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Toolkit for OHS Reps

All our resources are free. Checkout our toolkit for help with asbestos registers, body mapping, "How To's", checklists

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OHS Law can be overwhelming. We've broken it down for you.

Find the relevant part of the OHS Act and how to use it.

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Events & Hot Topics

HSR Initial OHS Training Course - Ringwood

28 Mullum Mullum Road Ringwood

Monday 9 May 2016


HSR Initial OHS Training Course


Monday 9 May 2016


Asbestos Awareness Week

Asbestos free Australia

The last week in Nov is Asbestos Awareness Week - working towards an Asbestos-free Australia is as important as ever. Read more

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Wintery blues

hot topic winter blues

Cold weather, like the heat, brings its own potential problems at work. Read about the cold, 'presenteeism' and infectious diseases.

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Working in heat

In the summer time ohs warning

As usual our summer weather is unpredictable, and we are now experiencing a heat wave. Employers have a duty to all employees. Find out what your employer should be doing when the weather is hot.

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Right to Training

Training is your right

HSRs are have the right to attend training of their choice. Find out more and register.

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