Archived: Articles and News Releases
May 2011

Moscow Pride: Police collude with neo-Nazis

Mayor Sobyanin favoured anti-gays with protest permit

Moscow gays to defy police & neo-Nazi threats

Gay Pride marchers risk arrest and violent attack

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Iran’s courageous students

Sign the petition, join the Global Day of Action

Moscow Mayor bans Gay Pride Parade, again!

Ban defies European Court ruling that the parade should be allowed

Obama says Bradley Manning is guilty, before he has been convicted

President prejudices the likelihood that Manning will receive a fair trial

Bahrain’s dictator Crown Prince feted by David Cameron

Downing Street’s welcome insults the victims of Bahraini repression

IDAHO 2011 - The Commonwealth colludes with homophobia

Shame! 46 of 54 Commonwealth countries outlaw homosexuality

Eurovision 2012 - Serious human rights abuses in Azerbaijan

Torture, homophobia, political prisoners & restricted freedom of expression

Bahrain – Sanctions now against King Al Khalifa's tyranny

UN, EU, US & UK must withdraw support from Bahraini regime

Support Bradley Manning - Human rights hero

Blowing the whistle on war crimes is no crime

Female genital mutilation – A crime against humanity

130 million women and girls have been mutilated

April 2011

Vote “Yes” to AV - Fair votes are a human rights issue

No more governments with a majority of seats based on a minority of votes

Queen urged: Scrap royal wedding invite to Saudi Prince

Saudi troops are aiding violent repression in Bahrain

Royal Wedding: Is monarchy past its sell-by date?

Monarchy is sexist, anti-Catholic, homophobic & by default racist

Royal Wedding - Card for Prince William & Kate Middleton

Lesbian and gay couples want the right to marry too

Arab protests spread to Iran - Peaceful marchers shot dead

Mass demos against ethnic, political, economic & cultural oppression

William and Kate can marry, gays can’t

Royal couple urged to support the right of gay couples to get married

Pub ban on gay kisses is illegal under equality laws

Much of London is gay-friendly but pockets of prejudice remain

Ten year gay blood ban is unjustified

One to six month exclusion is maximum needed to protect blood

Animal killer colludes with Mugabe tyranny

Boss of GoDaddy pays Zimbabwe regime to kill elephant

‘Gay Gandhi’ book banned in India

But Gandhi’s great grandson opposes censorship

Royal Wedding – Do you give a damn?

A 21st Century Royal Wedding: Monarchy, Class, History & Celebrity

March 2011

More Pakistani atrocities in occupied Balochistan

Victims tortured & executed. US / UK arm Pakistan

An Evening with Peter Tatchell - 5 April, Oval House

In conversation with Claire Armitstead of The Guardian

The alternative to the cuts =

How to raise £100+ billion & save our public services

Anti-cuts demo: Caroline Lucas not invited to speak. Why?

Unlike Labour, Greens consistently defend jobs & public services

Football Association must do more against homophobia

Call for renewed FA action to make football gay-friendly

February 2011

Gay marriage delay "unnecessary and disappointing"

