Six men charged over Islamic film protest

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Six men have been charged after violent protests in Sydney over an anti-Islamic film.

The demonstrators had marched from Town Hall to Martin Place on Saturday afternoon before confronting police outside the US consulate.

Some protesters allegedly threw glass bottles and other missiles at police, forcing officers to use capsicum spray during a melee that led to six police and 17 others being injured.

Seven men and one male youth were arrested, with six men so far charged with offences including assaulting police and animal cruelty.

A 29-year-old man remains in custody and will appear in Parramatta Local Court on Sunday, charged with affray and breaching bail.

The other five have been granted bail and will face court next month.

A 24-year-old man has been charged with having an offensive weapon in a public place and will appear in Downing Centre Local Court on October 8.

Three men, aged 23, 40 and 43, have been charged with resisting police and will appear in Downing Centre Local Court on October 15.

And a 38-year-old man will face the same court on October 16, charged with committing an act of animal cruelty.

A seventh man is awaiting charging, while a 15-year-old youth has been issued with a caution for offensive behaviour.

Two injured officers from the Australian Federal Police and a NSW Police officer have been released from St Vincent's Hospital.

NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell and Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione will address the media on Sunday morning.