New Internationalist


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If Google and Facebook can flip elections does code now rule the real world?

Internet users used to be worried about government control of the web but the opposite may be true, writes Chris Spannos

Filed in: Media Society Technology United States

Mostafa's story

One man’s inspiring but disturbing journey to become a rickshaw rider in Bangladesh. Photos by Ana Norman Bermudez.

Filed in: Bangladesh Disability Photography Work

Making waves: Kholoud Waleed

Dario Sabaghi talks to Kholoud Waleed about her battle for freedom of speech in Syria.

Filed in: Media Syria

‘I’m talking about disruption’

Rapper and poet Saul Williams talks to Chris Garrard about politics, prisoners and the power of imprecision.

Filed in: Music Politics Race

Facebook and India: Introducing a digital caste system

The social media behemoth is seeking a massive digital ‘land grab’ to enclose the future of the country’s internet, writes Chris Spannos.

Filed in: India Media

David Bowie and me

How the artist helped to change Chris Brazier’s life.

Filed in: Art Culture Music

Brazil, don't panic. Capitalism has an unfixable bug

Capitalism is falling across the globe, not just in the South American country, argues Bruno De Oliveira.

Filed in: Brazil Economics Media

The face behind the PKK story

Every journalist who’s visited the PKK’s mountain stronghold in recent years knows Zagros Hiwa, reports Karlos Zurutuza.

Filed in: Culture Iran Iraq Kurdistan Language Turkey

The Unreported Year

Stories you might have missed in 2015. Compiled by Jo Lateu.

Filed in: Media

The death of racism and the myth of white supremacy

Rapper and campaigner Akala in conversation with Dan Glazebrook.

Filed in: Music Race Society

Freer than the wind – the art of Ai Weiwei

Hannah Garrard visits the Chinese dissident artist’s exhibition at London’s Royal Academy.

Filed in: Art China

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