Consultation not needed, public support marriage equality now

Postpone East London Gay Pride

Call for Muslims and LGBTs to unite against hate

Full pardon urged for gay offenders

Government plan will not "delete" gay sex convictions

Heterosexual couples to be allowed civil partnerships

The next logical step? End the ban on gay civil marriages

Bishop Derek Rawcliffe, 1921-2011

An appreciation by Peter Tatchell and Keith Rogers

Equal Love case filed to European Court of Human Rights

Eight couples - four gay & four straight - submit a joint legal appeal

Full Text - Equal Love application to European Court of Human Rights

Legal arguments by Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law

January 2011

David Kato - In Memoriam

Heroic campaigner for LGBTI freedom murdered in Uganda

UK Supreme Court discriminates against women and LGBTs

Titles for top judge's partners has sexist and homophobic bias

Christian hoteliers lose gay discrimination case

"Victory for equality, defeat for discrimination", says Peter Tatchell

Ibis hotel hosts 'gays must die' hate preachers

Islamist extremists urge 'death penalty' for lesbian and gay people

George Medal for Adan Abobaker

David Cameron urged to honour man who saved a drowning woman

Honours system is rotten. Reform it

Abolish all imperial and feudal titles

December 2010

Christian homophobes are wrong but should not be criminalised

Freedom of speech includes the right to say offensive things

European Court case launched for Equal Love

Formal application to the ECHR will take place in January

Equal Love appeal to European Court of Human Rights

Professor Robert Wintemute outlines the legal case for equality

Invitation: Equal Love launches legal action - 21 December

On the fifth anniversary of civil partnerships in England

Heterosexual civil partnership blocked in Aldershot

Legal challenge to be launched on 21 December in London

Scott Long and the fake Muslim identity?

‘Zayed Salloum’ invented to praise Long & attack Tatchell?

Student protests - A police riot?

Some officers were out of control, peaceful protesters bashed

Hands off WikiLeaks and Julian Assange

Exposing US government abuses is the morally right thing to do

Straight couple denied civil partnership in London

Next stage: legal action in the courts in late December

Fourth gay marriage bid rejected - Greenwich says no

Banning gay couples is like banning black couples. It's wrong!

Lesbian marriage bid - Humiliation in Hampshire

Register office staff unhelpful, dismissive & obstructive

November 2010

Heterosexual civil partnership refused in Bristol

Battle for straight equality will continue in the courts

Volte-face on condoms by previously hardline Pope

Catholic spin doctors are wrong to deny a change of Papal policy

UN vote against sexual orientation protection is "shameful"

Comfort to homophobes, green light to homophobic murder

Same-sex marriage application refused

Banning gay marriage violates the Human Rights Act

Heterosexual couple refused a civil partnership

Equal Love campaign opposes the exclusion of straight couples

Heterosexual equality bid backed by OutRage!

Tom & Katherine defy straight civil partnership ban

Gay marriage bid rejected

Lesbian couple will now take legal action

Gay marriage bid by lesbian couple

New attempt to end sexual orientation discrimination

October 2010

Islamist radicalisation at British universities

A Quilliam Foundation report. Study highlights intimidation of women, Jewish, gay and Muslim students

‘Equal Love’ campaign launched
Gay marriage & straight civil partnerships, OutRage! urges

'Equal Love' campaign - End sexuality discrimination
Legal challenge to ban on gay marriage & straight civil partnerships

Gay Russians win in European Court

Moscow mayor declared to have acted illegally. Gay Pride parade must be allowed in Moscow, says Court

Stonewall gay marriage survey “flawed”

Marriage equality question buried in long list. Question is headed civil partnerships, not gay marriage. Survey method is “biased and unethical”

Why no economic democracy?

Peter Tatchell says democratising economic decision-making is the key to a fairer, more stable economy

A gay revolution that subverted traditional gender roles

Forty years ago, the Gay Liberation Front challenged society's gender system

David Cameron isolated on gay marriage

Clegg and Miliband support same-sex marriage. Boris Johnson backs marriage equality for gay couples

Blue Plaque for Peter Tatchell

Sir Ian McKellen unveils Tatchell blue plaque. Award for 43 years of human rights activism

September 2010
BBC gay report is “flawed progress”

Some gay issues still not addressed

Archbishop Williams says gay bishops are OK

But he blocked gay cleric Jeffrey John. Rowan Williams is inconsistent and hypocritical

Tide is turning in favour of same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage is an idea whose time has come. It is the growing trend all over the world, from Canada to South Africa and Argentina.

Stonewall undermines gay marriage campaign

Ben Summerskill suggests marriage equality would cost too much

World's biggest Pope protest

20,000 march in London against Papal intolerance

Pope cover up of gay Cardinal Newman

Letters reveal Newman loved Father Ambrose St. John. “He was my earthly light...I was his first and last,” wrote Newman