12:34 GMT +3 hours10 April 2016
A strong earthquake has occurred near Vanuatu in the Pacific, USGS reported.

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes South Pacific Archipelago of Vanuatu

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A strong earthquake has occurred near the island nation of Vanuatu in the Pacific, USGS reported.

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Vanuatu, the United States Geological Service reported.

​According to USGS, the earthquake occurred 109 kilometers (67 miles) west of the Sola village, the capital of Torba Province in Vanuatu.

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The Vanuatu islands are part of the so-called Ring of Fire — a horseshoe-shaped region in the Pacific Ocean formed by volcanoes and tectonic faults. Ninety percent of all earthquakes occur in the Ring.

No tsunami warning has been reported.

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earthquake, US Geological Survey (USGS), Vanuatu
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