No Trend – Teen Love E.P. 7″


Nihilistic. Monotonous. In theory I shouldn’t like this. I have a hard time with bands like Flipper, Butthole Surfers etc. I would like to like them cause they all seem cool and crazy. Why I dig No Trend is beyond me. It’s the same with New Zealands Gordons. Some of this “non happening” music ticks and some don’t.

Country: USA
Year: 1983
Label: No Trend
Format: 7″
Mass Sterilization Caused By Venereal Disease.mp3
Teen Love.mp3

Posted in 1983 | 3 Comments

Toys – My Mind Wanders E.P. 7″

toys_my_mind_wanders_front (542x600)toys_my_mind_wanders_back (556x600)

My mind wanders!!! My mind wanders!!! My mind wanders!!! My mind wanders!!!
It can be one of the best songs ever written on a lot of days! So insanely catchy, so very British, so very much the perfect example of what I like to call UK DIY. The lyrics to the chorus with the line “and I wonder my darling, how much truth do you want?” might be the best damn lyrics ever written together with the second verse in Another girl another planet. At least they really speak to me and the situation I’m in right now.

All in all this debut from the Toys is a really beautiful EP and even if the other tracks don’t live up to the high standard of My mind wanders I still really like them as they’re all really good songs. I’d do anything for you is pretty much a perfect love song with simple yet effective lyrics and a great melody. The other two tracks are longer, but still really good, even if they might fall out of the power pop category and into straight pop as they’re not too power filled.

The band did a second EP in 1980 that has another superduper hit in Blanket to blanket, and I know Peter have another opinion, but I think the other three tracks on that EP are almost equally good as the obvious hit song. And I have to say that the singer, Gez, is really talanted! Again, he’s really talanted! Emotional, driving and a nice sense for melodies. And he hits all the notes without breaking a sweat. And the lyrics are in general really well-written to top it off. Steve LDK just told me that he later on worked as some sort of speach writer for Tony Blair so there you go.

Country: UK
Year: 1979
Label: Provisional EMI Recording Company
Format: 7″
My mind wanders.mp3
The girl on my wall.mp3
I’d do anything for you.mp3

Posted in 1979 | 1 Comment

Horforstaelse – Forlast javel 7″


A true classic here, and I’m 100% sure that everyone already love it and know it by heart, but I still want to post it despite that. You know, just because it need to be here. A compilation LP of everything they recorded is in the works by the American label Captured Tracks, and I’m really looking forward to the comp as the live clips online are very promising as you can see in this bone crushing version of Forlast javel with what sounds like improvised lyrics. If you understand Swedish, or just wanna see more of the band there’s a full documentary about them called Samsta bandet ever (Worst band ever) that I’m sure you can find online somewhere. Last thing, the drum intro here!!!

Country: Sweden
Year: 1980
Label: CTR
Format: 7″
Forlast javel.mp3
Forlast javel dub.mp3

Posted in 1980 | 5 Comments

Thin Yoghurts – Girl On The Bus 7″

I just don’t know what to write here… I’ll give it a try none the less as we don’t really see any posts from Peter’s lazy ass here, and someone got to keep the site going as the demand for punk records is higher than ever before in the year of the good lord, 2016.

The name of this band is just as good as their songs and everything about this record makes me so happy. I do like being happy, it’s just that I ain’t happy that often. So joy with me & these Cumbrians who’ve already been hyped to death elsewhere over the years.

By the way, anyone who’s got the Them Philistines EP from 83 & wanna let me hear it? And for those of you who don’t know why I ask that in a Thin Yoghurt post I’m happy to say that that’s the band that came after the yoghurts as a result of a sad incident.

And by the way, the site’s been going for 10  years now, happy happy joy joy!

Country: UK
Year: 1980
Label: Lowther Street Runner
Format: 7″
Girl on the bus.mp3
Drink problem.mp3

Posted in 1980 | 11 Comments

Lixomania – Violência & Sobrevivência E.P. 7″


So let’s follow the hardcore influenced TST with another hardcore influenced band, but this time from Brazil. And here the influences are way more in the open, but for being a Brazilian wax(ing) I’d say that this is a teeny tiny bit more on the traditional punk side, at least compared to Inocentes, Olho Seco, Colera etc. Or maybe no, it’s all out war fucking hardcore! At least on the vocals, but musically I still say that this is more on the punk than the hardcore side of the fence. It doesn’t really matter though as I really love this EP despite my fading interest in hardcore. I think it’s because I’m getting older and hardcore is music for the kids. Two more years and I’ll be posting nada nada nada but evergreens here…

Country: Brazil
Year: 1982
Label: Not On Label
Format: 7″
Violência & Sobrevivência.mp3
Massacre Inocente.mp3
O Punk Rock Não Morreu.mp3
Zé Ninguém.mp3
Os Punks Também Amam.mp3

Posted in 1982 | 4 Comments