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Website of the Committee for a Workers' International

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latest 100 articles:

28/03/2016: Britain: A new moment
26/03/2016: Ireland: 100th anniversary of Easter 1916 Rising
26/03/2016: History: When Khrushchev denounced Stalin
25/03/2016: Britain: Socialist Party national congress 2016
24/03/2016: China : Twin meetings, mass layoffs and failed reforms
23/03/2016: Belgium: Brussels terror bombings
23/03/2016: Brazil rocked by deep crisis
22/03/2016: 11th CWI World Congress: World Perspectives
22/03/2016: Germany: Big gains for right-wing, nationalist, AfD in state elections
18/03/2016: US: Sanders needs to run as an independent in November
18/03/2016: France : Up to half a million on streets to stop new labour law
16/03/2016: Kazakhstan: European Parliament condemns treatment of political prisoners
16/03/2016: China: Miners’ strike while People’s Congress discusses mass redundancies
14/03/2016: Ireland: Establishment parties hit a wall of anger
11/03/2016: Britain: A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate
10/03/2016: Refugee crisis
09/03/2016: European Union: Alliance with Turkey to close borders
08/03/2016: Germany: Between hatred and solidarity
07/03/2016: International Women’s Day
04/03/2016: Sanders campaign at a crossroads
03/03/2016: Ireland South: Voters reject ’two-and-a-half party system’
01/03/2016: Turkey: No intervention in Syria! Stop the war on the Kurds!
29/02/2016: Ireland: Government routed in general election
27/02/2016: China: Crisis set to deepen
26/02/2016: US: Nevada Goes to Clinton – Sanders Looks to Super Tuesday
25/02/2016: South Africa: Worker and student protests intensify
24/02/2016: Britain - EU referendum: Vote OUT the Tories
23/02/2016: Ireland: Successful AAA-PBP electoral rally in Dublin
20/02/2016: Five years on from the “Arab Spring”
19/02/2016: Italy: Roman politics riddled with scandal
18/02/2016: Israel/Palestine: Over 140 attend successful ‘Socialism Conference’
17/02/2016: India: A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva
17/02/2016: Greece: Farmers occupy central Athens over pensions bill
16/02/2016: Turkey: State’s massacre in Cizre
15/02/2016: CWI 11th World Congress: South Asia wracked by instability
15/02/2016: Britain: Lack of strategy and exclusions threaten ‘Momentum’
13/02/2016: US: Bernie’s political revolution opens new era for American politics
13/02/2016: CWI 11th World Congress 2016: Women and oppression in class society
12/02/2016: CWI 11th World Congress: Upheaval of traditional European political framework
12/02/2016: Ireland North: Hundreds protest against manufacturing destruction
11/02/2016: 11th CWI World Congress: A World in turmoil
10/02/2016: Hong Kong: ‘Fishball Revolution’!
09/02/2016: Ethiopia: Hunger and deadly repression
09/02/2016: Greece: Powerful general strike opposes cuts to pensions
08/02/2016: Africa: New political storms and mass struggles
08/02/2016: India: Rising class struggle reflects seething anger of working class
08/02/2016: World relations, economy and the class struggle
07/02/2016: Spain: A break in the political establishment
06/02/2016: US: #Movement4Bernie Takes Off Around the Country
04/02/2016: Brazil: Devastating outbreak of Zika virus
04/02/2016: Pakistan: PIA strike continues despite state repression
03/02/2016: US: Iowa results reveal crisis of establishment politics - Sanders and Clinton tie
03/02/2016: Japan: Social and political unease after “twenty lost years”
02/02/2016: Greece: Workers strike at Contitech-IMAS factory
02/02/2016: World Economy: Capitalism buffeted by choppy waters
01/02/2016: Egypt: Fifth anniversary of heroic revolutionary uprising
31/01/2016: India: Justice for Rohit Vemula
29/01/2016: Britain: Fractured politics
22/01/2016: Tunisia: Suicide of unemployed youth sparks new wave of protests
21/01/2016: China: Kidnapping and TV show-trials
20/01/2016: Venezuela: Right-wing landslide
19/01/2016: Leningrad: ‘Hero City’
19/01/2016: Britain: Police infiltration of Socialist Party exposed
15/01/2016: US: Socialist response to State of the Union 2016
14/01/2016: China: Financial turmoil spreads fear across global markets
14/01/2016: South Africa: Campus workers strike against outsourcing
12/01/2016: Britain: Steps towards setting up Trade Union Momentum
11/01/2016: Scotland: Politicians have a choice
07/01/2016: Sweden/Denmark: Closing borders
06/01/2016: Pakistan: Nestle workers solidarity campaign update
05/01/2016: 2016: Crisis-ridden capitalism will meet with bitter mood of resistance
05/01/2016: Taiwan: Solidarity urged for insurance workers’ strike
04/01/2016: China 2015: A year of unnatural disasters
01/01/2016: Britain: Corbyn’s supporters want resistance against the right
29/12/2015: Review: Alexandra Kollontai
27/12/2015: Review: Revisiting Animal Farm
25/12/2015: Review: Charlie Chaplin
23/12/2015: Spain: Elections mark shift to the Left
23/12/2015: Environment: A world of change
21/12/2015: Pakistan: Hundreds protest against religious extremism and increased intolerance
21/12/2015: Ireland North:Court rules abortion laws contravene human rights
19/12/2015: China: Regime cracks down on labour activists
18/12/2015: Kazakhstan: Fourth Anniversary of Zhanaozen oil workers massacre.
18/12/2015: Climate Conference: Empty cheers after Paris agreement
18/12/2015: Environment: Powerful Paris protests
17/12/2015: Pakistan: Health workers on the move
16/12/2015: Venezuela: Elections – who won and who lost?
15/12/2015: Pakistan: Religious extremism, military operations and increased intolerance
14/12/2015: Pakistan: Solidarity with locked-out Nestle workers
14/12/2015: Côte d’Ivoire : Ouattara reelected in a “frighteningly quiet” atmosphere
11/12/2015: Quebec: Biggest general strike in the province’s history
10/12/2015: Environment: "Save our planet from capitalism!"
08/12/2015: Quebec: Public sector strike
07/12/2015: France: Le Pen’s party takes the lead in regional elections
07/12/2015: Global climate struggle - capitalism is the enemy
07/12/2015: Pakistan: Release Muhammad Hussain Bhatti, CBA Kabir Wala factory union President
05/12/2015: Environment: Socialism or ecological catastrophe
05/12/2015: World relations, economy and the class struggle
04/12/2015: Britain: After the vote in parliament to bomb Syria

