16:56 GMT +3 hours30 March 2016
Guantanamo Bay

White House Has No Plans to Send Detained Daesh Terrorists to Guantanamo

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Washington has no plans send detained terrorists to the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay or to detain individuals for the long-term, according to a senior US administration official.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The White House has no intention to send any captured Islamic State (IS, or Daesh) terrorists to the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a senior US administration official told Sputnik on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, US Congresswoman Jackie Walorski introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that calls for detaining captured Daesh fighters at Guantanamo, coming just days after a similar legislation was proposed in the Senate.

"We have no plans to send detained terrorists to Gitmo or to detain individuals for the long-term," the official said. "We have not sent any detainees to Gitmo during the entire Obama administration and will not start now."

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