- published: 04 Nov 2012
- views: 259870
ReBoot is a Canadian CGI-animated action-adventure cartoon series that originally aired from 1994 to 2001. It was produced by Vancouver-based production company Mainframe Entertainment, Alliance Communications, BLT Productions and created by Gavin Blair, Ian Pearson, Phil Mitchell and John Grace, with the visuals designed by Brendan McCarthy after an initial attempt by Ian Gibson.
It was the first half-hour, completely computer-animated TV series.
Reruns of the first three seasons can be seen in Canada on Teletoon Retro, and the first two seasons are available on Netflix's streaming service in the US.
According to staff in Fast Forward: The Making of ReBoot, the process to create ReBoot began in the 1980s, but, although the idea had largely been devised, technology was not yet advanced enough to make the show in the desired way. 3D animation tests began in earnest in 1990 and ReBoot had achieved its detailed look by 1991. Production continued on future episodes and the show aired in 1994 after enough episodes had been produced. This was a painstaking process, as no other company had at this time worked on a 3D animation project of this scale and the software used was new to all in the company.