Gotьskoje čьtenie (gothic language)
Kakve veze imahu Slověni(
Slaveni) s Gotima?
Oko 250. godine Gospodnje prodru u našu (slověnsku) pradomovinu
Goti. Uskoro se nasele na sjeverozapadnim crnomorskim obalama. Bili su naši susjedi preko sto godina i mnogo puta napadahu na nas (gledaj.
Iordanes, De origine et actibusque Getarum tj.
Jordan: O podrijetlu i djelima Gota). Protiv njihova nasilja i nadvlade ustao je oko 370 godine Gospodnje slověnski starješina imena Bož ( Boz nomine). Počeci ustanka bijahu uspješni, no Goti uspješno zatru ovaj ustanak. (Ostro)Gotske su snage predvodili vojdkovođe Hairmanareiks i Vinithar. Boža su zajedno sa 70 slověnskih starješina za primjer drugima objesili/odnosno pribili na križ. Uskoro, 375. g. Gospodnje, na Gote s istoka napadoše
Huni, a iznutra po svoj prilici svi podloženi narodi, pa tako i Slověni. Ako koga zanima više o tome, preporučujem da pročita djelo O podrijetlu i djelima Gota. Djelo je na latinskom jeziku dostupno na
.html , a o navedenim događajima govori glava
U slověnski jezik u tih +- 115 godina uđe mnogo gotizama. (Neki stavljaju prve dodire Gota i Slověna još u 1. st. pr. Kr., dok su Goti još živjeli u svojoj pradomovini, na području današnje Švedske ). Takva je posuđenica npr. hrv. hlijeb, a to iz praslavenskog *hlěbъ, a to pak iz gotskog hlaifs (genitiv je hlaibis, čita se hlebis). Druga takva posuđenica hrv. knez iz praslavenskog *kъnędzь, a ta iz gotskog ili čak iz pragermanskog *kunningaz, usporediti još suvremeni visokonjemački j. König i engleski king.
Na snimci je prikaz tog jezika. Radi se o čitanju iz Blagovijesti po
Marku 1,1-11 iz Wulfilinog gotskog prijevoda Svetog Pisma, što je ujedno i najstariji zapis gotskog i nekog germanskog jezika i to iz 4. stol. Nadam se da ćete uživati u zvuku gotskog jezika.
What do
Goths have to do with
Around 250. AD Goths went trough
Slavic homeland.
Soon after that they settled on northwestern coast of
Black Sea. They were neighbours of Slavs over hundred years and they attacked our ancestors many times (read Iordanes,
De origine actibusque Getarum, that is On the origin and deeds of Goths). In around 370. AD Slavs rose against their opresors , the Goths.
Uprising was lead by elder Bozh. At first Slavs were stronger than Goths, but later on Goths subdued them again. (Ostro)gothic forces were lead by Hairmanareiks and Vinithar. Bozh, along with 70 other elders was either hanged or crucified to make an example for the future. Soon, in 375. AD Goths were attacked by Huns from the
East. Iti s possible that nation's subdued by Goths took this chance to liberate themselvs aswell.
If You would like to learn more about this I recomand reading On the origins and deeds of Goths.
Work is avalible online in latin language: . About uprising read chapter XLVIII.
In these 115 or so years many words of gothic language camed into (proto)slavic language. ( Some argue that first contacts between Slavs and Goths started already in 1. century BC, when Goths still lived in their homeland, modern southern
Sweden). Some borrowed words from gothic to slavic is for example slavic *hlěb from gothic hlaifs (genitive formi s Hlaibis), it means bread, english cognate of the word is loaf. Another word is slavic *knędz ( rusian knyaz, croatian knez, polish książe), that comes from gothic or rather germanic kunningaz, Compare also german König and english king.
This video shows sample of that language.
It's about reading
Mark's Gospel 1,1-11 from Wulfillas gothic translation of the
Holy Bilble. It's the oldest written text that we posses of any germanic language. I hope you will like the sound of gothic language.