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The Crushed Pineapple

Nova Weetman returns to scenes from her childhood – and instantly regrets it.

A Writer’s Silence

Omar J. Sakr learns to deal with the silence that comes with freelancing.

Crossing the Nullarbor: Part Three

The dramatic finale to poet Omar J. Sakr's ambitious drive across Australia.


Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.



Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

Working, Thinking

I feel like I have been drawing this drawing forever. Which is utter nonsense because I only started it last week … perhaps the week before. But I’m at that point...

Ben Pobjie Reviews His Audience

Comedian Ben Pobjie steps offstage to review and rate his audience at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Audience: Ben Pobjie’s Trigger Warning Venue: The Forum, Melbourne International Comedy Festival...

The Latest from The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge:

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

there are important incongruities

here – the bellbird’s “pip” there – overhead, a helicopter churns nostrils flowering with eucalyptus metal mimicking the ocean wash after relentless wash of cars on highway. only a...

Two People Write Letters to each Other about Things That Happen While They are Travelling in Different Countries Even Though, Sometimes, Not a Lot Actually Happens: Part II

Buddies Oliver Mol and GDS deputy ed Katia Pase revive the epistolary form by writing to each other – across continents. Dear Oliver, I’m writing you from a national park...

Why Do You Write Poetry? – Pi O

And still we persist in pestering poets with pernicious impositions, imposing puzzles upon their persons and imploring they impart their purpose in poetry. This month it’s .O.’s turn: one...

Why Do You Write Poetry? – Kevin Brophy

Once a month, writer, comic artist and past Going Down Swinging editor Adam Ford will track down a poet and accost them with the trickiest of questions: ‘Why do...