm Says:

    He is sure sure sure, that he can beat this thing.

  7. fred Says:

    Um, like, you know, maybe try aiming the pointy ends of those daggers at what’s trying to kill you?

  8. Tom Noir Says:

    @fred – maybe if she stopped trying to awkwardly cop a feel on Captain Shirtless there she’d be able to concentrate better on which side of the dagger is up.

  9. SI Says:

    Catalogue models under attack!

  10. David Cowie Says:

    And let’s not think too hard about Shirtless Man turning his back on Bikini Woman, while holding onto Winged Man’s long pole.

  11. Smith Says:

    Careful, you’ll have someone’s eye out with that!

  12. jerk of all trades Says:

    Which stone-age world of monsters, despotic inhumans, and hot desperate nearly-naked young women is Caspak again?

  13. Anti-Sceptic Says:

    The demon looks like he’s wearing Batman’s utility belt….Hey, maybe the man-bat guy was upset to find out there’s a guy going around trying to impersonate him by calling himself Batman. I wonder if Bruce Wayne has any bat-repellant? Oh wait, the other guy’s got the belt…

  14. Anti-Sceptic Says:

    The demon looks like he’s wearing Batman’s utility belt….Hey, maybe the man-bat guy was upset to find out there’s a guy going around trying to impersonate him by calling himself Batman. I wonder if Bruce Wayne there has any bat-repellant? Oh wait, the other guy’s got the belt…

  15. Anti-Sceptic Says:

    …stupid computer!

  16. Tom Noir Says:

    On further reflection, I gotta say: I would wield this cover on the bus with pride!

  17. A.R.Yngve Says:

    Seems no one ever thinks of using a *shield* in this kind of book…

  18. Tat Wood Says:

    Does possessing wings disqualify one for the pole-vault?

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