Ireland: 100th anniversary of Easter 1916 Rising

26/03/2016, Cillian Gillespie, Socialist Party (CWI Ireland)

A revolt against imperial power and war

Britain: A new moment

28/03/2016, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), published in April 2016 issue of Socialism Today

Extracts from a statement discussed at the Socialist Party’s recent congress

History: When Khrushchev denounced Stalin

26/03/2016, Niall Mulholland, from Socialism Today (April 2016 issue of the monthly journal of Socialist Party, England & Wales)

1956 ‘secret speech’ a devastating blow to Stalinist regimes

Britain: Socialist Party national congress 2016

25/03/2016, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) reporters

A serious, thoughtful, optimistic and lively national congress of the Socialist Party took place from 19-21 March.

China : Twin meetings, mass layoffs and failed reforms


Discussion on what is happening in China

Belgium: Brussels terror bombings

23/03/2016, Linkse Socialistische Partij/Parti Socialiste de Lutte (CWI Belgium)

Oppose terrorism, war and poverty

Brazil rocked by deep crisis

23/03/2016, Marcus Kollbrunner, LSR (CWI in Brazil)

Dilma’s government brought to brink of collapse

11th CWI World Congress: World Perspectives


Amended agreed version of the World Perspectives document agreed by the CWI’s 11th World Congress

Germany: Big gains for right-wing, nationalist, AfD in state elections

22/03/2016, Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany)

DIE LINKE (Left Party) urgently needs to change course

US: Sanders needs to run as an independent in November

18/03/2016, Calvin Priest, Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in USA)

Continuing the Political Revolution

France : Up to half a million on streets to stop new labour law

18/03/2016, Leila Messaoudi, Gauche Revolutionnaire (CWI in France)

Will there be a general strike against the Valls-Hollande government ?

Kazakhstan: European Parliament condemns treatment of political prisoners

16/03/2016, CWI reporters

Basic rights must be respected

China: Miners’ strike while People’s Congress discusses mass redundancies

16/03/2016, Dikang,

Thousands march in Heilongjiang province opposing job cuts.

Ireland: Establishment parties hit a wall of anger

14/03/2016, By Cillian Gillespie and Ruth Coppinger MP, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) members

Political crisis looms

Britain: A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate

11/03/2016, Clive Heemskerk, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

For a socialist, working class no campaign

Refugee crisis

10/03/2016, Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales)

Cruel capitalist regimes responsible

European Union: Alliance with Turkey to close borders

09/03/2016, Per-Ãke Westerlund, from Offensiv - the weekly paper of Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden)

Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

Germany: Between hatred and solidarity

08/03/2016, By Sascha Stanicic, Sozialistische Alternative (CWI in Germany)

The situation in Germany

International Women’s Day

07/03/2016, Clare Doyle, CWI

Working women’s fight for a world without oppression

Sanders campaign at a crossroads

04/03/2016,, US

Bernie’s political revolution will be strangled if it remains imprisoned within the corporate-controlled Democratic Party.

committee for a workers' international
PO Box 3688, London E11 1YE, Britain
Tel: ++ 44 20 8988 8760
Fax: ++ 44 20 8988 8793

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